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Politics Miguel Ángel Pichetto: “We are willing to provide a quorum and debate the Omnibus Law” - Infobae


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Miguel Ángel Pichetto: “We are willing to provide a quorum and debate the Omnibus Law” - Infobae


January 29, 2024

The president of the We Make Federal Coalition bloc acknowledged that with the withdrawal of the fiscal chapter the most resisted aspects were left out. He asked Milei to lower the confrontation: “Dialogue is needed. “What is useful for winning is not useful for governing.” And he targeted Alberto Fernández for the retirees

By Facundo Chaves

The president of the We Make Federal Coalition bloc confirmed that his sector is willing to provide a quorum and debate the omnibus law on Tuesday

The president of the We Make Federal Coalition bloc, deputy Miguel Ángel Pichetto , confirmed that his bench is willing tomorrow to “give a quorum and debate” the Omnibus Law, although he acknowledged that in some aspects, it would not be gravitating or decisive for the project he sent Javier Milei, there are still disagreements that can be resolved in the particular vote.

“If there is a session on Tuesday, we are willing to go down to provide a quorum and debate ,” he stated in dialogue with Infobae . This is a key definition, because the experienced parliamentarian of Peronist origin represents a block of 23 deputies from various party extractions that are key to the tight accounts that the La Libertad Avanza government is making, hours before a session that is still It was not formally convened by the Presidency of the Lower House .

Pichetto addressed the central aspects of the negotiation of the initiative, but also referred to the issues that were left out of the Omnibus Law - "Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines", as the ruling party named it - after the announcement on Friday by the Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo, to withdraw the entire fiscal chapter from the mega law. And he spoke about the political situation, with a reflection addressed to President Milei: “Dialogue is needed. “What is useful for winning is not useful for governing . ”

The leader confirmed that this Monday We Make the Federal Coalition will meet to finish defining the position of each sector that makes up the bloc in the marathon session that is scheduled to be convened for tomorrow. Political heavyweights converge on that bench: the experienced Emilio Monzó, along with Nicolás Massot, the deputies who respond to Elisa “Lilita” Carrió, such as Maximiliano Ferraro and Juan Manuel López; Florencio Randazzo, Ricardo López Murphy Margarita Stolbizer; and the representatives of Santa Fe and Córdoba, who are aligned with Juan “Gringo” Schiaretti, among others.

Miguel Ángel Pichetto, Emilio Monzó and Nicolás Massot from the We Make Federal Coalition bloc

For Pichetto "we must address the discussion and settle it" in the context of what was left of the law, after the amputations that it had of the most conflictive aspects, among which stand out, in addition to the fiscal chapter - which included from the increase widespread withholdings, pension changes and a very broad moratorium - the electoral reform, and articles such as the one that required permission to meet with more than three people.

The president of Hacemos Coalión Federal highlighted that the retirement aspect had confronted the Government with the Chamber of Deputies, which was not willing to establish a formula that “had opted for the worst of all worlds,” because it did not solve the problems that the reform had generated. of Alberto Fernández - “which caused retirees to lose 40% of their purchasing power” - nor did it establish an updating mechanism that would allow them to stop losing more purchasing power with their income in the future.

In any case, Pichetto regretted that both on the pension issue and also on the issue linked to withholdings, President Milei had chosen to withdraw the entire article without giving room for negotiation. “We were not that far away,” he said, destroying the idea that was spread from Casa Rosada that the governors “were always asking for more things.”

“On the issue of withholdings we opposed because it was an economic policy error to increase pressure on the most dynamic sectors, which can generate dollars. Exported and industrialized raw materials were increased equally. Even sectors that work to reduce the carbon footprint were punished. They lacked dialogue with the productive sectors and with businessmen who helped the previous government so much,” explained the president of Hacemos Coalión Federal.

Javier Milei monitors the negotiations prior to tomorrow's session

And for this, he blamed Minister Caputo, with whom he maintains a proverbial counterpoint. “A Minister of Economy has the didactic duty to speak, to explain, to tell Argentines where they are taking the country and where they are doing it. He is not under pressure or saying nonsense. I don't see it at all good in a democratic system that does not engage in dialogue,” he stated.

In that sense, he highlighted that "the path is dialogue to achieve fiscal balance for the Nation and the provinces." “This is a task of consensus and agreements and support. If it is all or nothing, you cannot build a parliamentary majority," Pichetto said, adding: "The leader has to have the support of the people, not use the mechanism of pressure, but I see that in the government there are sectors that They believe that confrontation. I think the president should know that what is good for winning is not always good for governing . ”

After highlighting that “in Argentina we have a representative, republican and federal system,” Pichetto gave as an example of the need to have parliamentary support and the construction of a coalition that allows the Cambiemos government to govern. “Mauricio Macri did not do well negotiating law by law. It was not a good experience,” he recalled.

“We must provide predictability and legal security and for that it is necessary to rebuild a political and institutional dialogue, with businessmen, governors, deputies, senators. I do not raise it from a corporate point of view, but from an institutional level. Sectors that want to help cannot be under stalking or threat from an Economy Minister saying nonsense ,” she emphasized.

Pichetto harshly targeted Minister Caputo for the pressure to approve the omnibus law

Retirees and Kirchnerism​

“President Milei has to explain that this formula that made retirees lose 40% of their purchasing power is Alberto Fernández's formula. The president who was not, who enjoys his stay in Spain and who seems not to be responsible for anything, is responsible for this situation. The government that claimed to be concerned about the situation of retirees led to this state of affairs,” Pichetto stated.

The reference from the head of the We Make Federal Coalition bench has to do with one of the central aspects that were left out of the “omnibus law”, among others due to pressure from Unión por la Patria. “Mauricio Macri's formula was 70% inflation and 30% salaries. It was a powerful formula for a country with strong inflation. Alberto Fernández suspended her and put in place a troubling formula that made a disaster and it must be said that the retirees have already lost with the Kirchner government.”

Pichetto warned that the La Libertad Avanza government now has the mission of promoting a “reasonable and balanced” formula, given the limits imposed by the Supreme Court, with its rulings - known as Badaro 1 and 2 and Sánchez - that imposed the obligation to have “a polynomial formula to contain the negative impact that retirees' assets have.”

Finally, he stated that there is no agreement to approve the changes linked to fishing activity, because in his opinion it could unprotect fish resources, those that are on underwater platforms and, also, shipping activity. Regarding privatizations, he stated that he trusts that YPF, Banco Nación and strategic companies linked to nuclear and satellite activity have been excluded from the project. “Who are they going to sell to? To China?” Pichetto concluded.