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Milei wants the retirement age of Argentines to be raised


Well-known member
This is a joke! The average Argentinean only lives to 77 years old and he wants to raise the retirement age so high. This is another bad idea.

This is a joke! The average Argentinean only lives to 77 years old and he wants to raise the retirement age so high. This is another bad idea.

I agree this is crazy. Their reasoning that some people live to 90 years old is ridiculous! Median age is much lower. Expecting people not to retire until 70 to 75 years old is bonkers.
The age proposal also seems crazy to me. Regarding the possibility of opting for a private retirement system, like the former Administradoras de Fondos de Jubilaciones y Pensiones (AFJP), which the government wants to implement, I'm concerned that we haven't learned from past experiences. The AFJP in Argentina proved problematic for several reasons. First, they charged high fees that reduced retirees' savings. Additionally, the investments made didn't always yield the expected returns, negatively impacting the accumulated funds. This created significant inequalities, as lower-income workers accumulated less savings and saw their pensions reduced. While I generally understand and support Milei's policies, I'm not sure this is a good idea.

The age proposal also seems crazy to me. Regarding the possibility of opting for a private retirement system, like the former Administradoras de Fondos de Jubilaciones y Pensiones (AFJP), which the government wants to implement, I'm concerned that we haven't learned from past experiences. The AFJP in Argentina proved problematic for several reasons. First, they charged high fees that reduced retirees' savings. Additionally, the investments made didn't always yield the expected returns, negatively impacting the accumulated funds. This created significant inequalities, as lower-income workers accumulated less savings and saw their pensions reduced. While I generally understand and support Milei's policies, I'm not sure this is a good idea.

I think if strict regulations are put in place and there's greater transparency in fees and investment management, many of the issues from the previous system could be avoided. Plus, with today’s technology and better financial practices, a new private system could offer more flexibility and options for members, giving them better control over their retirement savings.
Seems like all these social security plans the world over are all going broke. Not sure they can ever get rid of social security plans in the US or there would be mass riots. But all these plans going broke.
It would be unreasonable to expect people to wait to 75 years old to retire. You will probably see rioting if they tried to raise this to 75 years old!
It would be unreasonable to expect people to wait to 75 years old to retire. You will probably see rioting if they tried to raise this to 75 years old!
I doubt this can be true. If you look at the typical life expectancy for Argentina it's only around 75.39 years old according to the World Bank so no way they are going to raise it to 75. That would make it one of the highest in the world! As is par for the course there must be miscommunication between the government agencies.

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Nah this won't happen. This would need to go through the House and no politician would be stupid enough to pass this change. They would be strung out alive. No way it will happen.
I don't agree with extending the age but I think it should be equal for both genders. The root problem is the millions of retirement plans gave away from previous goverments to people that didn't pay for those. But retirment depending on the money of others is not good, we should have something like '401K'.
I don't agree with extending the age but I think it should be equal for both genders. The root problem is the millions of retirement plans gave away from previous goverments to people that didn't pay for those. But retirment depending on the money of others is not good, we should have something like '401K'.
I do agree that the age should be the same for both genders. It doesn't make sense to have different retirement ages for males vs. females. I don't buy into the fact that they are really trying to increase retirement age to 75. I haven't seen anything in the mainstream media about this. People would go crazy over this change.