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Politics Martín Llaryora: “The Government has to know that the adjustment is being made on the people” - Infobae


Martín Llaryora: “The Government has to know that the adjustment is being made on the people” - Infobae



February 15, 2024

The governor of Córdoba also asked President Javier Milei to apologize to him for calling him a “traitor”, after the failure of the Omnibus Law in Deputies.

Martín Llaryora considered that the President "is poorly informed"

The governor of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora , harshly criticized the President, Javier Milei , this Wednesday and told him that “he has to know that the adjustment is being made on the people”, after the removal of transportation subsidies in the interior of the country and the announcement that the money corresponding to the National Teacher Incentive Fund will not be transferred.

The first thing the Government has to know is that the adjustment is being made on the people . When you take out the teaching incentive, you are taking out a teacher's salary. When you withdraw transportation subsidies…”, Llaryora said in an interview on LN+, with Eduardo Feinman and Pablo Rossi.

In that sense, he wondered aloud if Milei takes on the dimension of “how the people are” and “the social situation” that the country is going through.

“Does the President take into account how the people are, how the Argentines are, the social situation, what is going to happen with the increase in the ticket? Of course, much more in the interior than in the AMBA, because in the AMBA it continues to be subsidized. Subsidies for the interior of Argentina are cut. In the world, transportation is subsidized, because if you don't have the money to pay for a ticket, you can't get to the hospital, to work. Do they think about people? ”, the governor expressed his concern.

Then, he insisted: “Argentina is in a tremendously difficult moment, the adjustment is tremendous .”

Let's sit down and agree on a program so that Argentina can move forward , 20% inflation is crazy,” Llaryora considered.

On the other hand, he expressed his concern about the possibility that classes will not begin in his province , since in the negotiations he held, “of ten unions, nine accepted; teachers, no.”

“The teaching incentive is a national issue. If they cut it, they cut a conquest that was achieved after a great fight. Can one believe that a country is going to get ahead by cutting education, hitting teachers? ”, he blamed the national government.

Another of the main themes of the interview was the failure of the Omnibus Law in Deputies, where the Cordoba legislators linked to the governor and his predecessor, Juan Schiaretti, voted against articles that the Government considered key. For this reason, Milei called Llaryora a “traitor . ”

“The president still needs to hit Chapulín Colorado and there is no one left in Argentina now,” the governor ironically stated at the beginning of the talk.

And he continued: “ I hope that one day, as he did with the Pope, we will see each other and he will explain it to my face .” I don't have any agreement with him. Even the legislators have voted for the law in general and have signed the agreement to leave it in commission. Of course there were discussions on some articles, and we voted convinced, and we gave it institutionality. “We have nothing to do with the downfall of the law.”

If the anger is about defending the interior of Argentina, it is well deserved , because I am not going to hand over the interior, I am not going to hand over Córdoba, even with the army of trolls they have,” he challenged.

In addition, he expressed his concern about “black lists” that are disseminated through official communication channels, such as those of deputies who voted against the law, or some articles.

“Those blacklists in Argentina caused a lot of problems. Now there are lists of journalists, and also of singers. And now they say that they are going to create the prosecutor's office to investigate those who do not vote what they want. We have to call for sanity and work on consensus . And I say it, I am a governor who has given him institutionality and has worked with him. If we are here to help, why don't you call us?” asked Llaryora, a dialoguist.

He even tried to make it clear that the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, was clear about which points the Córdoba deputies were going to support and which they would not. “In the middle of the discussion of the session I spoke with national officials because they knew that we were not willing to accompany a lot of articles that were there if they did not make some modifications,” he added, in that sense.

“It's just beginning. Did you see me attack, insult? I am asking Milei to apologize . The President has to talk to the governors. The officials knew that we did not agree. Even so, we voted in emergency and we had been voting on the articles. They believed that they lowered it and then they could raise it. Does he know? Because if he knows, he made a big mistake,” he noted.

At the end of the interview, they asked Llaryora to dedicate a few words to the President, looking at the camera: “I ask him to convene the governors, to work together, because what Argentina is suffering is immense. And that we can coordinate a joint plan so that our country can go through this difficult stage. Alone, it's going to be very difficult, count on those of us who want to help . And next time, before taking the comments, pick up the phone and call, we will always answer you.”