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Politics More revelations of the extortion case against picketers: awards, punishments and the mystery of the $54,448 - Infobae

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More revelations of the extortion case against picketers: awards, punishments and the mystery of the $54,448 - Infobae​



May 14, 2024

The 27 raids carried out after a complaint from the Ministry of Security exposed an alleged collection machinery set up with money and food for the poorest, which has been operating in plain sight for more than 20 years. The accused organizations did not provide explanations

By Facundo Chaves

Eduardo Belliboni, leader of the Polo Obrero organization, one of the most committed to the investigation (photo Maximiliano Luna)

The complaint had a secret process of more than four months in Justice until Monday morning, when Infobae anticipated that multiple raids were being carried out to find dozens of picketers accused of extorting beneficiaries of social plans . The case had begun at the end of December in federal jurisdiction, following a presentation by the Ministry of Security, based on the testimonies obtained on line 134, which had been enabled by the Government for those who felt victims of undue pressure. by the organizations that administered assistance policies.

The free telephone line - which has received 130,000 calls since its inauguration - was the conduit through which hundreds of chilling stories about various abuses passed. Some irregular behaviors were transmitted, others were directly illegal, and most were cruel by those who received this mistreatment: unemployed, poor, and needy, most of them women . Based on the complaints and the investigation promoted by prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita , it was possible to reconstruct a matrix set up with the resources of social and food plans. Silver and food distributed by the State for the poorest.

The raids were carried out early yesterday morning, following a resolution from Chamber I of the Federal Chamber that ordered the raids to move forward last week and validated the telephone interventions that had allowed the unraveling of an alleged criminal act. The thing is that Judge Sebastián Casanello had opposed it.

Infographics Marcelo Regalado

The search warrants were issued against Jeremiah Canteros, Elizabeth Palma, Giana Lucia Puppo, Cinthia Delgado, Gustavo Vasquez, Dina Iramain, Brisa Paucara, Ronald Vargas, Ivan Candotti, Lorenzo Martelli, Mercedes Fossat, Manuel Alonzo, Maria Cecilia Cowper and Carlos Ignacio Fernandez Kostiuk, Nilsa Elena Torres, Leslie Castillo, Blanca Beatriz Chuquimia Tarquino, Gloria Santa Jaramillo Morales, Maria Isolda Dotti, Gloria Estrada, Emmanuel Barriento, Tania Cassamello, Jorge Antonio Rosa and Duña Fiorely Saucedo Arias, among others.

These are leaders and activists of the Polo Obrero, the Front of Organizations in Struggle (FOL), Barrios de Pie and other smaller organizations that make up the universe of social organizations that have been negotiating, with a greater or lesser level of confrontation, with the recent governments, regardless of their sign. Of all, the most complicated are Canteros and Palma, trusted people of the renowned activist Eduardo Belliboni; and Dotti, who is part of the ranks of the FOL, who was found in his house with a large sum of money that surprised the members of the Federal Police and whose origin is the subject of investigation, although for now it is a mystery.

According to the actions to which Infobae had access , in the raid on María Isolda Dotti, in a ground floor apartment on Avenida Chiclana 3000, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Parque Patricios, they found 54,448 dollars in cash, 478 thousand pesos, a cell phone and a purchase and sale ticket for a property, the content of which was not revealed . The total amount far exceeds 55 million pesos, according to the free exchange rate of the US currency.

The other significant raid was the one that took place on 700 Monteagudo Street, on the border between the Buenos Aires neighborhoods of Parque Patricios and Pompeya. In the Polo Obrero property, where Jorge Antonio Rosa and Saucedo Arias were, $16,425 in cash, 6,882,589 pesos, four notebooks, three CPUs, a DVR, a hard drive and four pendrives were found. In this case, the total amount of seized money exceeds 22 million pesos.

Eduardo Belliboni is the political head of the Polo Obrero (photo Franco Fafasuli)

Justice will now have to determine if that money could have originated from the illegal practices that are being investigated. The main hypothesis analyzed by Pollicita and the researchers who report to the Ministry of Security, headed by Patricia Bullrich, is that the piquetero organizations set up a machinery that was fed back with resources from social plans and food that they received from the various governments. An endless circuit of pickets, plans, money, more pickets, more plans, more money, more pickets.

The dynamic, according to the actions to which Infobae had access , was based on “coercively demanding that the beneficiaries of social plans participate in marches and public demonstrations and/or deliver a portion of the money , under the express warning in some cases of ' cancelling the plan '”. In the complaint made by the Ministry, a total of 924 cases were presented.”

The raids were ordered because "sufficient elements of conviction were gathered to summon 28 people and carry out 27 raids - belonging to private homes and soup kitchens, such as Rivadavia I, La Carbonilla, Mariano Ferreyra, Kuña Guapa and Caminos de Tiza , warehouses, offices, premises of social organizations and linked cooperatives.” “ All of this in order to proceed with the arrest of the accused to guarantee their appearance, seize the proceeds of the crime and collect evidentiary elements such as attendance sheets for mobilizations or cellular devices ,” was indicated in the ruling of Chamber I of the Chamber that unlocked the operations.


The truth is that the investigation detected an alleged machinery set up with money from social plans and food that had its final destination in soup kitchens, but that would have been diverted to sale to the public in low-income neighborhoods. According to what was revealed from sources with access to the file, in some social organizations such as the Polo Obrero a hierarchical pyramid was set up that began with a handful of leaders of the national table and ended in a multitude of claimants for social plans. From that scale, according to the rewards and punishments applied by the higher to the lower level, the beneficiary could receive a plan, lose it, “manage” more plans or fewer.

“We detected six steps. The piquetero leader is the visible face before the media and the government. It's not just Belliboni, it's also leaders like Jeremías Canteros. Below them are the leaders, who are in charge of neighborhoods and various soup kitchens. Below appear the delegates, who have the status of the old leader, who is in a neighborhood and organizes a dining room. Then there are the or essential crews, which are the ones who call and propose the beneficiaries,” sources from the investigation explained. Even though the functions and tasks are not regulated, going up or down that pyramid is based on attending the marches and ensuring that the group in charge participates in these mobilizations.

According to the investigation, to receive a plan, each beneficiary had to contribute a percentage of the money they received. Until the arrival of Javier Milei to the presidency and the new assistance policy launched by the Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello, the piquetero organizations had the power to certify the mandatory work tasks that they had to do. realize the beneficiaries of the plans. They were the controlling agents of the State and, therefore, they were owners of a formidable tool to grant or withdraw a social benefit.

The Government applied a reform that eliminated the main social program, Empower Work, and deactivated the power that social organizations had to certify whether whoever received a social plan had completed a work task.

New audios of complaints of extortion against beneficiaries of social plans
“There was a ladder. The reference was the main leader and he was the one who organized downwards. The Polo Obrero was the one that had most established this form of action and to a lesser extent it was Barrios de Pie. Those who did not comply with what they were told were dismissed and could even be sent to a waiting list, with which the person did not get paid, lost the plan and had to wait to return. He had to make merit to have it given to him again. But the serious thing is that they charged people to maintain and give them food,” one of the officials who worked on the investigation of the case explained to Infobae.

According to this source, of the 130 thousand calls to line 134, this case was initiated by the testimony of seven victims. "They called them to the Prosecutor's Office, they asked them how they paid those who asked them for money, and they responded: 'They asked me to deposit it in an account.' They were asked 'And do you have proof?', and the victims responded 'yes, look, this is the bank transfer, this is the group chat where they asked me to transfer, these are the names, these are the people who punished me and they would take me off the plan or they would take me off the list to receive food.' “All of that was contributed by the people.”

“They are unscrupulous people who managed the most basic needs of the people. We are talking about a lot of money. We believe it is about 700 million per month. “It's a lot of money,” revealed spokespersons with access to the case.


The press conference given by the picketers denounced by the government and who are being investigated by Justice
Beyond the complaints, the evidence and the $70,000 seized, the leaders who were in the eye of the storm gathered in front of the National Congress and held a press conference to denounce alleged persecution and criminalization of social protest. They did not speak about the evidence, the audios, the testimonies, the chats. For now.
I don't understand why they need this structure? Why did they set this up in the first place? Nothing in Argentina seems to make sense and it's no wonder they have so many problems. I don't pretend to understand Argentina but daily I read about fraud, fraud and more fraud by the government. Why would any local citizen be against fixing all of this??
I don't understand why they need this structure? Why did they set this up in the first place? Nothing in Argentina seems to make sense and it's no wonder they have so many problems. I don't pretend to understand Argentina but daily I read about fraud, fraud and more fraud by the government. Why would any local citizen be against fixing all of this??
This very structure was set up to allow fraud and theft. Many times higher ups are getting kick backs and bribes to set this up. There is a large % of people that never want to see the system improved because there are thousands of people milking the system and making illegal gains. Many Argentines want to see an end to this and it stopped but many want more of the same. This is the struggle going on right now in Argentina.