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Milei’s Austerity Plan Pushes Argentina Into Recession in First Quarter


Well-known member
Things not working out as planned for Milei. And some are like firing 525,000 employees in the first 3 months of his Presidency.

Milei is a narcissist at highest level. He in love with himself. IMF say Argentina will contract more than it thought. Poverty rates at all time high. Unemployment is going crazy and more companies in trouble. And this idiot go all over world to accept fake political medals from other country use him for promotion and marketing. Milei is sick. Sick with narcissism. He travel every 2 weeks to go accept award and spend so much money in tax payer money. He say "NO HAY PLATA" but he have lots of money to fly and accept silly award.

He even say now he fixed Argentina and he will win Nobel Prize for fixing Argentina's economy. Someone needs to tell this clown he didn't fix the economy yet!

Unemployment keeps rising, and experts say it will continue to increase. This is the sad part of this government, I understand the need to restructure public employment and get rid of the "ñoquis," but this is affecting private companies as well. Even the construction sector has been one of the hardest hit. A local friend of mine has a cousin who worked for a logistics company for eight years, and overnight she was laid off along with 30 other employees. I hope this country’s economy improves soon.

Unemployment keeps rising, and experts say it will continue to increase. This is the sad part of this government, I understand the need to restructure public employment and get rid of the "ñoquis," but this is affecting private companies as well. Even the construction sector has been one of the hardest hit. A local friend of mine has a cousin who worked for a logistics company for eight years, and overnight she was laid off along with 30 other employees. I hope this country’s economy improves soon.

I read today they just announced they will fire another 25,000 public employees. Not sure who will hire these people as most companies are really hurting with this recession. Milei wasn't lying when he said it will get worse before it gets better. I just hope things turn soon.
I read today they just announced they will fire another 25,000 public employees. Not sure who will hire these people as most companies are really hurting with this recession. Milei wasn't lying when he said it will get worse before it gets better. I just hope things turn soon.
Yes many more job losses planned. They are getting rid of 60 different public organizations.

It’s great news that the government has made these changes for getting a job in the public sector! Under the previous administration, there was no real control over how public employees were hired. Now, with the new “knowledge and skills” test, only genuinely qualified people will get these positions, which should put an end to favoritism and those so-called “ghost employees.” It’s a big step toward a more transparent and professional administration. This measure will not only improve the performance of state employees but also ensure that public resources are used more effectively.
