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Politics More riots and tension in Congress: protesters threw stones and Molotov cocktails at the police - Infobae

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More riots and tension in Congress: protesters threw stones and Molotov cocktails at the police -Infobae​



June 12, 2024

The incidents occur in front of the Legislative Branch building. The activists set fire to a car and have been clashing with the security forces for an hour. The session continues inside the Senate Chamber

By Andres Klipphan and Eduardo Menegazzi

The surroundings of the National Congress became a battlefield in which protesters and security forces clashed, from minutes before 4 p.m. on Wednesday, June 12. Social organizations, picketers, leftists, Peronists, human rights organizations, neighborhood assemblies and unions demonstrate in rejection of the Base Law that is being debated in the Senate . The objective is to pressure parliamentarians to reject the Executive Branch's initiative.

Serious disturbances occurred after 4 p.m. in the vicinity of Congress (Jaime Olivos)

The strongest clashes take place in front of the Congress building. A car set on fire, gases, and projectiles flew in every direction, in front of the Plaza de los Dos Congresos. The police fired rubber bullets, pepper spray and used water cannons to disperse the activists who attacked the fence. For more than an hour, the corners of Callao and Rivadavia, on the one hand, and Entre Ríos and Yrigoyen, on the other, were a true powder keg.

Bases Law: more riots and tension in Congress

The Federal Police, National Gendarmerie, PSA and 600 members of the Buenos Aires City Police supported the operation, while dozens of militants from leftist parties constantly threw stones, sticks, bottles and Molotov cocktails.

The car that was set on fire belonged to Cadena 3, the media outlet from the province of Córdoba that arrived in the City of Buenos Aires to cover the session in the Senate.

Bases Law: in the midst of the riots, protesters set fire to a Cadena 3 car

Around 5 p.m., the report from the security forces reported that only one detainee was arrested in connection with the incidents. However, the images reflected a hand-to-hand fight between the police, in which projectiles of all kinds flew. In the area, the air became unbreathable as a result of the gases that the police used to deter the attacks of the activists, who aimed to interrupt the session in which the Base Law is discussed.

Bases Law: more riots and tension in Congress
The incidents were a continuation of what had happened around noon, when protesters had managed to block traffic on Callao Avenue. At that first moment they were evicted by the police, in a maneuver that ended with one detainee and five opposition deputies , who were part of the demonstration, injured by tear gas. These are Eduardo Valdés, Carlos Castagnetto, Leopoldo Moreau, Juan Manuel Pedrini, Carolina Yutrovic and Luis Basterra. From that list, Castagnetto had to be hospitalized. Two hours later, the riots returned.

Left-wing activists threw stones and Molotov cocktails and the police responded with gas, rubber bullets and water from fire trucks (Jaime Olivos)
In the same place, the activists began to throw stones and Molotov cocktails at the cordon set up by the police. The response was forceful: the fire hydrant truck sought to dissuade the protesters and explosions were heard. Tension invaded the scene, as rubble, tiles and blunt objects flew.

The police advanced on a woman who threw herself on the ground to prevent the passage of the police cordon
While the incidents do not stop, the debate on the mega project that the Government seeks to approve during this day continues in the Chamber of Senators, although the senators are no strangers to the incidents and several of them moved to interrupt the debate given the incidents. that occur in the vicinity of the legislative palace.

Deputy Eduardo Valdez received gas in the face during the demonstration in front of Congress

The word of the heads of the operation​

“The bosses in charge of each of the positions are in front. In alert position. The order is not to respond to the provocations but to enforce the protocol,” they explained to Infobae from the Ministry of Security. After the incidents, the decision was made to completely fence off the intersection of Callao and Rivadavia to prevent other columns from joining those who had already clashed with the Federal Police. The same thing happens in other parts of Plaza Congreso. The idea is to hinder access to other protesters who will now have to turn around and walk through Solís and enter from Hipólito Yrigoyen.

“The repressive operation only confirms what we have been denouncing. "That within the Chamber of Senators they are preparing to vote on a law that is completely anti-people and looting," said left-wing city representative Celeste Fierro , who after confronting the police announced that her organization and left-wing picketers, headed by the Polo Obrero “we are going to stay if necessary until dawn to prevent the senators from selling out the country.” “It was an armed provocation,” said left-wing deputy Nicolás del Caño .

In dialogue with this medium, from the Unified Command those close to Minister Bullrich affirmed that the decision of the Ministry of Security is to enforce the protocol but, in addition, that the legitimate right to claim is developed without incident. “ Don't think about throwing a stone, lifting a tile, because no, there are limits ,” Bullrich had warned when consulted by Infobae .

The police evict the protesters who block Callao Avenue in rejection of the Bases Law
After three in the afternoon the tension dropped, stones, frozen water bottles and the remains of glass containers that the picketers threw on the Gendarmerie, Prefecture and members of the Federal Police were left on the asphalt. That moment of relaxation was taken advantage of by the leaders of the operation to set up a second fence, one hundred meters from Rivadavia and Callao to circumscribe the most violent group.

As support for the infantry groups, the hydrant trucks were positioned in front of the Congress Plaza. The most violent groups are on the fence deployed earlier on the front of the square located parallel to Entre Ríos. Shortly before 3:45 p.m., and after a barrage of stones and cobblestones, one of the fire hydrants acted to push the protesters back. One of the officers was injured. It was a prelude to the serious rioting that occurred an hour later.

The order of the Unified Command is that the columns do not break the siege. They have information that extreme groups are trying to reach the Legislative Palace to throw blunt objects against the windows. After 4:30 p.m., that scenario finally came true.

(Jaime Olivos)

The surroundings of the Legislative Palace are fenced and security inside Congress and access to the place was reinforced. Four federal forces intervene in the operation: Airport Security Police (PSA), Gendarmerie, Prefecture and Argentine Federal Police (PFA) . They are supported by infantry, special groups and motorized brigades. Five hydrant trucks lead the deployment.

As they did on other occasions, the picketers and social movements reached the vicinity of Plaza Congreso, in front of the parliament, by public transportation . From early on, smaller groups began to meet at subway and train stations such as Liniers, Once, Lima, Retiro and Constitución, among others. The union groups, on the other hand, arrived at the meeting points along Avenida 9 de Julio in long-distance buses and left immediately to avoid being penalized for being improperly parked.

Luis Basterra, UP deputy, was hit by the gas thrown by the police

All the organizations that make up the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP) and the Classist and Combative Current (CCC). the Evita Movement and Barrios de Pie were the social movements that organized the protest early on.

Also the unions that make up the CGT, such as truck drivers, the two CTA, the Association of State Workers, Kirchnerist sectors, Peronist mayors; officials of the Buenos Aires government of Axel Kicillof.

The Polo Obrero, the MST, FOL, Nuestra América, the National Piquetero Bloc and the MST-Teresa Vive were also present at the protest that caused the riots.

The situation got out of control late in the afternoon in front of Congress. Inside, the debate over the Bases Law continues (Jaime Olivos)
Bullrich is not doing what needs to be done. As simple as that. Next time she says "el que las hace las paga" someone has to ask her when they are going to start paying for the damages and disturbances and also, why wait until they get to do any damage? Stop the mobs BEFORE they get to do damage.

People have the right to peacefully protest but this is not it. Nothing peaceful about what happened today.
Bullrich is not doing what needs to be done. As simple as that. Next time she says "el que las hace las paga" someone has to ask her when they are going to start paying for the damages and disturbances and also, why wait until they get to do any damage? Stop the mobs BEFORE they get to do damage.

People have the right to peacefully protest but this is not it. Nothing peaceful about what happened today.
1000% I thought she was going to be tougher on these thugs! No one should get to the point of setting cars on fire and if they do they need to go to jail for a long time!