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Politics Milei seeks to influence the network of relations of the governors and a stage of confrontation with Kirchnerism opens - Infobae


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Milei seeks to influence the network of relations of the governors and a stage of confrontation with Kirchnerism opens - Infobae​



March 05, 2024

The Casa Rosada called them for Friday. This Wednesday will be the prelude to the provincial Economy Ministers. Yesterday's response from Axel Kicillof marks a new stage

By Federico Mayol

The Government will convene all the governors next Friday at the Casa Rosada
On Friday, in his speech lasting just over an hour, Javier Milei did not make a single mention of Axel Kicillof , nor of the Buenos Aires management. The president did decide for the first time in public, since he landed at Casa Rosada, to directly confront Kirchnerism. He even gave him a first and last name: he referred to Sergio Massa, Máximo Kirchner, Juan Grabois and Pablo Moyano as “the riders of failure.” He also alluded to Cristina Kirchner , and the scandal surrounding the business with insurance brokers that Osvaldo Giordano uncovered when the head of state decided to kick him out of Anses.

Never before, since coming to power, had Milei confronted Kirchnerism in such a direct and personal way. Until Friday, his reflections on the previous administration had always been generic: he had even dedicated as much or more time to some of the allied blocs, such as radicalism and part of federal Peronism, which he also criticized, elliptically, in the opening monologue of the ordinary sessions of Congress, and which he attended from the networks during the last months, during the debate of the failed bases law.

Until Friday, the Buenos Aires governor also tried to maintain a delicate balance: publicly, Kicillof had at least sought not to position himself as the staunchest opponent of the La Libertad Avanza government, a strategy that he deployed starting on December 10, when he began his second term. provincial mandate, so as not to be split from the rest of the provincial chiefs and join forces with the rest of his colleagues in a common front that had begun to coalesce as Milei attacked each and every one of the governors.

A successful positioning, according to sources from the provincial government, which helped the Buenos Aires governor to exchange messages not only with his Peronist colleagues but with some of the most prominent provincial leaders of the PRO. From La Plata they confided to this medium that Kicillof had in recent weeks a direct dialogue via WhatsApp with several of them, especially during the rebellion of the Patagonians, led by Ignacio Torres , from Chubut, due to the cut in federal co-participation.

Kicillof said that Milei has to “stop extorting” and rejected an agreement: “Just start if we don't get there” (Aglaplata)

At the gateway to the most complex months in terms of social and economic crisis, Milei sought at the end of Friday's monologue, through the Córdoba call, to influence that network of relationships. He did not mention Kicillof - a fact that surprised his own environment - but the direct allusion to a sector of Kirchnerism and the call for a global pact with all political forces, and in particular with the governors, to be signed on the 25th of May in Córdoba based on 10 points set by the Casa Rosada itself forced the Buenos Aires president to give his speech this Monday in the provincial Legislature an exclusively national tone, of frontal dispute with the Casa Rosada. “He sends us an invitation that is more like a threat. Just start if we don't arrive ,” responded Cristina Kirchner's former Minister of Economy. A new stage.

“We do not expect Kirchnerism to support us ,” a presidential advisor was honest late this Monday, almost 72 hours after the head of state's move on Friday night, an invitation for two and a half months with the that, according to the head of La Cámpora, the president sought to “gain time” in the face of a pivotal period of his government, and that, according to the government, it helped Milei to question the governors of the PRO, the UCR and the PJ no K and try to isolate Kirchnerism.

It was, in short, an insistent request on the part of the PRO: at the top of radicalism they are convinced, for example, that Mauricio Macri was well aware of the maneuver, and that he even motorized it, a speculation that, until last night, could not be be corroborated by this means. Despite the fact that the former president did not take more than twenty minutes to highlight the presidential call from his networks. Of the PRO, he was the first. In the middle of this week, the former president will have a photo in Santa Fe with the party leaders distributed throughout the country before he is elected again as president of the space that he founded two decades ago. In the middle of the negotiation for the lists.

From the Macrismo they assured this medium, hours after Milei's speech, that they had been waiting for a more concrete confrontation with Kirchnerism for some time. “He was putting us all in the same bag ,” explained a yellow governor. It was also one of the demands of the We Make Federal Coalition bench, headed, on paper, by Miguel Ángel Pichetto.
Javier Milei, Mauricio Macri and Patricia Bullrich
Yesterday, after the meeting between the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse ; the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , and his Economy counterpart, Luis “Toto” Caputo , the government decided to call all the governors and the head of the Buenos Aires Government for this Friday to a meeting to begin negotiating the terms of the failed Law Omnibus that the Casa Rosada wants to discuss again in Congress with the chapters of the fiscal category that it had had to withdraw due to lack of accessions.

For this, Milei decided to reintroduce the restitution of the Income Tax that had been demanded by the governors to strengthen the fiscal accounts of the provinces, overwhelmed by the brutal adjustment and the cut of transfers to the provinces. In exchange, as the president proposed in Congress, for support for the basic law, the prelude, according to him, to the Córdoban-style Pact of May 25.

The first meeting will take place this Wednesday in the ministry led by Caputo: the Secretary of the Treasury, Carlos Guberman , summoned the 24 provincial and city Ministers of Economy to a meeting after noon. Without defined agenda. The preview of Friday's meeting with the governors.

The Minister of Economy Luis Caputo, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, and the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, coordinated the invitation to the governors to begin the path towards the May Pact
Milei recalculated. The governors arrived in Buenos Aires with their “helmets” on, as one of them confessed. But the failure of the Omnibus Law and the revolt of the provincial leaders, who began to contact each other publicly and privately as a result of the government's rudeness, the ferocity of the fiscal adjustment and the short circuits in the link with the Casa Rosada, They prompted the head of state to change tactics, and maintain the same strategy: to achieve, with the excuse of dialogue and in exchange for fiscal relief, the approval of the basic law sent to Parliament during the summer. And blame, in case of failure, the political system. To confront again, the true DNA of him.

All the governors of the PRO, those of radicalism and a good part of the leaders of Peronism immediately folded, uncomfortable with the extravagant and novel leadership of the head of state, still received with high popularity by a very important sector of society. And with the noose around their necks because of the numbers: “The reality is that we have no room to fool around,” they confessed from a central province.

The support included Maximiliano Pullaro , from Santa Fe, and Martín Llaryora , from Córdoba, very annoyed with the government. Llaryora, however, raised some discrepancies in the last few hours. Ricardo Quintela , from La Rioja, Sergio Ziliotto , from La Pampa, and Kicillof were opposed . Referenced in Kirchnerism.

The final destination is Córdoba, on May 25. There are still two and a half months left.