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Politics May Pact: the CGT will convene the governors to ask them to reject Milei's proposal - Infobae



May Pact: the CGT will convene the governors to ask them to reject Milei's proposal - Infobae​



March 03, 2024

“They cannot vote on these laws that go against the interests of Argentines,” Pablo Moyano announced this Sunday. In addition, he referred to the possibility of calling for a second general strike throughout the country.

Pablo Moyano, general secretary of Truckers. (Adrián Escandar)

After the speech given by Javier Milei last Friday within the framework of the opening of the ordinary sessions in the National Congress, during which he called on the governors to sign the May Pact in the province of Córdoba, the secretary general of Truck drivers, Pablo Moyano , announced this Sunday that the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) will convene the provincial leaders to ask them to “not let themselves be pressured” and vote against the President's proposal.

“We are also going to call the governors from the CGT to tell them that they cannot vote for these laws that go against the interests of Argentines ,” said the union leader in dialogue with radio Milenium 106.7 FM.

Almost at the end of the interview, and when asked about a message that he would like to send to the governors, Moyano reiterated: “I would tell them to have dignity, that no one let themselves be pressured and that they do not vote against the workers because they are "to be remembered for having supported a package of laws that goes against the interests of workers."

In rejection of the reforms proposed by Milei, the unionist referred to the possibility that the CGT promotes an important measure of force in the short-term future throughout the country. “ A major national strike is not ruled out , and there are other colleagues who are devising the possibility of carrying out massive actions in the main cities of the country on the same day. We are not going to stay silent or watching on television how the country is falling or how this guy is destroying us,” he warned in radio statements.

Regarding the speech that the President offered in the Legislative Assembly, which was particularly harsh against the unions and the Cegetista leadership, Pablo Moyano minimized the accusations of the national president and said that for him “it is a pride” that the libertarian leader has chosen him as one of his main enemies at the political level. “ For me it is a pride that he has chosen me as one of the enemies, as at the time (Mauricio) Macri had chosen me . In his disastrous government he had elected the unions, and especially Hugo and Pablo Moyano. Today history repeats itself,” he pointed out.

Behind closed doors, within the CGT they consider that President Milei chose the workers' confederation as his main enemy . “You have to see the reactions. Milei spoke to politics, not to the people, and our constituents did not receive a single center. He alone asked for patience, so in that aspect things are worse,” said a director of the labor union in dialogue with Infobae , who also interpreted the president's words as an attempt to “weaken the labor movement.”

Milei's most striking definitions in union matters had to do with the announcement about the package of “anti-caste” laws that he will send to Congress: there, after the elimination of the retirement privileges for the President and Vice President, there are measures in favor of union democracy and the transparency of their internal elections: “We will force the unions to elect their authorities through periodic, free elections supervised by the Electoral Justice, which will limit the terms of these authorities to four years and will establish a limit of only one possible re-election.”

Opening of sessions 2024 - National Congress - Javier Milei offered a "new social contract"
According to a head of the CGT in dialogue with this medium, Milei's proposal on union elections responds to “an old aspiration of politicians to advance private institutions,” while he criticized the President because “he did not say anything about permanent re-election.” in business centers like the UIA.”

During another section of his speech, Milei also pointed out the unionist Roberto Baradel (SUTEBA) and the disorders generated by teacher strikes when he listed what the Government had done in educational matters since December 10: “In an Argentina where children They do not know how to read and write, we can no longer allow Baradel and his friends to use the students as hostages to negotiate joint agreements with the provincial governments, he stressed. That is why we included education as an essential service in the decree of necessity and urgency, which will take the weapon out of the unions' hands and force them to provide at least 70% of the educational service during any strike."