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Politics Milei's speech before Congress: harsh criticism of politics, diagnosis of the State and a surprise at the end - Infobae


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Milei's speech before Congress: harsh criticism of politics, diagnosis of the State and a surprise at the end - Infobae



February 29, 2024

The President will lead his first legislative opening and will give an overview of the situation in which state agencies find themselves. The detail of the lectern and the governors present in the venue, after the conflicts with the Casa Rosada

By Federico Galligani and Federico Millenaar

Victoria Villarruel, Javier Milei and Martín Menem (Argentine Senate)

President Javier Milei will lead his first opening of ordinary sessions in Congress on Friday night and will read a speech that he was still writing, but that would include strong criticism of the policy and an overview of the situation in which Argentina finds itself. with a “ surprise ” included at the end of his presentation.

According to what official sources told Infobae , in front of all the deputies and senators, the national leader will explain “the inheritance received” from the previous Government and the “good results” obtained in these little more than two months of management.

On this point, it is likely that during the event some fragments of the report on the State that Milei ordered to be done as soon as he took office and which consists of an in-depth audit of each of the areas, from which They discovered hundreds of irregularities committed in the administration of Alberto Fernández.

Likewise, the President will take advantage of the occasion to continue his criticism of the political system, perhaps with some mention of the fall of the Omnibus Law, although he will avoid referring to people or sectors in particular, but rather it will be a more general questioning against "the caste." ” .

However, the president will also seek to foster some consensus, pointing out the importance of “all spaces that are in favor of change, working together and pulling in the same direction”; according to what officials around him announced.

The lectern was installed this Wednesday in the Chamber of Deputies

This section becomes relevant in the framework of a possible parliamentary agreement between La Libertad Avanza and the PRO, with a view to an eventual treatment of a new package of reforms that the Executive Branch would send in the coming days.

As this media learned, the idea of the ruling party at this time was to re-present the Omnibus Law as a single text and almost without changes with respect to the one delivered at the end of December, although with "some other points added."

Our proposal is and will continue to be the same as always. We believe that the governors understood that there is a change of era and that, if we help them put their accounts in order and make the adjustment, which they will inevitably have to make, this time they will accompany us," confided a representative of the Executive power.

Another example of rapprochement will be with the governors, who will be invited to the event and would be among the first rows , after the disagreements that some of them recently had with the Casa Rosada over the co-participation funds and the debts of the provinces with the Nation.

On the other hand, Milei will also use a few minutes to explain to people the economic context and confirm that, although the following months will be "the most difficult", the "appropriate" measures are being taken and it is "the final stretch of a process of correcting the imbalances of 100 years of bad decisions.”

On Wednesday afternoon, some Presidential officials went to the Chamber of Deputies to begin preparations for Friday's event. At the site, they left a lectern very similar to the one Milei used to speak on the steps of the Legislative Palace on the day of her inauguration.

As confirmed to Infobae, the head of state will once again stand at that lectern, which this time was placed with his back to the table where the president of the venue sits and facing the legislators and guests, to deliver the speech from there.

Germán Martínez, from UxP, argues with Martín Menem (Gustavo Gavotti)

The reaction of the opposition​

Both in the dialogue opposition blocks as well as in Peronism and the left, there is debate about what attitude legislators should take if the President decides to attack them.

This afternoon both Unión la Patria and Hacemos Coalión Federal will have block meetings to finish defining a strategy. Radicalism will do the same on Friday, hours before the Legislative Assembly.

Within Peronism there is consensus regarding one point: one cannot endorse with a passive attitude that the President attacks them. Although they do consider that any criticism of the economic model of the governments of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner must be "banked."

However, they stressed that it is important for the bloc to have a previously defined strategy to avoid disorganization. “We also have some who have a short fuse, but the worst thing we can do is start shouting and end up making a fool of ourselves ,” a Buenos Aires representative explained to Infobae .

Faced with this scenario, the option of turning around on the benches to turn one's back on the President gained strength. It would be a clear message that does not break with the institutionality of the Legislative Assembly.

In that sense, some in Peronism wanted to avoid repeating the attitude of the PRO that arose during Alberto Fernández's last speech. “It will help us to highlight that they stood up for much less and now they remain silent,” they said.

In radicalism, for its part, some sectors proposed the idea of releasing a statement before the start of the event to explain what their position will be if Milei decides to call Congress a “ rat's nest ” again or if he once again insinuates that legislators receive bribes . .