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Politics Macri arrives in Buenos Aires today with the intention of meeting hand in hand with Milei and ordering the PRO internal - Infobae


Macri arrives in Buenos Aires today with the intention of meeting hand in hand with Milei and ordering the PRO internal - Infobae



February 19, 2024

The former president returns from Cumelén. A meeting is planned before the Head of State travels to the US. Bullrich also plans to see Macri to settle the partisan armed conflict. The minister also travels to Washington D.C.

By Robertino Sánchez Flecha

Javier Milei, president of the Nation, and Mauricio Macri, former President, evaluate meeting alone in the coming days

Mauricio Macri and Javier Milei chat and talk on the phone every week. They do not have intermediaries . Communication is direct between them and is off the agenda. When the President has any concerns, he calls the former president. And vice versa. But personally they saw each other very rarely . There is a record of three meetings in the last year, two in which the founder of the PRO played at home and received the libertarian economist invited by Patricia Bullrich . And a third episode was in 2023, days before the second electoral round against Sergio Massa, at the house of a journalist known to both. It is not new that they communicate, although it is new that they meet in person. That's a possibility in the making this week .

Since they met at Bullrich's request, Macri and Milei established a fluid bond in a very personalized way. The President consults the creator of the PRO on a regular basis to ask for advice on management, politics and the use of power. The former Head of State gives suggestions, although with caution not to be imperative. He even comments to his circle of trust that the libertarian leader listens but little applies the ideas that Macri brings to him.

There is a central theme that drives the summit between Macri and Milei. On the one hand, the idea of beginning to design a convergence between the PRO and La Libertad Avanza in order to strengthen the parliamentary scheme of the ruling party. It is a project that germinates with the horizon in the legislative elections of 2025. In practice, both blocks already act in concert, although they are not formally integrated.


Mauricio Macri arrives today in Buenos Aires from Cumelén with the intention of meeting with Javier Milei (EFE/ Juan Ignacio Roncoroni)
Although the former Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires is a frequent advisor, he knows that the President, using his will, does not always take his suggestions. A leading leader in the PRO evaluated before this medium that Milei “ listens too much ” to Santiago Caputo , presidential advisor and strategist, and Nicolás Posse , Chief of Staff of the Nation. Macri disagrees with some aspects of the political view that comes from a group of libertarian officials. Weeks ago, these criticisms were focused on Guillermo Francos , Minister of the Interior. In the Macrismo they objected that the official sought to bring Milei closer to Peronism , to expand the political support base of the Government. After the setback of the Omnibus Law, the former President emphasized his predictions: “ Mauricio warned him that it was not that way ,” a regular interlocutor of the head of the FIFA Foundation confided to Infobae .

Macri and Milei, face to face​

According to what this media learned, Macri has the idea of a personal meeting with Milei in the coming days. The Head of State has the same intention, as they slid from his circle. Both are betting on it being a hermetic meeting , removed from public view, to avoid inflating public opinion expectations. They must coordinate agendas according to the priorities of the President of the Nation.

Milei will travel to Corrientes today , on a fleeting trip, to participate in the event of a libertarian space in that province. Meanwhile, she defines with her closest team when and how to communicate this week a series of measures that she intends to execute. Her advisors are working on a Decree that aims to cut part of the 29 trust funds with which the National State currently finances works and programs in the interior of the country. Although a national network is not ruled out , the Presidency did not decide how to announce it. Macri is attentive to that decision, as well as to the trip of the Head of State of the United States.

Javier Milei, on his trip to the Vatican, with Pope Francis (Photo by Vatican Pool/Getty Images)

Between Wednesday and Saturday, the Conservative Political Action Conference will take place in the North American capital , a right-wing summit whose prominent figure is Donald Trump . According to what this media learned, Milei will arrive to speak at the closing of the event . Before she has planned one of the most important diplomatic meetings since she took office: she will receive on Friday Antony Blinken , Joe Biden 's Secretary of State , who executes the White House's foreign policy.

In the midst of this busy political agenda, Macri and Milei can meet face to face. The former President has a surgical management of public times and does not plan to rush any political agreement with La Libertad Avanza. Before sealing any pact with the libertarians, he intends to meet with Bullrich to organize the internal affairs of the PRO.

The dialogue between Macri and Bullrich improved in the last three weeks, although it is not without nuances. Both teams took steps to lower the tension . The former President and the Minister of Security chatted again on WhatsApp a few days ago. They even slipped in the bullshit that the founder of the PRO issued invitations to the official to go to Cumelén, but she decided not to go . “She was very focused on management,” they explained in the Ministry offices located at Gelly and Obes 2289.

Patricia Bullrich, Minister of National Security, travels to the United States tomorrow to a Conference of right-wing leaders in which Javier Milei will participate (EFE/ Juan Ignacio Roncoroni)

Bullrich will accompany Milei to the United States​

Bullrich is willing to meet with Macri to resolve the internal PRO . It is not ruled out that this conclave will also take place this week. If it happens, there is a deadline until Tuesday. The Minister of Security is traveling to the United States tomorrow to speak about her management area in the Congress of the global right. Milei himself invited her . The official will go alone and meet the President on Saturday in DC. At the end of the event, they will return to Buenos Aires together, with the Argentine delegation. All Argentine officials, including the Head of State, will travel on commercial flights.

Countdown to the PRO internal elections​

The PRO must present the candidates to Justice on March 19 to renew authorities. The minister is bidding to compete for power: her political operators often say that Bullrich intends to retain 50% of the party's decisive positions . As Infobae reported , Macri is determined to preside over the PRO and wants to achieve a unity list. “ Who is going to encourage an intern for Mauricio? ”, challenged a source of weight in that match. However, he seeks to avoid an internal confrontation after the dispute over the 2023 PASO between Bullrich and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta .

Could there be a summit between Milei, Macri and Bullrich, as happened on the night of the Acassuso Pact and on Sunday when the libertarian won the runoff? In the circles of the three they assured, in principle, that this idea is not planned. Macri intends, first, to meet alone , separately, with both of them. In politics everything is dynamic. This week the details of those agendas will be defined.

Macri and Bullrich agree that the PRO should be guarantor of Milei's governability . The former President analyzes that a convergence with La Libertad Avanza should not happen now, if it happens. And he is cautious - even elusive - when talking about names for the Executive Branch. The Minister of Security, on the other hand, is clear about her objective: she wants the party she presides to merge with the ruling party in a coalition and form an electoral front in 2025 with a view to strengthening the legislative support of the Government.

Negotiations are open.