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Politics Milei arrives in San Francisco to outline his economic theory and propose Argentina as an artificial intelligence hub - Infobae

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Milei arrives in San Francisco to describe his theoretical perspective on the economy and propose Argentina as a hub of artificial intelligence - infobae​



May 28, 2024

The president will speak at Stanford University and will hold meetings with the main technology companies in the United States to seek direct investments in the country

By Romanian Lejtman

Javier Milei during his presentation at the Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production

(From Washington, United States) Javier Milei travels to San Francisco to describe his theoretical perspective on the economy and propose Argentina as a hub of artificial intelligence to the main technology companies in the United States.

The head of state flies to California accompanied by Luis Caputo -Minister of Economy-, Karina Milei -General Secretary of the Presidency- and Demian Reidel , head of the President's Council of Economic Advisors. And in San Francisco he will be received by Gerardo Werthein , Argentine ambassador to the United States.

Milei will speak at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, which is a member of the Ivy League and ranked among the ten most prestigious academic centers in the world. Its institutional motto coincides with the ideological vision of the president: “Blow the wind of freedom” , which was coined by the reformer Ulrich von Hutten and was chosen by the Stanford family in the 19th century.

The head of state will be received at Stanford by Condoleezza Rice , who is the director of the Hoover Institute. Rice was George Bush's National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, she plays Mozart on the piano without making mistakes and was key in the preparation of the war that the United States finally waged against Iraq in 2003.

Rice assured the public that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, but they were never found.

In his dissertation at the Hoover Institute, Milei will draw on the open class he offered at Florida International University (FIU). During that opportunity, under the title “Capitalism, Socialism and the Neoclassical Trap”, Milei defended the ideas of Adam Smith , the Austrian School and the theory of Increasing Returns.

The head of state believes that market failures do not exist , and his presentation at Stanford will revolve around this essential concept in his macroeconomic perspective. “The more the State runs, the better,” Milei summarized in her class before the FIU students.

A concept that the President will ratify at Stanford to describe what he calls the neoclassical trap, and that in his notes for the class at the University of Florida he described as follows:

“Central argument: even those who, being true libertarians, embrace the neoclassical model, said model when it addresses market failures leads to intervention that worsens the functioning of the system derived by (the) intervention and that thus leads to increasing doses of socialism” .


Facsimile of the notes written by Milei to deliver his economics class at Florida International University
In addition to his dissertation at Stanford, Milei plans to meet with four key figures in the global technology universe:

1. Sam Altman, CEO OpenAI.

2. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google.

3. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple.

4. Mark Zuckerberg , owner of Meta

The president will also meet with thirty investors linked to Artificial Intelligence, will hold a meeting with entrepreneurs of start-ups linked to AI and will speak at the Pacific Summit , organized by the Bay Area Council.

-What is your objective vis-à-vis the main owners of technology companies in the United States?- Infobae asked Milei.

- Create the fourth artificial intelligence pole in the world in Argentina -, answered the president.

-And to compete with which countries?

- To compete with the United States, China and Europe .

Demian Reidel is the head of the President's Council of Economic Advisors and his main consultant regarding artificial intelligence

This strategic objective of the President was developed by Demian Reidel in journalistic statements. Reidel is Milei's main consultant on artificial intelligence, a constantly evolving technology that has already changed the world.

“As always in Europe they do everything wrong , they overregulate and are killing all innovation. That's why there are no big companies doing this in Europe: they are going to do nothing. China is going to do whatever they want. Therefore, they are going to have a comparative advantage against us, and the rest of the world. And if this doesn't kill everything, they (China) have the biggest gun. The United States is dealing with Congress , who do not know, have no idea how to regulate this,” Reidel said.

And the presidential advisor completed speaking about Argentina: “The most important issue in the world, in a country where there are large areas of land, with a cold climate and energy reserves. And where the ideas of freedom, low regulation, free enterprise, and everything he (Milei) wants to do are being promoted. He looks to see if there are four instead of three. See if it's China, the United States, Europe and Argentina. ..”

For this reason, Reidel got on the official plane with the President, Karina Milei, and Caputo. The chief advisor knows about this complex modern issue and will participate in all the meetings that Milei will participate in during her 80 hours in San Francisco.

On Friday afternoon, Milei will change his 21st century agenda for a whirlwind visit to El Salvador, where on Saturday he will participate in the inauguration of Nayib Bukele, the president who won reelection due to his prison policy.

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