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Food & Drink Los Galgos San Nicolas


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The truth is that if you want to eat well and be well served, this is undoubtedly the place to go... The potato omelette and the fritters are a delight that the palate does not forget easily. You will want to come back and delight yourself with those flavors that make their cuisine an unforgettable experience.

Many local specialty coffee shops resemble Brooklyn more than Buenos Aires, but Los Galgos revives the city's nostalgic café culture for the modern era. Located in a revived historic corner space in Tribunales that dates back to the 1930s, the cafe serves a well-made cortado, plus excellent food all day long. Toasted ham and cheese sandwiches attract courthouse workers for breakfast. Then a raucous crowd piles in for hearty fried Milanese lunch with fried eggs and Russian salad, or scrambled gramajo. Cocktail aficionados travel from far and wide to enjoy pre-dinner appetizers and plates of chopped charcuterie.

This is my second time, we went there for dinner. It is a typical bodegón but with excellent gastronomy, we ate spinach fritters (a delight) and a peceto milanesa a caballo that is a delight. The service is excellent. Undoubtedly a place to come back and come back.