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Milei: Argentina in talks with Ukraine, military aid a possibility - Is this a joke?


Well-known member
What is wrong with Milei. Argentina does not have enough problems? We are peaceful country almost always staying neutral. We don't have any money to feed our poor and already Milei wants to help Ukraine. Is this joke???! This proves my point this President wrong guy for the job.

What is wrong with Milei. Argentina does not have enough problems? We are peaceful country almost always staying neutral. We don't have any money to feed our poor and already Milei wants to help Ukraine. Is this joke???! This proves my point this President wrong guy for the job.

There aren't many times when I agree with you @Avocado but this is one of the very rate times I agree with you. This isn't something to get in the middle of. Granted this is probably just talk but still not a good idea.
Meanwhile while Argentines are starving, Milei is playing GI Joe spending $320 million on war planes we don't need.

I saw that news and thought it was fake news. Unbelievable. As if Argentina didn't have enough problems.
You are definitely right! He should remain neutral, Agentina already has too many problems to solve to add one more to the list.

Argentina will stay neutral. This is just tough guy talk from Milei as he is now best friends with the USA. Did you see the CIA and other top brass in Argentina? Talk is cheap.