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Politics Milei completed three months of government: 40 news that marked a dizzying administration dominated by adjustment and the fight with caste - Infobae

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Milei completed three months of government: 40 news that marked a dizzying administration dominated by adjustment and the fight with caste - Infobae​



March 10, 2024

The President is approaching the 100-day barrier, with a high level of social support, despite the tough economic stabilization program. Day by day, the key facts of a trial period passed

By Facundo Chaves

Javier Milei served three months in government, with high social support

If he were in a “normal” job, Javier Milei has just passed the trial period. This March 10 marked the first three months of a government that was elected for 48 months and is approaching the psychological barrier of 100 days, when the “honeymoon” that every president has after his presidency is supposed to end. assumption.


The day by day of the Milei government​

December 10​



Javier Milei on the Casa Rosada balcony
Javier Gerardo Milei, at 53 years old, assumed the Presidency of the Nation and in a speech he gave with his back to Congress, he anticipated the tone of an ultra-orthodox adjustment plan. Under the motto “there is no money,” he anticipated a draconian stabilization plan. “They left us with inflation of 15,000%,” he said. And he launched another key definition aimed at the picketers: “He who cuts does not get paid.”

December 12th​


The Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo announced a devaluation jump above 110%. He took the dollar to $800 and detailed spending cuts, freezing public salaries and pensions, and liberalizing prices.

December 17​


Milei in mouth voting
Milei voted in the Boca Juniors elections to support Mauricio Macri, who was a vice candidate but decided not to cast his vote at the Bombonera. Riquelme won, whom she linked to Kirchnerism.

Decembre 19th​



Milei led the first meeting with the governors together with the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse; and the presidents of the Deputies and the Senate, Martín Menem and Victoria Villarruel. She also added her sister, the secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei

December 20th​


Javier Milei headed the national network accompanied by his Cabinet

Milei presented the mega DNU that deregulates the economy. The changes impacted nearly 300 laws and affected everything from the elimination of the rental law, the opening of social works, allowing contracts in dollars and allowing state companies to be changed into public limited companies.


Piquetero protest that challenged Patricia Bullrich's protocol

The picketers mobilized through downtown Buenos Aires in a march that had promised to be massive, but ended up being about four thousand protesters. It was the first time that the protocol launched by Minister Patricia Bullrich, which sought to end traffic interruptions, was applied. Milei supervised the start of the first anti-picket operation that the Government implemented to try to guarantee the circulation of traffic, in the middle of a protest that was heading to Plaza de Mayo. It was a personal endorsement of a decision made by the president.

Karina and Javier Milei, with their backs turned, with Minister Bullrich, at the Central Headquarters of the Federal Police

December 27​


Javier Milei sent the “Omnibus Law” to the National Congress, which included key economic, political and daily life changes in more than 660 articles. It was an ambitious project that marked the beginning of the government of the leader of La Libertad Avanza and that still has no definition. It was included there from the request for superpowers and the elimination of the retirement formula, to the end of the PASO, a money laundering, a moratorium, changes in the Penal Code and the Civil Code, such as express divorce.

Formal project presentation ceremony. The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, and Guillermo Francos, Minister of the Interior

January 1st​


The President decided on a deeper and broader renovation of the military leadership than that applied by Néstor Kirchner. He excepted in the Air Force, where he kept most of the brigadiers, in the Army and in the Navy he displaced almost half of the generals and admirals.

Luis Petri, in front of the Libertador Building, with the soldiers who participated in the renovation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (photos Maximiliano Luna)

January 4​


The Ministry of Security extradited Facundo Jones Huala, the Mapuche who was convicted of terrorist acts in Chile. The Mapuche leader was sent to that country for the second time in his life to finish serving a prison sentence that expires in mid-June. After that, on February 17, they arrested Matías Santana, known as “the Mapuche with binoculars,” because he said he saw with those devices when the Gendarmerie took Santiago Maldonado, the craftsman who drowned in a river after escaping from an eviction operation of a road block. He is accused of leading land seizures in Villa Mascardi.

January 11​


Indec confirmed that December inflation was 25% and left all of 2023 at 211.4%, the worst figure since 1991, before Convertibility. It was the last month of the administration led by the Minister of Economy and at the same time candidate for president Sergio Massa. At the end of the fourth Kirchnerist government, Argentina remained the country with the highest inflation in the world.


January 15​


Five people were shot dead in a confrontation between rival gangs in a takeover of land in the Buenos Aires district of La Matanza. To date, no arrests have been made and the crimes remain unpunished. Mayor Fernando Espinoza still does not appear in public. The presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, targeted the government of Axel Kicillof.

January 17​


Milei traveled to the Davos Economic Forum. There she had meetings with world leaders and spoke before a select audience of businessmen, politicians and global social leaders. There, in Switzerland, she said that “the West is in danger” and spoke of the danger of “socialism and communism.” Her speech was praised by the richest man on the planet, Elon Musk.

January 22​


Uma Aguilera , the 9-year-old daughter of a guard of the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich , was murdered in an attempted robbery in the town of Villa Centenario, in the Lomas de Zamora district . There are no arrests due to the fact and the only suspect she was arrested ended up free due to lack of evidence. One more example of the insecurity that hits hard and does not give in.

January 24​


First strike, the fastest against a recently assumed government. Not even a dictator did the CGT and the other union centers strike a president 35 days after taking office. The mobilization was numerous, but the adhesion was partial because the buses and trains continued running throughout the day.

An aerial image taken from the Infobae drone

26 of January​


Milei decided to withdraw the fiscal package of the “Omnibus Law” due to pressure from the governors and the disagreement of the political and economic authorities of the Casa Rosada. Thus, the changes in the Income tax, the retirement reform and withholdings fell by the wayside.

The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, held a press conference to announce that the Government decided to withdraw the fiscal chapter

January 30th​


Daniel Scioli entered the government of Javier Milei, led by the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos. The decision generated discomfort in the ranks of La Libertad Avanza and also in allies of the PRO, who identified him as part of “the caste” that the president was determined to confront.

Daniel Scioli together with Javier Milei and Guillermo Francos: will assume the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Sports

February 1st​


The Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, confronted the picketers who went to demonstrate at the door of the organization and challenged. “I'm going to serve hungry people, not referents,” she said. It was a fact that showed the decision of the current management to openly confront the leaders of social organizations and picketers.

February 6th​


The Government decided to withdraw the “Omnibus Law” project, which had received general approval with the support of the governors and allied parties because the provincial leaders had voted against several paragraphs of the first articles. “To pass a bad law, I prefer that it not pass,” said the President.

The Omnibus Law ended up being withdrawn by decision of the Milei government


Milei traveled to Israel and expressed his total support and solidarity in the face of the Hamas terrorist attack in the south of the country, where there were mass murders of civilians, the elderly and children, kidnappings and rapes of women who have not yet returned to their homes. The President cried at the Western Wall and then met with President Herzog to ratify his condemnation of Hamas.

Javier Milei at the Wailing Wall

February 9​


Milei confirms that he is willing to negotiate a Government agreement with Macri. With this movement, he sought to leave behind the weakness that he showed in the debate on the “Omnibus Law” and to strengthen himself politically against tough opposition sectors, such as Kirchnerism. More than a month after that announcement, there are still no definitions, not even a hand-to-hand meeting between the two that has been officially confirmed.

Javier Milei, Mauricio Macri and Patricia Bullrich during an informal meeting before the presidential inauguration

February 13th​


Milei went to meet Pope Francis in Rome. First they met informally at a mass for the canonization of Mama Antula, and the next day they had a private audience of more than 70 minutes where there was a friendly tone. There were smiling photos of both and the President left the Holy See with the conviction that Bergoglio had supported his government plan.

In this image distributed by the Vatican press, Argentine President Javier Milei greets Pope Francis

February 14th​


Cristina Kirchner reappeared with a 33-page letter where she harshly criticized Milei and her economic plan. She spoke of a “third debt crisis” and questioned the president's approach to Macri and the inclusion in his administration of former government officials from 2015 to 2019. “A showman-economist in La Rosada,” she stated.

Cristina Kirchner and Javier Milei

February 15​


The President stated in an interview with LN+, referring to the singer Lali Espósito, a disqualification that led to several days of cross-talk on social networks and controversies over Milei's relationship with her detractors. “What are (the governors') priorities? "Feed people or fill Lali Depósito 's pocket and have her criticize me at a festival." “Lali Depósito was left, because she lives off the tax payers at the expense of the children's hunger.”

Javier Milei criticized Lali Espósito: "She charged from several governments"

February 17th​


The UCA assured that poverty skyrocketed in January, the first month of Javier Milei's full government, above 57% . This is the worst record in 20 years and it was also indicated that 15% of homeless people were registered. The data from the Social Debt Observatory of that study house that depends on the Church and where Pope Francis has enormous influence were relativized by specialists.


The graph that Lacunza published on his X account with the criticism of poverty data (source @hernanlacunza)

February 19th​


Foreign Minister David Cameron traveled to the Malvinas and there he was unaware of the existence of a controversy over Argentina's sovereign rights over the islands. “ As long as they want to be part of the United Kingdom they are absolutely welcome and we will absolutely support them and help protect and defend them, as far as I am concerned, for as long as they want .” And I hope it will be for a long, long time, possibly forever,” he said before the islanders. There was no official reaction from Foreign Minister Diana Mondino.

Foreign Minister Cameron, on his last visit, last month, to the islands in dispute with Argentina

February 21st​


The number 2 of the Monetary Fund, Gita Gopinath, was in Buenos Aires to speak with President Javier Milei and the main Argentine authorities. The US representative of the Fund was one of the US government personalities who were in the country and who showed Washington's rapprochement with the libertarian administration. The visit of Biden's powerful Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, who met at Casa Rosada with the first line of the Cabinet was also part of that line. The arrival of the aircraft carrier George Washington is also scheduled.

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, with the Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, at the Casa Rosada presidential palace

February 22​


The national government ordered the definitive closure of the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI). “The decision was made to move forward in the dismantling of different institutes that effectively serve absolutely no purpose or are large political boxes or places to generate militant employment and the first of them is going to be Inadi,” said spokesperson Manuel Adorni. .

23 of February​


Nacho Torres protested the withholding of co-participation funds and threatened to paralyze the oil wells in Patagonia. He had the support of the other 23 leaders of the country and, above all, the Executives of the southern region, who showed solidarity and also threatened to cut off the supply of gas and oil to Argentina. After a judicial intervention, the conflict subsided and there was no measure of extreme force. It was called the rebellion of the governors and there was a violent confrontation between Milei and Torres on the social network X.


February 24th​


Milei had a fleeting meeting with Donald Trump but of enormous political significance, in the middle of a meeting at the ultraconservative center of the United States known as CPAC. There Milei said: “You were a great president and I hope you will be again.” After that and on stage in front of a massive auditorium, Trump praised him : “He is the one to make Argentina great again,” he said.


The insurance scandal is uncovered during the government of Alberto Fernández. It is revealed that during the previous administration there was a business of commission agents who charged millions of pesos every month to mediate coverage that the State contracted. It is a case of corruption that is being investigated by Justice and that already has Fernández as a defendant, along with his two friends, Alberto Pagliano, who was a civil servant, and Héctor Martínez Sosa, an insurance businessman and wife of María Cantero, the secretary. history of the former president.


26 of February​


Milei decided to withdraw by decree from Axel Kicillof more than 870 billion pesos from the so-called Institutional Strengthening Fund, which had originated from the funds that the government of Alberto Fernández took from the city of Buenos Aires in 2020 to finance the Police. Buenos Aires. It was a new discussion that the president still has with the provincial leaders to this day, after the fall of the “Omnibus Law.”

Javier Milei and Axel Kicillof

February 27​


The Government decided to eliminate the Potenciar Trabajo program and create two other new plans to continue with the assistance provided, but remove intermediaries from the process, such as social movements and municipalities, which currently demand an investment of about 34 million dollars per year. anus .

The Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello

February 28th​


Pope Francis sent a message to a meeting with Argentine judges and leaders with strong political content, in which he openly distanced himself from the ideas and government plan of Javier Milei. “What is the point of having power if it distances itself from the construction of just societies?” he asked himself. “ Legitimacy of origin is not enough, the exercise also has to be legitimate. What is the point of having power if it distances itself from the construction of just societies ? This phrase was the central axis of the message he shared on the occasion of the inauguration of the Buenos Aires headquarters of the Pan American Committee of Judges for Social Rights and Franciscan Doctrine (COPAJU) and the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Institute, a kind of NGO of magistrates.

March 1st​


In the Legislative Assembly, Milei harshly criticized politicians, announced a series of “anti-caste” projects but called for signing the May Pact with Argentine governors and former presidents. The President proposed a roadmap that represents “a new founding pact for the Argentine Republic.” From respect for private property to fiscal balance; from a labor reform to a new co-participation.


March 5th​


The Government closed the Télam news agency , as President Milei had anticipated during his speech before Congress.

Credit: Adrián Escandar


After a surprise search that took place in the Piñero prison - a key prison for drug traffickers operating in the area - Governor Maximiliano Pullaro and his Minister of Justice and Security, Pablo Cococcioni , shared a challenging message on social networks. . “They are going to have it worse and worse,” they said. The publication of those photos led to an escalation of violence that continues to this day.

The postcard replicates the method used by the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, to combat gang members in his country

6th of March​


Javier Milei returned to the Cardenal Copello school where he attended primary and secondary school, gave a speech that had quite controversial passages and witnessed how two young people who were on stage with him fainted. Not only did he recount anecdotes from his life as a student but he also defended his “chainsaw and blender” policy. Javier Milei participated in the opening ceremony of the school year.

A student fainted during Javier Milei's speech


Alberto Fernández was displaced from the presidency of the PJ in the midst of the insurance scandal. The former president requested leave as head of the Justicialista Party and a reorganization process began, with the call for a meeting of the party Congress. Gildo Insfrán , governor of Formosa and president of the highest judicial body, made the call and confirmed the decision made by the former president.

A student fainted during Javier Milei's speech


The Justicialista Party account published the statement

March 8​


The Government of Javier Milei had an “extensive and productive” meeting with the governors to advance the approval of a “simplified basic law” that the national Executive needs and the formation of an economic and other political commission to receive the demands of the provinces in view of a fiscal pact.

Meeting of ministers Posse and Francos with the governors at Casa Rosada


On Women's Day, Karina Milei publicly presented what the former Women's Hall looked like after they announced that it will become the Hall of Heroes . “This administration is not going to promote militancy from the State that generates discord among Argentines,” said the Secretary General of the Presidency.
