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Looking for Baking Flour and Brown Sugar in Palermo

Hey Katy! You can find them at any supermarket.

For bread, look for harina 000, which is a refined wheat flour with gluten. I usually go for Morixe or Cañuelas.

For baking, you'll need harina 0000, which is even more refined than 000. Same brands work for this too.

You can also check out "dietéticas", which are small stores that sell ingredients by weight, including different types of flour. They often have a good selection!
Hey! I’m jumping in here to ask if anyone knows where to get sourdough starter? I think it’s called masa madre here? Any tips would be awesome, thanks!
I’ve been baking sourdough bread for years and always used flours from the Chacabuco brand (000 or special for sourdough). For rye flour, it's called harina de centeno, and you can find it in most health food stores. Kimm is right, it’s definitely better to shop at these stores, called dietéticas here, rather than the supermarket. They usually have everything you need for your baking!
Brown sugar can also be referred to as "azúcar mascabo" or "azúcar negra." Unfortunately, you'll have to experiment with different types to find the one that suits your needs best. Non-chain dietéticas often have more natural products. As for the brown sugar you find in supermarkets and some dietéticas, the quality can be hit or miss (sometimes it feels like just white sugar with color added). For better quality, I recommend checking out more trusted dietéticas. I like Tienda Nova, which has several locations around the city.
