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Milei leaves for G7 Summit with a plethora of good news


Well-known member
What a great week for President Milei! Off to the G7 with a TON of great things happening this week.

And now that the ley has passed, all the important entrepreneurs he's met with around the world know that this country is finally open for business. And the awful mess we saw yesterday around the Congress actually helped Milei's image.

This rendering really tells it like it is:

But is everything a done deal? Now he doesn't have any more negotiations? Was that the start or is he done and it's a done deal? For example when I read some news about it, it makes it sound like things still have to be ratified or negotiated?

And now that the ley has passed, all the important entrepreneurs he's met with around the world know that this country is finally open for business. And the awful mess we saw yesterday around the Congress actually helped Milei's image.

This rendering really tells it like it is:

Things should start moving a lot faster now! He was waiting for that Omnibus to pass. Now the gates are open to get things done.
There will be many back-and-forths, of course, but it is a done deal.
I just wonder how with it being so close how much conflict this will cause between people that supported and and people that are against it. For example, when they hold big events like I read the military parades next month. I wonder if the opposition will be violent like yesterday?
I just wonder how with it being so close how much conflict this will cause between people that supported and and people that are against it. For example, when they hold big events like I read the military parades next month. I wonder if the opposition will be violent like yesterday?
You have to realize MikeYoung that most of these people yesterday most likely were paid to do this. After yesterday's vote many in the other political party will have to realize the jig is up. What we need is people involved in yesterday's riots to get serious jail time so people see this government is NOT messing around. I thought they allowed too much leeway yesterday. They need to round them all up and put them in jail if they are burning cars or throwing projectiles/rocks and endangering police.

People should always be allowed to PEACEFULLY protest but that wasn't it yesterday.
You have to realize MikeYoung that most of these people yesterday most likely were paid to do this. After yesterday's vote many in the other political party will have to realize the jig is up. What we need is people involved in yesterday's riots to get serious jail time so people see this government is NOT messing around. I thought they allowed too much leeway yesterday. They need to round them all up and put them in jail if they are burning cars or throwing projectiles/rocks and endangering police.

People should always be allowed to PEACEFULLY protest but that wasn't it yesterday.
But Vince people were peacefully protesting. You can see the video I posted yesterday. Members of the Congress were peacefully protesting when they got pepper sprayed. They were not violent. One could argue that helped intensify this.
Yes unfortunately many are told if they don't protest they don't get paid. But really the crowds didn't look that big. I think now that this passed more and more people will realize they can't win and fighting is futile. Give President Milei a chance. He might still fail and if so that's on him but if he fails with them not letting him try his way. It's on them.