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Politics Milei confronts Maduro and warned him that Argentina will protect the six leaders persecuted by the Venezuelan regime - Infobae

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Milei confronts Maduro and warned him that Argentina will protect the six leaders persecuted by the Venezuelan regime - Infobae​



March 26, 2024

The President appealed to the Vienna Convention to ratify the decision to shelter the opposition representatives who are in the Argentine embassy in Caracas, which has been without power since last night due to sabotage committed by shock forces that respond to the Chavista leader. He also demanded that he call free and transparent elections.

By Romanian Lejtman

Javier Milei issued strong warnings against Maduro

Javier Milei confronts Nicolás Maduro for his systematic violations of human rights and decided to protect six opponents of the Caribbean regime who are housed in the Argentine embassy in Venezuela. Milei protects opposition leaders supported by the Vienna Convention, against the sabotage carried out by a Maduro task force that tore out the light fuses of the diplomatic residence located in the city of Caracas.

In this context, the Government released the following official statement:

“The Argentine Republic, rooted in its historical vocation to promote and safeguard fundamental human rights, and exercising its effective commitment in this regard, expresses its concern at the deterioration of the institutional situation and the acts of harassment and persecution directed against political figures. from Venezuela. With the support of the inviolability enshrined in article 22 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, of which both nations, Argentina and Venezuela, are signatories, it has welcomed political leaders of the opposition at the Official Residence of the Argentine Embassy in Caracas.

In this sense, the Argentine Republic expresses its concern about the incident that occurred yesterday, which resulted in the interruption of the electricity supply at the official residence in Caracas, and warns the government of Venezuela about any deliberate action that endangers the safety of diplomatic personnel. Argentine and Venezuelan citizens under protection, remembering the obligation of the receiving State to safeguard the facilities of the diplomatic mission against intrusions or damages and preserve its tranquility and dignity.

Finally, President Javier Milei urges the socialist Nicolás Maduro to ensure the security and well-being of the Venezuelan people, as well as to call transparent, free, democratic and competitive elections, without proscriptions of any kind.

The refugees would be Pedro Urruchurtu, Magallí Meda, Humberto Villalobos, Claudia Macero, Omar González and a sixth leader whose name has not yet been revealed. All those protected by the Argentine government belong to the opposition coalition Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), which is led by María Corina Machado.

The opposition politicians who respond to Machado entered the Argentine embassy five days ago and from that moment on they were protected by the Milei administration. There is a climate of tension in the diplomatic residence that last night led to a deliberate blackout caused by militants who respond to Maduro.

Faced with this explicit act of political violence, the president appealed to article 22 of the Vienna Convention to demand that the populist regime respect the rules of coexistence between two states that maintain diplomatic ties.

Article 22 of the Convention establishes:

"1. The mission premises are inviolable . Agents of the receiving State may not enter them without the consent of the head of the mission.

2. The receiving State has a special obligation to take all appropriate measures to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or damage and to prevent the tranquility of the mission from being disturbed or its dignity being violated.

3. The premises of the mission, its furniture and other property located therein, as well as the means of transport of the mission, may not be subject to any search, requisition, seizure or enforcement measure.

The Argentine embassy in Caracas serves as a diplomatic refuge for the opposition leaders that Maduro persecutes through the justice of the Caribbean regime
The official statement was written in the Foreign Ministry and traveled to the Casa Rosada several times. Milei, Nicolás Posse and Diana Mondino exchanged opinions on their wording and regarding the ideas they intended to communicate in their three-paragraph text outside the formal prose that diplomacy requires.

It was no coincidence that at the end of the statement the adjective “socialist” was used to mention Maduro and that the populist leader was required to guarantee an electoral process without fraud and respecting the rights of the opposition, two basic demands of the international community that until now it has not done.

The last paragraph of the statement states: "Finally, President Javier Milei urges the socialist Nicolás Maduro to ensure the security and well-being of the Venezuelan people, as well as to call transparent, free, democratic and competitive elections, without proscriptions of any kind."

From this political position, the Foreign Ministry will do what is necessary to preserve the life and safety of the six refugees and design a diplomatic strategy to ensure that they can leave Caracas for Buenos Aires. It will be a complex task because Maduro is already in the electoral campaign and has no intention of giving in to the proposals that Argentina formalizes.

The Caribbean regime has called presidential elections and its decision is to ensure that Maduro triumphs with the greatest number of votes possible. This decision implies that it is prohibiting opposition leaders and blocking the possibility of institutional control exercised by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that fight for electoral transparency.

The main opposition coalition Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) denounced impediments to accessing the system and registering its candidate, the historian Corina Yoris , elected due to the disqualification issued against María Corina Machado to compete for public office until 2036.

And finally, the deadline to present Yoris as a PUD candidate expired yesterday, the regime blocked that nomination to benefit Maduro's electoral chances. Machado assured in Caracas that she will not support any candidate other than Yoris.

The country has the right to know the whole truth and the result of what happened is that last night, at 12 at night, the Unitary Platform was not allowed to register its candidacy. The regime prevented Dr. Corina Yoris from registering . What we warned about for many months ended up happening. The regime chose its candidates ,” said Machado regarding the banning of his presidential candidate.

Maria Corina Machado explains in a press conference that the Venezuelan regime blocked candidate Yoris to allow an unobstructed victory for Nicolás Maduro

Instead, Maduro yesterday formalized his candidacy to seek a third six-year term in the July 28 elections. It is an asymmetric battle: the regime protects its dictator and at the same time prescribes the opposition leaders.

Through a joint statement, Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay expressed their concern over Yoris's inability to register his candidacy.

“This situation, together with the previous disqualifications that have been in the public domain, adds questions about the integrity and transparency of the electoral process as a whole. These restrictions prevent progress towards elections that allow a democratization process to be carried out in sister Venezuela,” the statement says.

The statement shows Maduro's isolation and leaves Lula da Silva and Gabriel Boric alone , who avoided joining a diplomatic position that repudiates the Caribbean dictator's strategy in the upcoming elections. Brazil and Chile are functional to the populist regime when the persecution of opponents is a political fact that is proof of official denials.

MIlei and Mondino spoke throughout the day before officially acknowledging that they had decided to shelter six opponents of the Maduro regime.

Milei's diplomatic position is not new to Maduro . The President avoided the appointment of an ambassador in Caracas - there is now a chargé d'affaires -, he calls for democracy in Venezuela in all international forums and decided to hand over to the United States justice the Emtrasur Boeing 747 that was linked to groups terrorists supported by Iran.

The Argentine embassy has already been a refuge for dozens of opponents of the populist regime. In the time of Mauricio Macri, the chargé d'affaires Eduardo Porreti carried out a silent diplomatic task in favor of opposition leaders who were in the crosshairs of the Venezuelan intelligence services.

But this political decision was buried by the previous government when it appointed Oscar Laborde, a former leader of the Communist Party who is a personal friend of Maduro, in Caracas. With Laborde retired in Buenos Aires, Milei once again authorized the granting of asylum to opponents persecuted by the Chavista regime.

A presidential position has placed the diplomatic link between Argentina and Venezuela in extreme tension . In Casa Rosada they are already awaiting the political reaction of Maduro, who is in a permanent electoral campaign without adversaries that could put his permanence in power at risk.