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Politics Milei's fight with the governors conditions the future of the Cabinet and opens the door to a new partnership with the PRO - Infobae


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Milei's fight with the governors conditions the future of the Cabinet and opens the door to a new partnership with the PRO - Infobae



February 09, 2024

The possible departure of the officials who respond to the leaders of Córdoba and Salta could take place when the President returns to the country. The leap from the legislative alliance to the Executive Branch

By Joaquín Múgica Diaz

avier Milei with Mauricio Macri and Patricia Bullrich

The bad relationship between Javier Milei 's government and the governors deepens day by day. The last link in the chain of disagreements was the decision of the Ministry of Transportation to eliminate the Interior Compensation Fund, through which the Government removed the subsidy from bus companies in the interior of the country. A measure that generated the anger of the leaders and opened a new battle front.

“The provinces spend money on a lot of things less important than transportation. They will have to readjust their accounts and adjust,” said a Cabinet member this Friday, after a week of reproaches and accusations that strained the bond between the Casa Rosada and the provinces to the maximum. “We have no friends or enemies,” said spokesman Manuel Adorni about the relationship with the leaders.

In addition, they maintain that the provinces "have where to cut back" and give the example of expenses in ministries or cultural events. The clear objective is to force the governors to adjust their accounts and suffocate them with the lack of funds from the Nation. As reported in the Casa Rosada, during January discretionary transfers to the provinces were reduced by 98%.

In Balcarce 50 they define the relationship with the governors as “broken” although the most pragmatic ones warn that “there is always time to shuffle and give again.” Deep down they know that, sooner rather than later, they will need stability in ties with the opposition. The truth is that a work scheme is planned without the provincial leaders. An example of this will is the decision to stop the implementation of a fiscal pact. The future is without them in the government action plan.

In the bowels of the Government they take as a fact the departure of the officials who respond to the governors. On that list appear Osvaldo Giordano (ANSES), Franco Mogetta (Transport), Daniel Tillard (Banco Nación), Luis Giovine (Public Works) and Flavia Royón (Mining). Those around him hope that Milei will return to the country and carry out a modification in the Cabinet scheme. An incision that removes those that did not align 100%.

"Giordano is on a tightrope," they say at the Casa Rosada (TÉLAM)

The possible departure of these officials would end up breaking the link with the governors accused of being traitors such as Martín Llaryora (Córdoba) and Gustavo Sáenz (Salta). Both, along with Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe), are the most targeted by the national government and the President. Finishing breaking the political pact made two months ago will give rise to a new period of government, but it will also expose the difficulties of governing with internal differences.

“Giordano is on a tightrope ,” they say in Balcarce 50. Nobody wants to take for granted what they assume is going to happen. Those around him know that the President has firm convictions and is quick to make decisions. Especially if he understands that they betrayed him and he must condemn those he considers guilty. The head of ANSES has the ticket because his wife, deputy Alejandra Torres, voted against some sections of the law. End announced.

This morning the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich , anticipated that “a new political redesign is coming” in the Milei government after the failure of the Omnibus Law. Along these lines, she considered that the Government “has to align itself politically , everyone has to defend a cause and play for the cause.” An exclamation of fidelity in the middle of the storm.

The idea of the former head of the PRO coincides with that of the hardest wing of the Government. Bet on a new Cabinet design that contains Mauricio Macri's party as the main ally. Transfer the good agreement in Congress, where the bloc led by Cristian Ritondo supported the law almost in its entirety, to the Executive Branch. Fusion and strength.

The PRO block in the Chamber of Deputies, led by Cristian Ritondo (NA)

Beyond Macri's political partnership with Milei, and the inclusion of the presidential formula of Together for Change - Bullrich-Petri - in the Cabinet, in the first days of management it became clear that there is a strong harmony between the party founded by the former president and La Libertad Avanza. Ritondo has defended the law and Milei's management much more than most libertarian legislators. A small example of the alignment.

Former President Macri, who in the last few hours had a telephone conversation with the influential advisor Santiago Caputo, does not want the PRO to push for a change of Cabinet, but rather for Milei to make the decisions. He understands that the word and decision of the Head of State must be empowered. Let him define, with the power concentrated in his hand. This idea runs parallel to the decision that Bullrich made to come out and talk about a redesign of the Cabinet.

At the heart of the Government they believe that the fall of the Omnibus Law is a good time to remove provincial officials and strengthen the alliance with the PRO . More than anything with the hard wing, which responds directly to Macri. It would serve to strengthen the Executive Branch, which is mired in permanent conflict with the leaders and legislators who make up the dialogue coalition.

An alliance that is built with some speed in the run-up to the toughest months for the Argentine economy, taking into account the escalation of inflation, the loss of purchasing power of workers and the growing recession as a consequence of the strong fiscal adjustment carried out by the Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo.

La Libertad Avanza and the PRO are heading towards a merger that Javier Milei must bless. Ideological purity. Within the Government they understand that "we must eliminate the traitors", purify the bowels of a structure that is still in formation and give space to the relaunch of the Government scheme, two months after the administration began. Internal cohesion and full fidelity. A new identity is slowly being built.