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Banking MercadoLibre identity validation


New member
I ran into a problem a few months ago when I tried to buy a quantity of tango LPs for a friend. MercadoLibre would not allow the purchase after years of using my account. They wanted me to prove my identity by using the computer camera to take a photo. No matter what I did, it didn't work. Today they gave me until January 30 to prove that I am who I claim to be. Being unable to use MercadoLibre/Pago means I have to find other sources for organic food. Tallo Verde, El Brote Tienda, and Club Saludable all use MercadoPago. The system doesn't recognize me with white hair as the person in the photo with brown hair on my DNI from 2013.

Has anyone been in the same predicament and found a way out of it? If so, I would appreciate hearing how you solved your problem with Mercado Pago.

The following text is what you receive when you have to validate your identity with Mercado Pago.
We need you to validate your identity
Have your ID nearby (?) and locate yourself in a place with good light.

We'll use facial recognition to confirm it's you

You'll need to use your computer's camera and follow the recommendations so we can see your face.
Locate yourself in a well-lit place.
Keep a neutral expression, not smiling.
Avoid wearing glasses and masks.

To comply with current regulations and guarantee the safety of our community, as of January 30 you must have your complete information to be able to use your Mercado Pago account

We recommend that you do it now to have your account ready. It will only take you a few minutes!
1 Open the Mercado Libre or Mercado Pago app.
2 Look for the notification we sent you to complete your data.
3 Follow the steps.

We must verify the information of all our accounts to comply with current national and international regulations. In this way, we also contribute to your safety and that of all the people who use our products.

All your personal information is protected, we do not sell or trade any data that can identify you. Find more information in our privacy policies.

we are transparent
We explain in a simple and clear way the uses we give to your information, how and why we process your data and with whom we can share it.

We generate value
We process your data responsibly to provide you with personalized services. For example, we use your geographic location to offer you services near your location.

We work with quality
We strive to process quality, accurate and up-to-date information. For example, we save your information and update it on all our platforms, your purchases reach you correctly and you save on filling out forms.

We protect your data
We protect your personal information with the highest security standards. We do not sell your data.

We process data for a limited time
We keep your data only for as long as we need it to make it easier for you to use our products. After that they are deleted or transformed into anonymous data.

We appreciate that you choose us and use our services, we want to explain what we do with all the information you share with us.

When you register on any of our platforms you will generate a user that allows you to operate on all the others. We seek to make selling, buying or whatever you want to do quick and easy, for this we integrate your information into all the products that are part of Mercado Libre: Mercado Libre, Mercado Pago, Advertising, Mercado Envíos, Mercado Crédito, Mercado Shops and Mercado Points.
I had a real difficult time with this previously with Banco La Nacion I think? It took an update of the app on their end to fix (or the API with Renaper, eventually it did work) but for the life of me I couldn't get it to take the back of my DNI and my face and had to go back and forth between my Android phone, tablet, and iPhone for awhile.

Some things I'll recommend trying are:

- Using a different PC/Mac, phone, or tablet; it could be the camera
- Using sub-optimal lighting as to make your hair darker
- In App support (you might have to make it a different issue, i.e. say there was a problem with a payment and when you finally get ahold of someone let them know what's happening
- Reaching out via Twitter

Hope you can get it sorted before Monday!
I had an appointment today at a place only four blocks from my apartment. Checked in and waited only a few minutes until my name appeared on the screen telling me to go to a certain desk. The woman filed out the form with all my information and said there was no charge*. Then I went to another desk where my information was confirmed, my thumb prints were taken, and then my photo.

I will have the DNI in a couple of weeks and see whether I can validate my identity.

*seniors over 70 are not required to renew their DNI. If they do, there is no charge.
was your DNI close to expiration date or can anybody do this regardless of the expiration date? I have a terrible picture on my DNI and I'd like to have it changed. However, I was told I needed to make a denuncia at the police station making up that I had lost my DNI card etc. and it seems a little drastic to me.
My DNI doesn't expire until August 2028. I said I wanted a new one with a new photo. No problem. I also had to sign my signature for the new card. They don't just make a new copy of the old DNI with a new photo.

The new card will be delivered in a couple of weeks. I'll keep the old one as a souvenir.

Everything about us is in the system. The woman asked me for a cell number. I refuse to use a cellphone. The man who took the photo mentioned that another photo of me was in the system, the one taken for my Argentine passport.
I've been ordering from MercadoLibre for years with no problems. Today I went to order a ton of things for my apartment and I got the dreaded verify your identify. I took a photo of my DNI but then it asked to scan a photo of my face. But no matter which device I try (latest iPhone 14, iPad, etc) it won't let me scan my face.

Has anyone run into this? I can't verify my identify as it won't scan my face. Seems like a bug in the app. Has anyone had this issue and how did you resolve it?
So I figured it out. I guess once you upload your DNI it takes an hour or 2 for the system to process before it will allow you to scan your face. After 2 hours, It asked me to put in my CUIL # and then it allowed me to scan my face to match against my DNI. It approved it so if you're in the same situation, wait a few hours and then it should let you scan your face.