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Politics Milei will present his world perspective in Davos, meet with the IMF and open diplomatic dialogue with the United Kingdom over the Malvinas - Infobae


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Milei will present his world perspective in Davos, meet with the IMF and open diplomatic dialogue with the United Kingdom over the Malvinas - Infobae


January 17, 2024

At the annual meeting that brings together powerful bankers and investors, the President will describe his personal ideology, Kristalina Georgieva will explain his Government program and will have an unexpected meeting with David Cameron

By Romanian Lejtman

Javier Milei joined Diana Mondino, Nicolás Posse, Luis Caputo and Karina Milei in Davos

(Special Envoy) Javier Milei has already written the speech that he will deliver today at the Davos Economic Forum, an annual event that brings together heads of state, powerful bankers, global investors and academics who teach at the most respectable universities in the world.at three degrees below zero.
When he landed in Frankfurt yesterday, the president told Infobae the ideological bias of his presentation that will last about twenty-five minutes:
-What is the objective of the trip to Davos? - asked this special envoy.
- Planting the ideas of freedom in a forum that is contaminated by the 2030 socialist agenda and that the only thing that is going to bring misery to the world-
- What will Wednesday's exhibition be based on?
- That freedom is the key to prosperity-, advanced the President.
The presidential response reached the WhatsApp of the most powerful participants of the Forum, and if before this ideological look Milei attracted attention in Davos, after the conversation with Infobae his prominence It scaled in geometric terms.
Milei talks about the Davos Forum before landing in Frankfurt
Milei has a personal methodology for writing his speeches. He writes the strong ideas on his computer, He sends that draft to Santiago Caputo -his ideological alter ego-, and the president's ad hoc advisor contributes his own thoughts. This dialectical exchange concludes when times are urgent, and the final cut always remains in the hands of the head of state.

Only three people know the final version of the speech that Milei will deliver today in Davos: the president himself, Karina Milei and Santiago Caputo. The rest of the delegation, -Chancellor Diana Mondino; the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, and the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse-, have a certain idea. And nothing more.

David Cameron is a British Conservative politician who adores Margaret Thatcher, studied at Eton College, and lost the Brexit referendum as Prime Minister from United Kingdom. His career was over, but politics is the art of the possible and two months ago he was appointed chancellor by Rishi Sunak, which occupies 10 Downing Street in London.

Cameron called Milei to congratulate him on his election victory and the conversation flowed through music. They are both Rolling Stone fans and Cameron promised to introduce her to Mick Jagger if Milei ever visits the UK.

The president and his chancellor maintain that the Malvinas Islands are Argentine, but disbelieve of the strategy diplomacy that was used in forty years of democracy to recover the sovereignty that was lost in the last military adventure of the Process.

In this sense, Milei and Mondino believe that an active and continuous trade agenda between both countries can build a diplomatic resource that allows negotiating the recovery of the South Atlantic Islands. It would not be a tactic of appeasement with London, but rather finding new negotiation scenarios to reach the same result.

“We want to find a feasible solution regarding the Malvinas Islands. England had a conflict similar to this: it was with China and over the case of Hong Kong. We propose a similar solution, where England returns the Islands to us through diplomatic channels. But in that process, you cannot leave aside what happens to those who live on the Islands. That is, you have to look for a solution not only with England, but also has to consider the interests of those who live on the Islands,” argued the head of state.

From this perspective, Milei, Mondino and Cameron will meet at the Davos Forum for an exploratory meeting. The appointment is at 1:00 p.m. (9:00 a.m. in Argentina), and with an open agenda.

Javier Milei and Kristalina Georgieva will meet in Davos to analyze the political and economic situation in Argentina
When he finishes presenting at the Forum, Milei will meet with Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the IMF. Georgieva will arrive at the meeting with Gita Gopinath -vice managing director-, while the president will attend accompanied by Posse and Caputo.

Milei will thank the managing director for her willingness to close the agreement with Argentina and will explain her roadmap to adjust the State, reduce the inflation and increase GDP.

In turn, Georgieva will ask if the omnibus law and the DNU will be approved in Congress, two key initiatives that Caputo used as a political argument to achieve the disbursement of 4.7 billion dollars.

Before returning to the Belvedere hotel, with the afternoon of Davos approaching, Milei could meet with Emmanuel Macron. It would not be a formal meeting with the president of France, but there is still talk about the possibility of coordinating a pull aside, which in simple terms would be an informal meeting for a handshake and an occasion photo.

Tomorrow, around noon, the head of state will return to Buenos Aires.

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