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Politics Milei defended his dollarization plan and sent a strong warning to Congress: “I am going to veto any project that wants to break the bank” - Infobae

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Milei defended his dollarization plan and sent a strong warning to Congress: “I am going to veto any project that wants to break the bank” - Infobae​



May 21, 2024

In addition to defending fiscal balance, during his speech at the 41st IAEF annual congress, the President responded to those who question his economic measures

By Federico Galligani

Javier Milei announced that he will veto projects that want to "break the fiscal balance"

Before the main authorities of hundreds of companies from different sectors, President Javier Milei defended this Tuesday afternoon his administration's economic plan, which would lead to "endogenous dollarization" and warned that he will "veto" any bill that the opposition can pass in Congress and that “it is going to break the box and blow this country up into the air.”

”Enough of fear, why so much fear of freedom? There will be currency competition, you can use the dollar, the euro, whatever you want, and instead of the transactions being decided by a bureaucrat, they will be decided by individuals,” he assured.

In this regard, the head of state maintained that this process will begin "when the balance sheet of the Central Bank can be completed" and assured that, "in this way, not only will the economy be stabilized" and "the peso is going to lose influence, inflation is going to be eliminated forever, the knife is going to be taken away from the monkey and the country is going to become a power again.”

Milei defended his dollarization plan and sent a strong warning to Congress: “I am going to veto any project that wants to break the bank” (Nicolas Stulberg)

The national leader expressed himself in this way when closing the last congress of the Argentine Institute of Finance Executives (IAEF), which was held at the Buenos Aires Convention Center, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Retiro.

The libertarian leader began his presentation with a purely technical explanation about the function of money in the market and stressed that its demand "depends on the consumption path of all history", so it cannot be controlled.

“Therefore , the only thing the Central Bank can do is harm , the only way for it not to hurt is for it to do nothing, so it is better not to have it,” Milei stated, thus ratifying his intention to eliminate the monetary body. .

Along these lines, the head of state once again referred in a mocking tone to the economists who question his measures and stressed that “there are differences between convertibility and the plan” that the current administration has.

“One of the things we are doing that seems to be overlooked by many is that we are doing all this without violating private property. It's true, we are taking longer to stabilize , basically because we decided not to violate private property. 'What day are you going to open the stocks?' "I don't know, because it depends on the decision of the individuals," she said, in a tired voice.

In addition to questioning once again the former presidential candidate Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, whom he did not name directly, but assured that he is “the leader with the most negative image in the country,” he highlighted the work of the Secretary of Finance, Pablo Quirno, who was in the place.

The auditorium in which Javier Milei spoke tonight (Nicolas Stulberg)

Also in the room were Horacio Rosatti, head of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation ; the Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo ; the governor of Entre Ríos, Rogelio Frigerio ; the head of the ruling bloc in the Buenos Aires Legislature, Ramiro Marra , and hundreds of businessmen.

At one point in the speech, Milei made reference to the recent diplomatic conflict with Spain, when he mentioned that country when talking about the creation of money based on an example with the television program El Zorro , which he described as “a great libertarian.” .

Javier Milei's ironic reference to Pedro Sánchez

"Just today I come to mention Spain... maybe I already have Pedrito on match point, although some progressives don't like it," the President joked, which caused laughter from the audience present in the auditorium.
After repeating the inheritance received by the Government in economic matters, Milei defended the adjustment and assured that “the political barrier will be broken and, despite the obstacles in the wheel, the country's risk will continue to decrease .”

”Those who previously said that this adjustment could not be made, now say 'you have to look at the quality of the chainsaw '. Come on, mediocre, failed, you couldn't do it because you didn't have what it takes,” he expressed.

When giving his opinion on the initiatives promoted by the opposition in Congress, he stated: “I warn you, in case you are interested, that any project that you send to Congress that seeks to break the box and blow this country up into the air, I will veto, I don’t give a damn.”

“Or you think it is easy to deal with these maniacs, public spending degenerates. Notice that now the only thing they do is send initiatives to break our fiscal balance,” he added.

The President closed the event on Tuesday night (Nicolas Stulberg)