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Politics Menem and Villarruel returned the increase to the deputies and senators and the climate in Congress is tense - Infobae

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Menem and Villarruel returned the increase to the deputies and senators and the climate in Congress is tense - Infobae​



March 11, 2024

Both had endorsed the initial increase. The Vice President defended her position, but the head of the Lower House preferred to align himself with the rejection expressed by Javier Milei. What happened in the Executive accelerated the outcome

By Mariano Casal

Victoria Villarruel, Javier Milei and Martín Menem (Argentine Senate)

The presidents of the Deputies and the Senate, Martín Menem and Victoria Villarruel , respectively, deactivated this Monday the salary increase granted to legislators at the end of last month, when they agreed and validated a 16% increase as of January 1, 2024 , and 12% more cumulative since February 1. The accumulated variation compared to last December was 29.92 percent.

In the resolution signed this afternoon it is made clear that the joint resolution 13/11 “signed by Amado Boudou and Julián Domínguez, with regard to equalization and automatic mobility, is annulled “as of January 1” last - retroactively. of the Diet, Representation Expenses and Dispossession received by national deputies and senators.” That does not apply to the rest of the legislative employees.

Although the diet of senators and deputies was tied to the parity of Congress workers, that was interrupted in 2021 , in the midst of the pandemic and a context of general discontent with the leadership of all parties, with strong questions to the “politics” expenses. At that time, the authorities had decided to “decouple” the legislators' allowances from the employees' salary agreements.

In that sense, a resolution was signed that stipulated that any increase in legislators' salaries must be “discussed and approved by the plenary session of both Chambers.” The strategy sought to contain the demand for increases, since legislators would avoid voting on it in the chamber to avoid public criticism.

The resolution signed by Menem and Villarruel that deactivates the increase in the salary of deputies and senators granted last February

However, in November 2022, when the last section of that year's joint venture was negotiated, Article 2 of Joint Resolution 03/2022 was repealed and the dietary increases were once again "on the hook" . All this was explained by Infobae on February 23. With this Monday's changes, the only thing that will be added in Congress will be tension, with both Chambers targeted by the opposition to go to the premises and discuss not only various laws, but also reject the mega Decrees of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) that deregulates the economy.

It may interest you:Miguel Ángel Pichetto defended the 30% increase for deputies and senators: “Do you want Argentina to be Uganda?”

In Congress, both the authorities, legislators and employees knew perfectly well what had been agreed upon with the unions at the end of last February. That is to say: Menem and Villarruel knew in detail the negotiation in question, and that is why the defense that the vice president and head of the Senate made in recent days, even when she presented her arguments to the Casa Rosada .

Unlike Villarruel, Menem quickly forgot what his administrative secretary - who manages the treasury of the lower house - signed and aligned himself with Javier Milei's position . First, he said he was sending a project. Later he came to his senses and validated the disengagement of legislators before last weekend, while the head of the Upper House - despite having contrary grounds - did so this same Monday. The method was that of a new joint resolution .

“Maintaining the validity of the joint resolution – the one that allowed the rise – would necessarily represent the updating of the diet, representation expenses and uprooting of the legislators,” states the new regulations. And then he adds that " in this context of effort made by Argentines, those of us who have public responsibility must adopt measures accordingly ."


Former Secretary of Labor Omar Yasin (Maximiliano Luna)

According to various congressional sources confided to this medium, the nonsense that occurred in the last few hours with the increases granted to Executive officials and the subsequent retreat, together with the dismissal of the now former Secretary of Labor, Omar Yasin , accelerated the farewell to the rise for deputies and senators.

Menem was also under scrutiny last week for the appointment of a young relative, who will have no problems with the latest decision of the heads of Deputies and the Senate. The only ones who will not enjoy the increase will be the legislators, who will continue to be among the worst paid in the region. One detail: if this continues, an A-1 category with seniority and extras for studies would surpass - if it does not already do so - a member of Congress.

Meanwhile, the head of the Lower House is pressing so that this year it will be up to Deputies to control the always delicate Directorate of Social Assistance (DAS), the social work of legislative employees. The custom was to take turns with the Senate, although during the 2019-2023 administration it was controlled by former vice president Cristina Kirchner through her then administrative secretary and current provincial deputy in La Pampa, the camper María Luz Alonso .

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