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Politics Milei chose to target the senators who increased their allowances and removed Villarruel from the controversy - Infobae

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Milei chose to target the senators who increased their allowances and removed Villarruel from the controversy - Infobae​



April 18, 2024

The national authorities valued the approval of the ambassadors in the Senate and considered that the salary increase left the opposition exposed, because the libertarians voted against it. The Vice President's message against criticism

By Federico Galligani

Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel

President Javier Milei and his vice, Victoria Villarruel , have decided to leave behind the differences between the two and maintain the unity of the formula, after the indirect crossings that were recorded weeks ago and that ended with a photo of the two in the Casa Rosada , as a symbol of truce.

Unlike what happened on that occasion, this Thursday the Government took a position aligned with the ruling party in the Senate , by questioning the opposition about the increase in allowances in the Chamber, which was approved by the majority of those present in the session.

“Today the senators from all blocks agreed to an increase in their salary that was voted by show of hands in the chamber because they had the necessary votes to do so. As President of the Senate, I am not a senator, I do not receive compensation from the Senate and I cannot interfere in those decisions. Nor can I force a nominal vote to be taken or to justify the decision endorsed by everyone, because I am not a senator,” Villarruel stressed.


Villarruel's message after the vote
In this regard, the Vice President acknowledged that she could have “stood up to prevent” her photo from appearing and “some of the journalism and the trolls” “accused” her of what, she stressed, “has no influence whatsoever,” but maintained that “ always shows his face” and that this time “was no exception.”

“ I regret that the people are lied to and certain sectors take advantage of it to try to get me dirty , but what happened in the Senate is perfectly legal and I have no tool to stop it,” he concluded.

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At the end of the meeting, the dissident Peronist Juan Carlos Romero asked to discuss a draft resolution on a table and obtained the necessary support to approve the increase in the salaries of the legislators, who starting next June would be paid in hand more than 4 million pesos.

The decision was endorsed by the head of the Senate, who accepted the request and ordered a show of hands for the initiative, which was sanctioned by a majority, but with the rejection of all the members of La Libertad Avanza and some other groups.

The Senate approved the increase in salaries for legislators (REUTERS/Agustín Marcarian)

The measure goes against the premise of President Milei, who not only rolled back the increases in the Executive Branch, but also demanded that Villarruel and his counterpart in Deputies, Martín Menem, do the same in Congress .

At the beginning of March, a joint resolution of the Chambers had established an increase for national legislators, which led to indirect disagreements between the President, who harshly questioned the increase, and his vice president , who defended the update.

“A legislator is the person who represents the provinces, in the Senate, and the Argentine people in the Deputies. I believe that they have to be paid in a dignified manner, for the very important delegated task. If not only the rich, the drug traffickers, would be legislators. "They have to earn well and they don't earn well," said the official during an interview on TN .

For his part, in dialogue with journalist Esteban Trebucq on LN+, Milei remarked: “Obviously, given the situation in the country, I told Martín to remove that clause and to advance something that is unrelated and for the politicians to vote to see what "They want to do with the diets and that they are exposed to society . "

This was what happened this Thursday and marked a new stage in the relationship at the presidential level , since on this occasion both lined up to question the opposition, which they held responsible for the approval of the project.

The President's opinion on the increase in the diet in the Senate

“This is how caste moves. The only 7 who voted against are the senators of La Libertad Avanza... 2025 will be a historic beating...", wrote the head of state on his X account, accompanying the message of an Infobae publication that reports on the increase in the Senate.

In the Lower House, sources from the ruling party told this medium that Villarruel could not prevent the initiative from being discussed , since Peronism and its allies gathered the necessary two-thirds to force the debate and sanction the text.

For their part, the national authorities agreed that the head of the precinct did not have much room for maneuver and stressed that, with this vote, the senators who supported the increase "left their fingers marked and were exposed."

Furthermore, the Government highlighted that in that same session, the ruling party obtained the specifications of six ambassadors proposed by Javier Milei: Gerardo Werthein (United States), Guillermo Nielsen (Paraguay), Mariano Caucino (India), Ian Sielecki (France), Sonia Cavallo (Organization of American States-OAS) and Axel Wahnish (Israel).

There should not be a congratulation from the Nation, we never wanted the increase to happen, but the President's tweet is still a good message ,” summarized an important libertarian leader.