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Politics Martín Menem spoke about the Omnibus Law: “Everything indicates that on Tuesday we will have a ruling” - Infobae


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Martín Menem spoke about the Omnibus Law: “Everything indicates that on Tuesday we will have a ruling” - Infobae


January 21, 2024

In the midst of the negotiations with the opposition blocs, the president of the Chamber of Deputies is confident in the progress of the initiative and that it will reach the chamber next week. The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, expressed himself in the same sense. “I am optimistic,” said the official.

Martín Menem, president of the Chamber of Deputies. (Maximiliano Luna)

In the midst of the intense negotiations led by the ruling party to advance the omnibus law in the National Congress, this Sunday the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, was optimistic about the possibilities of issuing an opinion next Tuesday and that, in this way, the initiative can enter the chamber the following Thursday, one day after the strike called by the CGT.

Everything would indicate yes, obviously we are a block, we are 38 deputies, we are working on reaching agreements to have a majority opinion on Tuesday, that is the objective we have in place,” Menem explained this morning in dialogue with radio Mitre, after having participated in the meetings with the block heads or the most important deputies of the national opposition blocs.

Asked about the obstacle to overcome to achieve the necessary resolution of the commission that deals with the omnibus law, the national deputy for the province of La Rioja emphasized that the main objective of the administration of President Javier Milei is to “return freedom to the Argentines.”

“Obviously, there are 257 deputies, each block has its ideological belonging, if you can put it that way, each one has their recipes and their way of seeing reality, we have our imprint, we are not going to negotiate anything that puts the freedom of Argentines at risk, we are not going to work for that to happen," he said in radio statements.

The Draft Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines has a total of 664 articles and six annexes

And he added: “There are some things that are enriching and that improve the project even more, and there are others that are not, we are taking everything which improves the quality of our project, which is really very ambitious.”

“In order for things to happen that have not happened in the last 100 years, we have to do what has not been done in 100 years, and that is why the project is so voluminous and the time it is taking. Even so, we come at a fairly accelerated pace, that is, those suggestions are taken that further improve the project we already have, this is the spirit of the work that we have been doing,” said the head of the Lower House.

For his part, in reference to the article linked to retirements in the omnibus law, Martín Menem, explained: “As for the retirement issue, the formula that is being applied to this moment has not been good for the retiree sector, it has been bad. In fact, they have lost a significant percentage of purchasing power.”

“Obviously, there are different proposals, we are analyzing which one best fits so that it does not harm the workers more, we are not thinking about a political space, not even in La Libertad Avance. We are thinking about each regulation that restores freedom, that improves purchasing power, that leaves Argentina in good shape in economic terms. Because the world is here, the eyes are on us and the retirement issue is also important, we have to come up with a good formula that does not allow it to lose any more power purchasing power for each retiree,” said the national legislator.

However, when asked if the agreement is that the law goes with a formula, he clarified: “It may be, that is one of the alternatives, it is not defined yet.”

Martín Menem trusts in the progress of the omnibus law in Congress

Finally, regarding the withholdings on soybeans, the president of the Chamber of Deputies supported the position of ” , he stated.. “Everyone knows how the president thinks, he is the person who most despises the issue of taxes. It is an emergency situation that surely, once we get through the hardest part of all this, will then be refined, improved and adjusted downwardsJavier Milei. "Everyone knows how the President thinks, he is the person who most despises the issue of taxes. It is an emergency situation that surely, once we get through the hardest part of all this, then it will be getting smoother, better and accommodating towards the downside," he said.

And he concluded: “No one can say that with this type of exchange it is worse than it was two months ago. With a hand on my heart, anyone who exports today, except for specific things, will at least have predictability. Predictability of knowing that they will have the inputs and will be able to export with a much more competitive dollar than the one they exported before, this must also be said”

Francos: “I am optimistic”​

In the last few hours, the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, was in tune with Menem.. “We are moving forward with an agreement. Of course, with differences. "We have spoken with the blocks that support the general policy of the Government and we have reconciled a series of aspects without moving away from the structure of the Government's proposal," the official said in radio statements.

Francos emphasized: “Once we have a majority opinion, with that we guarantee that the number will be there. But let's still hope that this opinion is signed, I am optimistic because we have agreed on many aspects of the law.”

According to the minister, the initiative debated in the Chamber of Deputies seeks to “deregulate, allow investment and the development of private activity.” Along these lines, he highlighted that "with more freedom, Argentina will be able to get out of this depression of productive and economic activity that it has" to "become a country in which there is investment, development and more work."

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos (NA)

On the other hand, Francos reported that during the President's trip to the Davos Forum “everyone asked when the law would be approved.” In that sense, he explained: “The expectation in the world is incredible, like never before, in relation to the possibilities that Argentina offers. “The world is waiting for us to put Argentina in a position to receive investment.”

The statements of Menem and Francos contrasted in the last hours with the recent virtual meeting of governors of Together for Change and potential allies in the Lower House, who hardened their position on the discussion of the “omnibus” law. For example, a member of said conclave warned Infobae: “We were bogged down again. The problem is that -the head of state, Javier- Milei is going to take a fiscal chapter and on this side we are going to be left with nothing. On Tuesday there will be a statement from the leaders.”

One of the first governors who recognized problems despite the visions of agreement that emerged last Thursday from Congress was the Peronist from Córdoba, Martín Llaryora. “We cannot accompany,” the provincial leader told this medium about the export rights of regional economies. In particular, the proposals for various industrial areas. “It would mean closure,” he noted.