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Mask wearing in Buenos Aires. Is it common?

Calgary Glory

New member
I'm interested in the current prevalence of COVID mask-wearing. In Canada, there's been a slight increase in usage, especially in places like grocery stores. I have a layover at GRU for my flight to EZE, and I'm aware that it's now mask-optional. However, I'm uncertain about the mask policy at EZE or in public spaces in Buenos Aires in general. Is it common? Is anyone wearing masks?

Will I be out of place if I'm wearing a mask?
Our CEO was just in Buenos Aires 2 weeks ago and we asked him about this very topic. He said that only a few people on the flight from the USA to EZE were wearing masks and they were mostly very old people that might have been immunocompromised.

Argentina had a brutal lockdown. One of the worst in the world which most locals feel like were unnecessary and too brutal. So you will find that most people here don't wear masks at all. We rarely see anyone if at all wearing masks here. Most in Argentina probably accept the fact of life that COVID is with us and probably a part of our life heading into the future.

If you want to wear a mask, no one will care but most locals don't wear a mask.
As mentioned above, only a few people on my flight were wearing a mask. From DFW to EZE the plane was completely full. Every single seat. My flight leaving EZE was completely packed too. Tourism is booming again. Almost no one was wearing a mask at all. I was flying up in First Class and there were some really old people wearing masks but that is it. I walked in the back to brush my teeth as the bathrooms up front were occupied and I saw just a few people wearing masks.

In Buenos Aires I was in many meetings daily with all sorts of offices. Lawyers, developers, bankers, Escribanos, everywhere. NO ONE wears masks at all. I agree that COVID lockdown there was unnecessarily long and brutal. Fortunately I wasn't in Argentina during that mess.

I don't see mask wearing going back to how it was ever. But as my colleagues mentioned, I don't think anyone locally will care if you want to wear one.
It is NOT common to see anyone wearing masks in Buenos Aires these days. As others mentioned, we had a brutal lock down and most locals are sick of all the masks. Even if another outbreak of a different strain came, I'm not sure if you could get locals to wear masks again.
I'm interested in the current prevalence of COVID mask-wearing. In Canada, there's been a slight increase in usage, especially in places like grocery stores. I have a layover at GRU for my flight to EZE, and I'm aware that it's now mask-optional. However, I'm uncertain about the mask policy at EZE or in public spaces in Buenos Aires in general. Is it common? Is anyone wearing masks?

Will I be out of place if I'm wearing a mask?
I'm not sure what your intent was of even asking this question unless it is virtue signaling? As long as you don't try to FORCE other people to wear masks, YOU are free to wear a mask wherever you want. Have at it! No one cares if YOU want to wear one.
No one cares if YOU want to wear one.
true, we won't care, but i'll immediately know your low IQ and your communist voting preference, so it will help me to steer-away from you. people in 2024 wearing masks are the same ones that would have lived next to Nazi concentration camps believing they were for the good of the nation.
true, we won't care, but i'll immediately know your low IQ and your communist voting preference, so it will help me to steer-away from you. people in 2024 wearing masks are the same ones that would have lived next to Nazi concentration camps believing they were for the good of the nation.
I have a different approach. Although I HATED wearing mask during the pandemic, especially on flights that were sometimes 15 hours across continents. I don't have any animosity or ill will towards people that want to wear one. If that makes them feel better or more protected then all the power to them.

I have a lot of physician friends and they do say they got some protection against patients. I don't have any issues if people want to wear one. I just don't get bizarro situations of people wearing masks in their own cars when they are driving alone. Or people running outside or riding a bike wearing them which was an everyday occurrence here in California where I live. But they don't harm me so I don't care at all.
animosity or ill will towards people that want to wear one
in 2021, i'd agree. it was scary on the news. in 2024, if you have internet access and a sound mind, you have a societal obligation to use common sense and inform yourself about basic aspects of the world. especially when those wearing masks are almost always the loud, obsessed-with-the-next-pandemic crowd.
