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Politics Milei blamed Kirchnerism for the conflict with Spain and confirmed that there will be no May Pact on Saturday - Infobae

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Milei blamed Kirchnerism for the conflict with Spain and confirmed that there will be no May Pact on Saturday - Infobae​



May 20, 2024

More than 24 hours after an important diplomatic counterpoint began between the Argentine head of state and his Spanish counterpart, the President targeted former president Alberto Fernández. He also detailed why the agreement with the governors in Córdoba will not be carried out.

Milei blamed Kirchnerism for the diplomatic conflict with Spain and spoke about Pedro Sánchez

In the midst of the diplomatic conflict between Argentina and Spain, unleashed by Javier Milei's statements against the wife of Pedro Sánchez , Spanish president, and the request for an apology from the Government of the European country, the national leader referred tonight to the strong counterpoint diplomat and pointed out: “Everything is coordinated with Kirchnerism . ” He also confirmed that next Saturday there will be no May Pact with the governors in Córdoba, as Infobae had anticipated .

The head of state directly pointed to the figure of Alberto Fernández as a piece in the alleged setup of the conflict. “He is Sánchez's advisor ,” he stated during an interview with journalist Jonatan Viale in TN . “(Sánchez) is such a coward that he needed to go out and hit me through women,” he said and added: “he works aligned with Kirchnerism to try to sabotage our government.”

Within the framework of this dialogue, Milei also referred to the agreement with the provincial leaders that will not finally be made this Saturday. “ There is no May Pact because the Base Law will not be there. There is no time for bases to come out now. It can be done on June 20, or July 9. “They are reforms that have to do with the long term,” he noted in relation to the agreement.

Javier Milei confirmed that there will be no May Pact on Saturday
Regarding the conflict with Spain, meanwhile, the Argentine President detailed: “The coward Sánchez got under the women's skirts, and ordered me to attack the different women in his space. Given that one of his advisors is Alberto Fernández, you know how I saw it coming. I said: 'They are looking for this kind of provocation to accuse me of being a misogynist.'

“I'm going to make it very clear what is happening,” Milei continued. What is happening in Spain is not independent of Kirchnerism. This situation is promoted with Kirchnerism, it is coordinated with Kirchnerism. “It is very serious.”

The Argentine President also spoke about the origin of the conflict, which began during his last speech in Spain. “I didn't mention her wife. Then, beginning of revelation, she incriminates herself. “She took charge, which shows that it is dirty,” he noted. “Introducing a personal problem to dirty the diplomatic relationship of two closely related countries,” he reflected.

“That bond will never be broken. He needs this, he works in coordination with Kirchnerism, which has abstinence from cash,” he insisted on his Spanish counterpart. “I am not going to apologize under any circumstances if I was the one attacked,” he insisted.

Milei also announced that there will be a surprise at Luna Park during the presentation of her book , which is scheduled for next Wednesday night.

Despite the tension that arose with the Spanish government after his participation in the Europa Viva 24 Festival, President Javier Milei plans to return to Spain in mid-June . It will be June 21, the date on which he will be in the Iberian capital where he will be awarded by the Juan de Mariana Institute, when the Freedom Dinner is held in that institution, at the Madrid Casino, during what was called Week of freedom.

Javier Milei at the Vox event in Spain

The magnitude of the diplomatic tension between Spain and Argentina in recent hours has no similar precedents in the long history of the relationship between both nations. Neither of the two governments adopts an attitude that tends to de-escalate the conflict. On the contrary, the Casa Rosada refuses to issue an apology and demands a retraction from Pedro Sánchez . “ There is nothing we have to apologize about. They started this by attacking President (Javier) Milei,” an official from Balcarce 50 who frequents the Head of State told this medium .

Alberto Fernández's response​

Shortly after the President's words, Alberto Fernández responded through the social network X. “I am amazed. President Milei caused a major international political disaster in Spain and he attributes responsibility to me for the consequences of his actions,” he commented.

Then, the former president added: “ Am I an advisor to Pedro Sánchez? The President needs psychological assistance promptly.” “Seeing everything he says and listening to his arguments, we must recognize his enviable efficiency in doing everything wrong,” he concluded.
He blames everything on CFK. I wonder who he will blame when he gets kicked out of office?