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Politics Milei escalates the conflict: he redoubled his attack on Pedro Sánchez and recommended “a good lawyer” for his wife - Infobae

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Milei escalates the conflict: he redoubled his attack on Pedro Sánchez and recommended “a good lawyer” for his wife - Infobae​



May 21, 2024

Far from retracting, the Argentine head of state assured that his Spanish counterpart “is delusional,” has “an inferiority complex” and needs a psychologist. In addition, he stated that Begoña Sánchez has a “lot of judicial cases”

Milei redoubled his attack on Pedro Sánchez: he treated him as crazy and recommended “a good lawyer” for his wife

Minutes after the Spanish government announced the withdrawal of its ambassador in Buenos Aires , Argentine President Javier Milei escalated diplomatic tension and redoubled his attack on Pedro Sánchez . In addition, he reiterated the accusations against his wife, Begoña Sánchez.

“What is happening is literally the nonsense of a fatally arrogant socialist. He is so fatally arrogant that on a personal problem due to a phrase that did not contain names, he felt addressed, and from there he makes an absolutely meaningless diplomatic escalation,” Milei pointed out.

Pedro Sánchez will become the laughing stock of the whole world for the antics he is doing with a personal issue. All the grievances and attacks came from him and his government before the elections ,” added the Argentine president in an interview given to journalist Antonio Laje on LN+.

Once again, Milei assured that Sánchez's position is encouraged by Kirchnerism to generate internal problems for the Argentine government, something he considered a "characteristic of socialists." And she suggested to former president Alberto Fernández - Sánchez's advisor - that he recommend a psychologist for his " inferiority complex " and a " good lawyer for Begoña, because he has a lot of cases in which he is suspected of drug trafficking." influences ”.

The diplomatic conflict began last weekend, when the Argentine leader spoke at a Vox political event in Madrid about Sánchez's "corrupt" wife in reference to the judicial case he faces for alleged influence peddling in favor of companies that They signed contracts with the State. The Spanish government demanded a formal apology from Argentina and called its ambassador for consultations , a decision that it ratified this Tuesday for an indefinite period due to the South American president's refusal to recant.

Javier Milei and Pedro Sánchez, facing each other

The head of state said that he does not plan to withdraw the Argentine ambassador from Madrid , Roberto Bosch Estévez , in response to the decision adopted this morning by the Spanish Foreign Ministry, stated that the historical link between the countries will not be modified that the political dispute will not have an impact on the business climate, however he expressed new grievances against the president of the Spanish government, whom he described in another part of the interview as being “fatally arrogant”, “delusional”, “undemocratic” and “cowardly”.

“If Pedro Sánchez is making a major mistake, I am not going to be so stupid as to repeat such a mistake. We keep everything as before. And if President Pedro Sánchez wants to continue insisting on this aberration, it is his mistake, he will not find it on our part: when one takes all the facts, it is clear who is at fault,” Milei developed.

The head of the Argentine Executive Branch is not willing to apologize to Sánchez because he considers that the offenses began in Spain when Transport Minister Oscar Puente suggested that the liberal economist consumed “substances.” Second Vice President Yolanda Díaz and Science Minister Diana Morant also expressed grievances.

“They called me far-right, which for them is the same as being a Nazi, xenophobe, misogynist, anti-science, a believer of hatred, the whole cataract of the rosary that socialists use and are ad hominem fallacies to disqualify the other person and they can never prove anything . When you do not adhere to what they hold as dogma, you will be disqualified and that is how they work,” Milei reasoned.

“Since that methodology did not work for him, because I did not answer any of the women that Pedro Sánchez cowardly sent to attack me, he went out directly to attack me and so did (Rodríguez) Zapatero, so: can they attack everyone and "Do I have to stay silent? Where do I leave my dignity?" he asked himself.