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Politics Martín Lousteau repudiated Milei for removing subsidies from the provinces: “He is punishing the citizens” - Infobae


Martín Lousteau repudiated Milei for removing subsidies from the provinces: “He is punishing the citizens” - Infobae



February 09, 2024

The senator and head of the UCR rejected the elimination of the Interior Compensation Fund in retaliation for the failed Omnibus Law. “It's not very different from when Cristina got angry with the people of Cordoba,” he said.

"It's not very different from when Cristina got angry with the people of Buenos Aires or Cordoba," Martín Lousteau compared Milei's attitude with the governors (Luciano González)

The president of the Radical Civic Union (UCR), Martín Lousteau , harshly questioned President Javier Milei for cutting public transportation subsidies in the interior of the country, a measure that was considered a retaliation against the “dialogue” governors. who did not accompany him in the vote in particular during the approval of the Omnibus Law. “ The president is not punishing the governors, he is punishing the citizens ,” the national senator warned about the measure, which will result in an increase in fares in most districts.

With a very critical tone about the progress of the libertarian president's management, Lousteau attacked the leadership style of the head of state, who after the fall of the "Bases Law" project led an attack against the governors and provincial deputies whom he accused of “traitors” for disagreeing with some articles of the norm.

“It is not very different from when Cristina got angry with the people of Buenos Aires or Cordoba. It's exactly the same logic of power accumulation, it's the same gene . And above all, in the argument that 'everyone has to vote for me because I got 56% in the second round', Cristina said the same thing with 54%," reflected the radical legislator.

Martín Lousteau used this comparison to question the Government's decision to suppress the Interior Compensation Fund, which was intended to subsidize urban transport tickets in the provinces. The announcement came a few days after the failure of the legislative debate on the “Bases Law” promoted by Milei, and which further strained the relationship between the President and the governors .

In this context of escalation of reproaches and crossovers between the ruling party and the opposition, Milei identified on social networks the governors and deputies who played against legislative approval, which aggravated the anger of sectors of the moderate or dialogue opposition.

“I don't know if Milei takes over as president, it's as if he were the head of a virtual band of influencers and YouTubers ,” Lousteau highlighted in an interview on Rivadavia radio . “In addition, she is a president who when someone disputes something with her, then that person is a “traitor” or “coimera”, or is “against Argentina”. We have already seen it. The truth is that I'm not up to that,” he concluded.

The governor of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro, with Martín Lousteau. The provincial leader criticized the Government for the removal of transportation subsidies
Regarding Milei's virulence against the opposition, the national senator warned about "the moods that this government is generating" and that "there is a tendency to elect an enemy and mobilize its followers."

“The President is inciting an unusual level of violence , because he retweets very violent things, because he celebrates demonstrations by his followers to shoot, to punish and suffer,” he pointed out. “ The President is showing that he is willing to play on the external edge of democracy ,” he added, and completed: “He tries to instil fear so that opinions against him disappear. It is a dangerous breeding ground. “Those who are afraid should know that this level of violence should not be allowed and we will not allow it.”

Criticism of the PRO: “They are supporting anything”​

Regarding the link that the opposition should have with the Government and the treatment of the omnibus law, Lousteau criticized the PRO's legislative strategy of aligning itself completely with La Libertad Avanza (LLA) in the measures it promotes.

The PRO is strikingly in that. He is supporting anything to be in the government now or later . This is what we see, the desire of the PRO is to be part of the next stage of the cabinet replacement,” she stressed.

In contrast, the president of the UCR once again insisted that during the legislative debate “Milei wanted the sum of public power to privatize everything in any way” and that several radical deputies were against that position. “He says ' I didn't come to negotiate to last.' If the caste does not let him do it and the people do not bank on it, it will be a problem for the Argentines,'” said Lousteau, adding: “Then we have to trust that a person is right in absolutely all matters in Argentina.” .

The PRO is strikingly in that. He is supporting anything to be in the government now or later . This is what we see, the desire of the PRO is to be part of the next stage of the cabinet replacement,” she stressed.

In contrast, the president of the UCR once again insisted that during the legislative debate “Milei wanted the sum of public power to privatize everything in any way” and that several radical deputies were against that position. “He says ' I didn't come to negotiate to last.' If the caste does not let him do it and the people do not bank on it, it will be a problem for the Argentines,'” said Lousteau, adding: “Then we have to trust that a person is right in absolutely all matters in Argentina.” .

The head of the PRO bench in the Chamber of Deputies, Cristian Ritondo. (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)

In relation to macroeconomic policy, Lousteau expressed his disagreement with the direction of the government and the plan of the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo . “Did you do a devaluation? Yes, perfect. The exchange rate was one of the prices that was behind. But then it released all the prices, then it raised rates, then it increased taxes. All of this generates more inflation, higher prices and meanwhile you earn less. That is why we are seeing a phenomenal drop in purchasing power ,” the economist developed.

This is the worst possible adjustment , it is made with inflation and it does not matter if the expense is good or bad,” he noted. “Milei believes that Argentina should not have a State and that the adjustment should be paid by retirees and he is not willing to talk to anyone,” he concluded.