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Politics More complaints about lack of food in canteens: the Church and the CGT joined the picketers - Infobae


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More complaints about lack of food in canteens: the Church and the CGT joined the picketers - Infobae


February 06, 2024

The accusations point to Minister Sandra Pettovello. Juan Grabois sent thousands of militants and even the Ombudsman of the Rights of Children and Adolescents requested a measure of “not innovating” so that Human Capital does not suspend, “in the transition to a new modality”, the delivery of food

By Andres klipphan

Protesters gathered at the door of the Adrián Escandar Ministry of Human Capital

The lack of delivery of dry food to popular canteens and picnic areas by Minister Sandra Pettovello , in charge of the Ministry of Human Capital, became a political boomerang for the government of La Libertad Avanza at a time when Javier Milei begins a tour international that will take him to Israel and end with a visit to Pope Francis in the Vatican.

It happens that the claim of the social organizations grouped in the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP) and the left-wing picketers was joined in the last few hours by a strong request from the Argentine Episcopal Conference warning that food cannot be an adjustment variable a statement from the Board of Directors of the CGT , in which the official who had asked the social leaders who requested food in front of her office is described as “ insensitive and discriminatory ”: “Guys, do you have hunger? ”; a criminal complaint from the representative of the Excluded Workers Movement (MTE), Juan Grabois, who accused her of “ poor performance ” in her duties and a presentation before the federal justice system of the Office of the Defender of the Rights of Children and Adolescents of the Nation, demanding a measure of “not innovating” so that the member of the national cabinet does not suspend, “in the transition to a new modality of cutting off intermediation,” the delivery of food.

In the presentation of the Ombudsman's Office, Marisa Graham and her deputy, Juan Facundo Hernández, which fell to the court of the Federal Administrative Litigation judge, Esteban Furnari , a relevant piece of information is provided: “From the consultation of the Open Budget base, from the National Budget Office (Ministry of Economy), it would be observed that the last month where payments from the national government to the institutions are recorded for the aforementioned activity is November 2023″ and that “ in December the credit paid is zero pesos ". That is to say, no money was allocated to the purchase of food for the dining rooms and picnic areas for the most vulnerable despite the fact that the Ministry of Human Capital itself reported that “the warehouses were empty.”

Last Thursday Minister Sandra Pettovello sat at a desk. She was waiting for people who claimed food to sign up to receive direct assistance

The dispute over food that does not reach the most needy and the lack of execution of the budget items already assigned for this purpose not only occurs at a time when Milei undertakes his tour abroad; It coincides with the disputes that are taking place in Congress over the approval of the Omnibus Law and the discussion that begins today, “article by article”, in the Chamber of Deputies before moving to the Senate.

Yesterday, social organizations such as the Evita Movement, the MTE, the Corriente Clasista y Combativa and Somos/Barrios de Pie, among others, raised the political tension with those responsible for the Ministry of Human Capital and summoned thousands of people to attend the soup kitchens. popular to demand food in front of the Pettovello office, located on Carlos Pellegrini and Juncal, in the heart of the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Recoleta. The measure was in response to the attitude that the official had had last Thursday. That day, UTEP militants, within the framework of the protest called “empty pots” , demonstrated in front of hypermarkets and the minister's office to demand food for the canteens.

Yesterday, hundreds of people who attend soup kitchens gathered near the office of the head of Human Capital (Adrián Escandar) Adrián Escandar

The official went out to the sidewalk, confronted them and told them: “I am going to receive the people who are hungry, not the leaders . ” She treated the leaders as “poverty managers” and “extortioners.” Immediately afterwards, she sat down in front of a desk that she had placed outside her office and announced that she would write down on a form the ID and address of “ the people who are hungry ”, and that she was going to send them help individually . At that moment, there was a back-and-forth with the leaders, who finally refused to let that happen.

In this context, the member of Milei's cabinet told social leaders who were present such as Daniel Menéndez , national coordinator of Somos Barrios de Pie or Alejandro Gramajo , general secretary of the UTEP, “guys, are you hungry?” The reaction of the Peronist picketers was immediate; yesterday they mobilized representatives of community kitchens and neighbors who attend them. They lined up in the so-called “hunger line” and waited in vain for Pettovello to treat them as he had promised.

Juan Grabois denounced Sandra Pettovello for "failure to fulfill the duties of public office" Archive image of Peronist social leader Juan Grabois. EFE/Gonzalo Sánchez EFE

It didn't happen. He was in José C. Paz signing food assistance agreements, for example, with the Christian Alliance of Evangelical Churches of Argentina (ACIERA) “so that they receive direct help and without intermediaries . ” “I did not summon the people to be under the sun, the leaders summoned them. The other day, seeing them at the door of the ministry, I went down to assist them due to a specific situation. But this time I am not going to receive them because I did not summon them. They were the leaders who use people and make them stand in line under the sun,” said the minister about the concentration of people on the sidewalk of her office and her ministry.

It may interest you:The Church warned that food cannot be an adjustment variable and demanded that assistance arrive without delay

The CGT leaders did not miss Pettovello's derogatory phrase towards the UTEP picketers. The National Board of Directors, the highest political body of the main labor union in the country, stated that: “With this arrogant, insensitive and discriminatory phrase, the head of the Ministry of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, exhibited the political attitude of the national government towards the claims that social organizations, grouped in the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP), carry out after the cut in state aid in food for community kitchens and soup kitchens.”

Sandra Pettovello did not receive the picketers who were waiting for her near her office. She signed agreements in José C. Paz

For the Cegetista leaders: “The last link of human dignity is exhausted when the most basic need, which is to eat, cannot be met. Faced with the urgent condition of hunger there can be no other priority than an active response and an attitude of elementary compassion, prior to any ideological position. And that is precisely what is really 'urgent and necessary' today. The situation of destitution and structural poverty of millions of extremely vulnerable people in our country cannot wait. Especially when it comes to boys, girls, adolescents and older adults. They constitute a painful spectrum of our social body, punished for a long time by the scourge of inflation, with its consequences of misery and deterioration , which unfortunate or inefficient government efforts could not or did not know how to channel for the well-being of the vast majority of the population. ”.

The CGT statement, which leaves open the possibility of a new general strike against the La Libertada Avanza government, highlighted the forceful message that the bishops had issued hours before, days before Milei was received by Francisco. The Argentine Pope who is seamlessly aligned with social movements and is a personal friend of Juan Grabois, who was appointed by him as a member of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, that is, the “social ministry” of the Vatican.

"Food cannot be an adjustment variable. It is necessary to anticipate so that this situation does not deepen the food crisis," claimed the Argentine Episcopal Conference PHOTO NA DANIEL VIDES
"The Argentine Episcopal Conference - maintained the CGT - goes further and expresses that 'the request for daily bread is a cry for justice.' The different economic variables of recent days show us alarming data that is expressed above all in the uncontrolled increase in food, medicine and services in general, creating an unusually critical panorama for the coming months. “The risk of a food crisis with unforeseeable consequences is just around the corner.”

Specifically, the highest body of the Catholic Church in the country warned the Milei government that “food cannot be an adjustment variable” and stressed the need for assistance “to arrive without delay” to soup kitchens and health organizations. civil society. The demonstration came in the midst of the mobilizations of picketing groups and social movements due to the lack of food delivery by Pettovello's portfolio.

“In this scenario of sacrificed work and low income, families are deprived of many things. For example, a mother can forgo taking the bus and walk to save money, but in no way can she not feed her children. That is, food cannot be an adjustment variable. It is necessary to anticipate so that this situation does not deepen the food crisis ”, highlights in its central paragraph the statement of the Executive Commission of the CEA, chaired by Bishop Oscar Ojea.

The CGT expressed its discomfort with Minister Sandra Pettovello. She called her "arrogant, insensitive and discriminatory"

In this context, in the judicial presentation made by the defenders of the Rights of Girls, Boys and Adolescents they stated that: “For the year 2024, due to the lack of sanction of a new Budget Law, the extension of the credits was carried out current from the previous year, so the budget assigned at the beginning of the year for the Community Kitchens and Picnic Areas is $34,338.8 million (credit in force at the end of 2023)" and stated that "to date, execution has not yet been recorded budget nor payments (that is, both accrued and paid credits are at $0, also pointing out that in an interannual comparison, during January 2023 budget execution is recorded .

For this reason, in dialogue with this medium, defender Graham reiterated her “ deep concern about the social , food and housing insecurity in which a substantial part of the more than 12 million girls, boys and adolescents who inhabit our country find themselves. ”.

The judicial presentation presented by Graham and Hernández against Pettovello in the framework of the defunding of soup kitchens is not the only one . Also yesterday, the former presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria and leader of Argentina Humana, Juan Grabois , filed a criminal complaint against Pettovello for failure to comply with the duties of a public official .

“What Pettovello does not understand is that guaranteeing the food rights of humble families, particularly children, is not something they can decide about, it is a Constitutional obligation , an international norm and a national law,” the complainant justified his complaint. leader of the Excluded Workers Movement and said: “The truth is that Pettovello does not want to solve the problem . I hope he realizes the damage he is doing and his heart softens.”

The underlying fight for the distribution of food for the most vulnerable at a time when services, food and train and bus tickets are increasing is just beginning and has an uncertain and open end.