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Politics Milei in the tedeum: the official announcer “forgot” about Nicolás Posse and other color data from Plaza de Mayo - Infobae

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Milei in the tedeum: the official announcer “forgot” about Nicolás Posse and other color data from Plaza de Mayo - Infobae​



May 25, 2024

The ceremony on the cold morning of May 25 had many political gems. But what stood out was the unusual carelessness in the presentation of the ministers, which occurred while the versions of an imminent departure of the chief of staff grew.

By Facundo Chaves

Javier Milei ignored Nicolás Posse at the Tedeum in the Metropolitan Cathedral
These are strange times in Government. And in rare times, everything is looked at more carefully. Some forgetfulness that at another time would only generate a grimace of surprise, now unleash various interpretations. The case of the tedeum in which President Javier Milei participated in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires adapts perfectly to this situation.

At the beginning of the traditional walk from the Casa Rosada to the temple of Rivadavia and San Martín, the announcer of the official broadcast named those who accompanied the President and the vice president, Victoria Villarruel, one by one.

“The President is personally accompanied on this trip, including the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos; the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Diana Mondino; the Minister of Defense, Luis Petri; the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo; the Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona; the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich; the Minister of Health, Mario Russo; the Minister of Human Capital; Sandra Pettovello; the Secretary General of the Presidency of the Nation, Karina Milei, secretaries of State and special guests,” the announcer read. And Posse? Silence...

The head of Government, Nicolás Posse, upon his arrival at the tedeum (Photos: Adrián Escandar)

The Government arrived at that walk with strong versions of an imminent departure from the Government of the Chief of Staff and reports that the personal and friendly relationship was cracked by a management that is moving forward with increasing difficulties. Added to this is a manifest enmity also with Karina Milei, the most powerful person in the libertarian leader's environment. That is why oblivion triggered multiple interpretations.

But oblivion was not the only gesture that the silent Posse endured. The Chief of Staff was placed in that line for the walk quite far from Milei and Villarruel - who for most of it advanced holding the arm of the head of State - and, at the end of Archbishop Jorge García Cuerva's tedeum, he went to one of the few who did not greet. From Francos to Bullrich, from Pettovello to Mario Russo, he greeted one by one, but neither Posse came close to shake his hand nor did the head of state manage to approach him, as he did with Pettovello, who was almost at the other end. of the bank where they were located by the protocol.

The departure of the president after the religious service at the Metropolitan Cathedral

A cold 25, with the sun showing​

On a freezing morning, only a few hundred self-convened people approached the Plaza de Mayo to greet the brief passage of the head of state. Milei walked with his Cabinet from the Casa Rosada, traveled the 2090 meters along Rivadavia Avenue, until entering the Metropolitan Cathedral, where he was received as usual by collaborators of the archbishop.

He entered to listen to the tedeum and share a prayer with everyone present - there were representatives of other faiths in addition to Catholicism. At the end of the religious event, he returned to the Government headquarters to then embark on the trip to Córdoba, where there was speculation about whether Posse himself would be there or not: after noon, it was confirmed that he would be there.

Foreign Minister Diana Mondino speaks with the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse
In addition to the national officials, there were also the members of the Executive of the city of Buenos Aires, with Jorge Macri at the head along with the vice-chief Clara Muzzio, and the Buenos Aires ministers. There were also special guests, deputies, national senators, legislators, the heads of the Armed Forces, diplomats and other dignitaries.

But one absence drew attention: that of the Secretary of Worship, Francisco Sánchez, who cited a family problem in Neuquén, where he is from. In the morning he had learned that the absence was actually due to a fever. The truth is that Sánchez had generated a strong controversy last weekend, when he spoke at the Vox summit in Madrid, and there he criticized the gay marriage law.

Upon leaving, there was a moment of tension due to a man who began to insult the President with various grievances. The man was scolded and even punched, while he continued to curse. “Traitor, seller of the country,” he shouted, clinging to the fences installed around the Plaza de Mayo, in the middle of a huge security device and with the press 100 meters away.