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Politics Milei confirmed the dismissal of 50 thousand more public employees: how the personnel cuts will continue in the State - Infobae

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Milei confirmed the dismissal of 50 thousand more public employees: how the personnel cuts will continue in the State - Infobae​



June 05, 2024

The new Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, will continue the task left by his predecessor, Nicolás Posse. The national authorities assure that “all State workers are under permanent review”

By Federico Galligani

The President ratified his decision to cut the State (NA)

At the closing of the event of the Latam Economic Forum, which took place at the Golden Mercantil Hall, in Parque Norte, President Javier Milei confirmed this Thursday that he will advance with the “chainsaw plan” and that the Government will soon lay off another 50,000 employees public.

“Not only were the number of ministries reduced by half; We eliminate discretionary transfers to the provinces, public works, contracts. Not only that, but one of the things we knew was that the program was going to generate social tension and, also, a drop in activity,” acknowledged the national leader.

Already at the end of March, also at an event with businessmen, in this case at the IEFA Latam Forum, the libertarian leader highlighted that in the few months that his administration has been in office, thousands of state workers had already been fired, and he anticipated that others 75 thousand were under review.

According to what official sources told Infobae , from that date to date another 25 thousand people have already been cut, so approximately 50 thousand employees still need to be dispensed with, most of whom perform functions in different Ministries.

As this media learned, the process through which the cut will be carried out will be the same as that implemented by the then Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse , at the beginning of this administration and that will now be continued by his successor, Guillermo Francos .


Francos ordered that the review continue in all areas of the Government (Maximiliano Luna)
Specifically, each area of the Government must review the personnel under its charge and submit to Francos the list of those workers whose contracts have been decided not to be renewed .

In this framework, although there is no stipulated percentage of the reduction that will occur in each sector, the national authorities stressed that they are especially analyzing all those contracts “that expire on June 30.

In this way, the majority of people who will be disaffected from their functions will mostly leave the Ministries, although the Chief of Staff warned that “all State employees are under permanent review . ”

“There will be more layoffs, for sure. We said that there was going to be a second review, which was going to take place on June 30. That will continue to happen, almost as a permanent and eternal process, reviewing the functioning of certain areas, what value they add, if the provision is correct and if it is not, it is corrected,” confirmed the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni .

For this reason, it is not ruled out that cuts could also occur in some decentralized organizations, such as Conicet, Enacom, the Insurance Superintendence or Anses, as already happened months ago.


The review reaches all state areas

In fact, last March, when Milei announced that it was going to fire more than 70 public employees, the general secretary of ATE, Rodolfo Aguiar , called for a strike and led a mobilization at the doors of the main organizations affected by the measure.

At that time, in dialogue with Infobae , the union leader commented that in the National State there were about 65 thousand people who were working under contract through the “transitional plant” modality, while another 6,000 fulfilled functions under the figure of “assistance.” professional technique.”

In recent days, the union member once again called for a 24-hour strike with mobilization of Congress for the day on which the Bases Law is discussed in the Senate, at the same time that he anticipated more forceful measures for the last week of June , “in the face of the threat of dismissal of thousands of workers.”

“This initiative, which is going to be brought to the venue, contains an absolutely regressive labor reform in terms of rights and, particularly, in public employment, it contemplates a direct and non-stop regression to the last military dictatorship,” he said in a statement. ATE statement.
I can't fathom 50,000 more employees losing their jobs. Where will they all go??? There aren't enough jobs in private sector.