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Politics May Pact: without the Bases Law, Milei will define what to do with Saturday's event in Córdoba - Infobae

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May Pact: without the Bases Law, Milei will define what to do with Saturday's event in Córdoba - Infobae​



May 20, 2024

The President will decide with his sister and advisor Santiago Caputo whether or not to travel to the province. And if you go, what format will the event have? “For now we are all traveling,” the Government acknowledged, but they admit that no decision has been made.

By Facundo Chaves

Euphoric. Milei returned to Argentina this morning after her unofficial visit to Spain (Reuters photo)

Nothing remained of the urgency that existed in the Government weeks ago to reach the May Pact with the Base Law and the fiscal package approved. The original objective was to meet this requirement to have a historic, unforgettable event on May 25 in the province of Córdoba. First sotto voce and then in public the peremptoriness began to be relativized, until last Tuesday President Javier Milei himself unleashed the political fact of the national day: “ If it is not in May, it will be in June or July ,” he stated.

At the Casa Rosada they admit that the planned schedule is up in the air and that all alternatives remain open. What Infobae could confirm was that among the priorities that Milei will have after his arrival from the unofficial visit to Spain will be to define what to do with the event that had been announced in La Docta to present the pact on Saturday, a decalogue that the The President intended for governors, party leaders, politicians and even former presidents to sign it. Milei imagines it as the first step of a new era, a refounding act with a view to launching the Argentina of the future.

Karina Milei, Guillermo Francos and, standing, José Rolandi, the deputy chief of staff (photo Gustavo Gavotti)

What was also confirmed is that it will be the “iron triangle” - as Milei now calls the tripod of power formed by him, his sister and advisor Santiago Caputo - that will define whether the act is done or lifted. And if it is actually done, what will be the aesthetics, the guests and the format it will have. Is it going to be a memory of the first national government or is the first version of the May Pact going to be presented to society? Are you going to invite governors, authorities and other dignitaries? Or will it be an act with society in the province where the president won the runoff with 74%, the highest percentage in the entire country?

“For now we are all traveling,” transmitted an official source, who clarified that the definition will be today or, at most, tomorrow. The truth is that the traditional Tedeum is already being organized in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires, so a lifting of the event that was going to be held first in the Palace of Justice and then in the Cabildo of the Mediterranean capital would not be too traumatic. .