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Real Estate News Martínez Alto: the microzone with new gated communities, houses and apartments chosen by those who leave the city - La Nacion Propiedades


Martínez Alto: the microzone with new gated communities, houses and apartments chosen by those who leave the city - La Nacion Propiedades


June 05, 2024

A delimited sector of Martínez stops being industrial and becomes the new residential proposal in the area, with new projects and a defined public that chooses it

Leandro Murciego


The new proposals in the Martínez Alto area reconfigure the traditional town in the north of GBA

Martínez , like many places in the northern corridor , are undergoing transformation. One of the places that experienced the most changes in recent times was the sector delimited by Fondo de la Legua Avenue and Santa Fe Avenue , National Unity Avenue to Paraná Avenue. This space, which in real estate began to be called Martínez Alto, multiplies its urban planning proposals.

According to specialists, the area has two very different characteristics. From Fondo de la Legua to Fleming Avenue, it is a sector that could be defined as mixed - it combines residential and industrial -, while from Fleming to Santa Fe Avenue the preponderance is given to residential projects and commercial premises. The latter located, preferably, on the main arteries. “Martínez is a consolidated residential neighborhood , in the San Isidro district. It is characterized by its easy access, its large and attractive green spaces. And for its gastronomic and leisure offerings, many of which are found around the racecourse. As if that were not enough, the place has very good connectivity, that is, a large number of means of transportation. In some way, Martínez Alto has the benefits of Martínez, and we must add the push that comes from the development of new proposals ,” comments Daniel Salaya, president of the real estate agency Salaya Romera , one of the firms specialized in the area. .


In Organa, home values start at US$355,000.

From commercial to residential​

Without a doubt, this is one of the areas that, for a few years, has been undergoing complete transformation. “For some time now, industry-neighborhood relations have experienced a profound change following the restructuring processes of the productive sector. Industrial properties, little by little, are beginning to give rise to new proposals. In other words, the industries were leaving their locations in what are now called central urban areas. The land that once housed industrial properties is usually spacious, attractive and has very good access to means of transport. A formula for success in these times,” explains Ramiro Álvarez, Industries Manager at Narvaez Real Estate. And adds Alan Flexer, venture manager of the firm: “These characteristics are favored or driven, to a large extent, by an initiative of the municipality of San Isidro that tends to prioritize the development of residential proposals, over commercial ones. Without a doubt, this, together with the birth of some housing projects, began to transform this scenario.”

Some maintain that the Martínez Alto area is comparable to the so-called La Calabria, in San Isidro (located between the Las Carreras and Béccar neighborhoods). A sector that is characterized by its trees, low buildings, cobblestone streets and new real estate developments .


Edison, for those seeking tranquility and comfort.

Who chooses it and what they are looking for​

The experts consulted say that the public that Martínez chooses is varied and diverse. On the one hand, there are those who demand the place because they have lived in the neighborhood all their lives. “This type of client usually has a great sense of belonging, even if they work outside of Martínez. But in these cases his family and social life tends to have the neighborhood as its epicenter,” says Flexer.

On the other hand, Salaya comments, the place increasingly receives visitors from the capital. Most of the new residents who are not born and raised in Martínez tend to come from neighborhoods such as Palermo, Recoleta, Caballito or Villa Urquiza , among others. “These people come to this corner of Greater Buenos Aires in search of tranquility and a new lifestyle,” comments the firm's representative.

Among the most sought after typologies, by a young audience, are the two-room proposals (between 50 and 65 m² total). This audience is usually defined by single people or couples who demand a first home. In the case of the three rooms (between 70 and 90 m²), it is demanded by typical families, with small children, divorced parents and large couples, who are going through empty nest syndrome (and who need to downsize).


Soon, a condominium with 48 Lofts will go on sale in the area, located in Castelli and Ezpeleta. There prices will start at US$160,000.

“The four-room units are chosen, above all, by families with school-age children. On the other hand, we are receiving more and more inquiries from young couples who need more environments to work from home office. In this case, the dimensions can vary between 120 m² and 200 m². If a garden is included, these surfaces can be extended up to 50% more,” says Flexer.

According to Salaya, a large part of the success of this type of development is based on the fact that in this place there is a great variety of real estate offerings, which seem to respond to the most varied audience profiles. “The large number of new proposals, without a doubt, generates a rich and disparate social composition. In addition, the area experienced demographic growth based, to a large extent, on the construction that was carried out - in recent years - of a number of AAA office projects (on Panamericana and De la Unidad Nacional avenue). This became a great driver for the establishment of the public, both in Martínez Alto and in the surrounding area,” says the broker. And he adds: “ Something that encouraged the arrival of new neighbors in the area is that this part of the northern corridor has very good educational institutions .”


Organa is a project with 22 houses, conceived with sustainable characteristics and sold under the turnkey system.

New projects​

In the area , the values of apartments with amenities for rent start at US$1000 per month. While in the residential complexes with amenities the houses start at US$1800 per month.

For those who want to buy, several new proposals stand out: Organa, Edison, Caleta Haus, Ambar and Tres Sargentos.

For those looking to live in a house, the private complex Organa is a development that has 22 contemporary houses that follow the Passivhaus construction philosophy , which promotes an energy-efficient construction standard and offers high interior comfort. The units in this project have measurements ranging from 232 m² to 296 m², have three bedrooms (some units have the possibility of four) and three or four levels according to each typology. These properties have the particularity that they are sold under the turnkey system. There the values start from US$355,000 .

A proposal with similar characteristics is Caleta Haus, which is located on Azcuénaga Street. These are nine houses with a clean and functional design , which stand out for their volumetry and the constant movement of their façade. The houses have very wide fronts, each one has three functional bedrooms, exclusive gardens, a gallery with a barbecue and its own garage. Those who are thinking of purchasing a lot there must consider disbursements starting at US$350,000.


Caleta Haus are houses with a clean and functional design, which stand out for their volumetry and the constant movement of their façade.

For those looking for apartments with one or two bedrooms, there is Ambar, a three-story building in Italy at 1500, which offers nine functional units - three per floor - and 13 garages. There, units start at US$187,000 . While those who are looking for larger units can opt for the proposal located at Tres Sargentos 2100, where the apartments start at US$265,000.


Edison, a private neighborhood of 26,195 m2, which has 45 lots, offering surfaces between 300 and 400 m2.

For those who want a personalized home, there is Edison, a small private neighborhood of 26,195 m², which has 45 lots , offering surfaces between 300 and 400 m². In this case, the commercialization of the land starts at US$200,000 .

According to the brokers consulted, a condominium with 48 lofts, located in Castelli and Ezpeleta, will soon go on sale . There prices will start at US$160,000. Another novelty that will burst onto the market in a short time will be the Lebris building, a multi-family residential project, which will also have 14 residential lots for sale. In this case, the values with which they will go on sale have yet to be defined.

Today Martínez Alto has become, for many, the much-mentioned '5-minute city'. Here you can work, study, have fun, educate yourself, shop and live,” concludes Salaya.

Leandro Murciego
