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Politics Milei and Villarruel showed a sign of reconciliation and the ruling party begins to arm itself for 2025 - Infobae

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Milei and Villarruel showed a sign of reconciliation and the ruling party begins to arm itself for 2025 - Infobae​



March 19, 2024

The President was with his vice president at the event in tribute to the victims of the attack against the Israeli Embassy. Guillermo Francos continued with the negotiations for the Omnibus Law, while “Lule” Menem received leaders from Entre Ríos

By Federico Galligani

President Javier Milei and vice president, Victoria Villarruel, present at an act of tribute to the victims of the attack on the Israeli embassy

President Javier Milei and his vice president, Victoria Villarruel , have decided to maintain their relationship on good terms and avoid as much as possible the friction that may arise between them, as happened after the debate - and subsequent rejection - in the Senate of the Decree of Necessity and Urgencia (DNU) with the economic reforms.

With this premise, the person who took the first step to bring positions back together was the national leader himself, who clarified that the statement that Congress issued questioning those who have “an agenda of their own” was directed at some opposition leaders and not at his formula mate.

After the DNU vote, it was the turn of the head of the Upper House, who published a video on her social networks in which she assured that her “commitment to Argentina” and to the head of state is “unwavering” and stressed that the two have “worked back to back, despite multiple attempts” to split them up.

A few days after the controversy, Milei and Villarruel gave another sign of unity by sharing the event for the 32 years of the terrorist attack against the Israeli Embassy , which took place this Monday in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Retiro, where the headquarters were located. diplomat.

Milei appeared with Villarruel (EFE)

The officials stood side by side and even talked before the event, which was also attended by the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei ; the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , and the head of Government of the city of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macri .

According to what official sources told Infobae , after the differences that were seen due to the treatment of the DNU, things became more than clear" and the Government leadership "knows that each one worked with the tools they had."

In fact, those around the Vice President highlight that “the relaxed atmosphere” that was observed between her and the national leader during the tribute to the victims of the terrorist attack, is an important gesture after the multiple rumors that circulated about the bond that they maintained.

While this was happening, the Casa Rosada was working on two aspects that concern the Government in the short and long term: on the one hand, the conversations to try to get Congress to approve the new Omnibus Law and, on the other, the armed party of La Libertad Advances in the different provinces, to be able to compete with its own party throughout the country in the next legislative elections.

Regarding the first point, before the event Francos received in his office a group of deputies from the We Make Federal Coalition bloc, led by Miguel Ángel Pichetto . The Government Secretaries of the Chief of Staff, José Rolandi , and of the Interior, Lisandro Catalán, also participated in that meeting.

Posse and Francos with deputies from We Make the Federal Coalition

Although the ruling party believes that both the law and the fiscal package and, eventually, the DNU will not be discussed until after Easter , officials want to guarantee the votes in the lower house as soon as possible to prevent the initiatives from happening again. be rejected.

In parallel, Eduardo “Lule” Menem , designated as Undersecretary of Institutional Management of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, was seen on the first floor of Balcarce 50 , so he responds directly to Karina Milei.

The nephew of the late president Carlos Menem has a less urgent task, but just as important for the future of the Government, which is to legally establish La Libertad Avanza in the different provinces, so that the party can compete in the 2025 elections without needing of local political spaces, as happened in 2023.

Because it was a new alliance, Milei was forced in the last elections to formalize alliances with some groups that, although small, had legal status, in order to compete for the positions of governors, mayors and legislators.

The President does not want to have to go through the same thing next year and, while there is talk of a possible front with the PRO, Lule Menem meets with libertarian leaders from different parts of Argentina, advises them on various issues and tries to solve legal matters so that they can establish the party in their cities.

In this context, the official received on Monday the agricultural producer Sebastián Etchevehere , who last October competed on Milei's list for governor in Entre Ríos, but came in third place, behind Rogelio Frigerio (PRO) and Adán Bahl ( PJ).

Guillermo Francos with Sebastián Etchevehere and libertarian leaders from Entre Ríos

The leader, brother of Luis Miguel, who was the Minister of Agriculture during Mauricio Macri 's administration , wants to retain the almost 20 points of votes he obtained on that occasion to be able to enter Congress in 2025.

At his meeting at the Casa Rosada, Etchevehere arrived accompanied by other leaders of the space in his province, such as Mayda Spiazzi , Felipe González Vergara , Ernesto Dapit , Fabio Schneider and Sergio Jacobi , who participated in the talk with Menem.

The Entre Ríos residents were also received by Francos and, upon leaving the Interior Office, they met Santiago Caputo , one of Milei's most influential advisors, with whom they stayed talking for a few minutes.

“We return very satisfied from this meeting, the minister explained to us his support and accompaniment for the definitive institutionalization of Libertad Avanza in the province. This gives us a new impulse that will accompany the actions that are being developed,” Etchevehere explained in this regard.