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Politics Milei met with Sam Altman, the creator of ChatGPT, to propose Argentina as a hub for artificial intelligence - Infobae

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Milei met with Sam Altman, the creator of ChatGPT, to propose Argentina as a hub for artificial intelligence - Infobae​



May 28, 2024

The meeting lasted about an hour, and was the first meeting of the head of state in San Francisco to open an investment scenario in the face of the possible legal limits that entrepreneurs who develop this technology in the United States will face.

By Romanian Lejtman

Sam Altman, creator of ChatGPT, with Javier Milei during their meeting in San Francisco

(From Washington, United States) Javier Milei met with Sam Altman to talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the impact of new technologies on global society. The meeting lasted about an hour, and the president published in X his personal assessment of him after meeting with the young businessman who revolutionized the world with his developments in Artificial Intelligence.

“Here is a photo with Sam Altman after a wonderful meeting about AI and the enormous possibilities that a libertarian Argentina offers...!!! LONG LIVE FUCKING FREEDOM,” Milei posted on her official account.

Tweet from the president about the meeting he had with Altman in San Francisco

Altman with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is J. Robert Oppenheimer with the atomic bomb. Altman signed a statement - along with Bill Gates and others - that warns "about the risk of extinction due to AI" , as Oppenheimer did at the time regarding the power of nuclear energy and its ability to bring humanity closer from the abyss

This key protagonist of global society, who asked Congress to establish limits on AI and faces a legal conflict with Scarlett Johansson , met with Milei to analyze the impact of new technologies on the international board.

Altman avoids formal contact with presidents, but with Milei he made the exception for his disruptive speech and his staunch defense of freedom. “I think making money is a good thing. I think capitalism is a good thing,” Altman said during a talk he gave in the auditorium of NVIDIA , a renowned software company.

The head of state knows Altman's thoughts , and that is why he was expectant about the conclave that began at 9:00 p.m. (four hours less in California). Milei attended the meeting with Luis Caputo -Minister of Economy- Karina Milei -General Secretary of the Presidency-, Demian Reibel -head of the Council of Economic Advisors- and Gerardo Werthein , ambassador to the United States.

Javier Milei and San Altman with the presidential delegation that accompanies him in San Francisco

Reidel is a key player in the technology agenda undertaken by Milei in San Francisco. The Harvard-educated economist has been studying AI for years, and makes a geopolitical application when establishing the window of opportunity that Argentina has in the current international situation.

Europe passed restrictive legislation on Artificial Intelligence. China is a dictatorship and will let things be done as long as it serves the global offensive that Xi Jinping designed to occupy new spaces of power. And the United States oscillates between European norms and a certain market freedom that is resisted by the progressive wing of the Democratic party.

In this context, Reidel argues that Argentina has an extraordinary opportunity to become an Artificial Intelligence hub supported by the main technology companies in Silicon Valley. Milei shares this view, and that is why she traveled to San Francisco for three days.

“As always in Europe they do everything wrong , they overregulate and are killing all innovation. That's why there are no big companies doing this in Europe: they are going to do nothing. China is going to do whatever they want. Therefore, they are going to have a comparative advantage against us, and the rest of the world. And if this doesn't kill everything, they (China) have the biggest gun. The United States is dealing with Congress , who do not know, have no idea how to regulate this,” Reidel said.

And the presidential advisor completed speaking about Argentina: “The most important issue in the world, in a country where there are large areas of land, with a cold climate and energy reserves. And where the ideas of freedom, low regulation, free enterprise, and everything he (Milei) wants to do are being promoted. He looks to see if there are four instead of three. See if it's China, the United States, Europe and Argentina. ..”

In addition to the meeting with Altman, the president will meet with Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google; Tim Cook, CEO of Apple and Mark Zuckerberg , owner of Meta. In these three appointments, Milei will explain that Argentina offers energy, territory and legislation that promotes long-term technological investments.

Timothy Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, Sam Altman and Sundar Pichai, the four tech entrepreneurs who will meet with Milei in San Francisco
-What is your objective vis-à-vis the main owners of technology companies in the United States?- Infobae asked Milei.

- Create the fourth artificial intelligence pole in the world in Argentina -, answered the president.

-And to compete with which countries?

- To compete with the United States, China and Europe .

When the meeting with Altman concludes, the president will have dinner and then finish adjusting the open class he will offer to Hoover Institute students. Milei wants to explain the importance of monopolies in the modern economy and the nonexistence of market failures .

That will happen tomorrow at Stanford University.

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