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Politics May 9 strike: one by one, which services are affected by the CGT general strike - Infobae

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May 9 strike: one by one, which services are affected by the CGT general strike - Infobae​



The measure of force began at 0 o'clock this Thursday. Several guilds and unions joined. How will transportation, banks, hospitals, airports and schools, among others, work?

The general strike of the CGT on January 24

This Thursday, May 9 at midnight, the second general strike promoted by the CGT and both CTA began against the government of Javier Milei and, particularly, in rejection of the Bases Law: the official project that has already received half a sanction in the Chamber of Deputies and must now be discussed in the Senate for its full approval.

This is a forceful measure to which several unions and unions adhered and which, consequently, will affect different sectors. Among them, banking entities , schools, hospitals and airports . The normal functioning of public transport , shops and service stations will also be altered .

Buses, subways, trains and planes​

Most of the lines are not working, and will only resume service in the early hours of Friday. This is due to the support of the Unión Tranviarios Automotor ( UTA ), the union led by Roberto Fernández, for the strike.

However, the 70 lines of the DOTA company circulate at least 50%. Among them, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 44, 50, 51, 56, 57, 74, 76, 78, 79, 84, 87, 91, 99, 100, 101, 106, 107, 108, 111, 115, 117, 127, 130, 134, 135, 146, 150, 161, 164, 177 and 188 .

The same happens with subways and trains, which will not run throughout the day. The protest was joined by both the Subway and Premetro Workers' Union, the Railway Union and the La Fraternidad union, which brings together locomotive and railway machinists.

This May 9, neither buses nor trains and subways will operate

The flights also underwent modifications . Previously, different unions associated with aerial activity assured that they will adhere to the forceful measures. As a result, airlines began canceling flights on Wednesday.

The first to make it official was the LATAM group, which announced that some 40 services and nearly 4,600 passengers are affected. Aerolíneas Argentinas, for its part, canceled 191 flights . The low cost JetSMART and Flybondi also reported cancellations. The rest of the companies are designing their new schedules.

There is also no provision of tasks at airports or truck logistics service: the entire air, sea, land and port transport activities are not working as the Confederation of Transport Workers (CATT) and the two main transport unions join the protest. the UGATT .

Given the complications in getting around, in CABA they announced that there is free parking throughout the day .

Flights will be affected by the strike

Banks and shops​

Banks will also be closed. The Banking Association confirmed that it will comply with the general strike called by the CGT and announced that for this reason there will be no attention in any financial institution in the country.

"Because the economic policy carried out by the National Government does not stop harming workers and the people as a whole, while shamelessly favoring large businessmen, economic groups and royal power, the Banking Association adheres to the measure of force available by the General Confederation of Labor,” they said from the union led by Sergio Palazzo .

Regardless of the strike affecting in-person service, the rest of the banking services such as home banking, applications, ATM network recharge will function normally .

Banks will not operate during the strike

As for businesses, it is expected that large supermarket chains and shopping centers will not open this Thursday. This is after the Argentine Federation of Commerce and Services Employees (FAECyS) agreed to the call.

However, compliance may not be unanimous. The Argentine Chamber of Commerce rejected the strike and asked its members to open normally.

What will happen to hospitals and schools​

The general strike will also affect health. The Health Union, headed by Héctor Daer in private hospitals , as well as organizations that work in public health , adhered to the measure of force.

In this way, only the emergency service is maintained, as usually occurs in these situations, and scheduled surgeries will be postponed.

On the other hand, the educational system also submitted to unemployment . The CTERA union, the main teaching union, ratified its position of support for the measure in all public schools in the country, as did ATE and UPCN, which will be part of the union action.

Hospitals will only treat emergencies

In this sense, classes will be affected in a large part of Argentina. In CABA, for its part, the schools are functioning and the Buenos Aires government announced that the day will be discounted for teachers who join the strike.

Regarding private schools, many announced that they will remain open for students who can attend despite the public transportation stoppage.

In addition, other unions also spoke out in favor of the strike, such as FTIA (Food), UOM (Metallurgists), SMATA (Mechanics) and Luz y Fuerza.

Service stations, gastronomy and waste collection​

Service stations are open, but the workers of the Union of Service Station Workers and Employees, led by Carlos Acuña, will join the strike, so attention could be reduced.

“The Confederation of Hydrocarbon and Related Trade Entities of the Argentine Republic, together with its 16 associated Federations and Chambers, announce that they will not adhere to the force measure scheduled by the CGT for May 9, 2024, for which All service stations in the country associated with the different Federations and Chambers that are members of this Confederation will work normally to supply the fuel that the general public requires. “We respect the right to strike, but we understand that employees have the necessary means so that through the current joint agreements they can find democratic solutions to their true labor demands,” they announced in a statement.

In addition, waste collection is suspended throughout the day, resuming activity at midnight.

Service stations will not serve the public
As for the gastronomic sector, although the UTHGRA union joined the strike, not all restaurants and bars will close throughout the day. In this sense, it is expected that the response of establishments will be varied.

Recreational activities​

The Single Union of Public Entertainment Workers joined the general strike, which is why some cinema and theater performances are suspended.

The Union of Workers of Sports and Civil Entities also joined. In this sense, those sports entities where the staff is affiliated with the union will also undergo modifications in their activities.