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Real Estate Sales Mortgage loans: Banco Nación has already received more than 25,000 applications, Manuel Adorni confirmed - La Nacion Propiedades



Mortgage loans: Banco Nación has already received more than 25,000 applications, Manuel Adorni confirmed - La Nacion Propiedades



July 2, 2024

Of the 20 banks that launched their mortgage credit lines, Nación is the only one that offers an anti-inflation cap on the installments


Banco Nación mortgage loans came into effect on May 20 and more than 25 people have already requested them

The return of mortgage loans to Argentina has not only revolutionized the real estate market but also represents an incentive for more and more people to be able to access their own housing . Of the 20 banks that launched their own lines, Banco Nación announced that, since it came into effect - on May 20 - “ it has already received more than 25,000 applications ,” according to what was announced this morning by the presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni.

The aim of the entities is clear: to facilitate access to housing for those who dream of owning their own home or renovating their home. “Argentines have a prosperous future again,” said Adorni.


Manuel Adorni said in a press conference that more than 25,000 people have already requested mortgage loans

Applications to access the “+Hogares con BNA” line are available on the entity's website for those who wish to apply for the loan, for which US$4 billion will be allocated.

The key fact about the line announced by Nación is that, unlike the rest of the entities, it has a key benefit for clients who receive their salaries at the bank: “Families who request the loan will be able to contract an option that has a cap against inflation ,” announced Daniel Tillard, the president of the entity.

The initiative arises because these are loans that are updated based on the evolution of inflation, an issue that generates fear of demand due to the possibility of the installments skyrocketing. However, specialists clarify that it is not only important to look at this variable but also the fluctuations in people's real salaries , which, ultimately , is what will determine whether a person can meet the commitment .

Mortgage credit is the true expression of social justice, without it only 5% of the inhabitants who own a home are able to acquire property, while the remaining 95% do so through inheritance and not because they managed to buy it,” said Tillard.

Mortgage loans: How the Banco Nación's "anti-inflation" cap works​

Clients who receive their salaries through Banco Nación (employees, retirees and pensioners), when requesting loans for a single, permanent home , will be able to contract an option that will allow them to set a cap on the installment : “The cap results from applying an adjustment to the loan through the salary variation coefficient and, only if this adjustment is less than the installment adjusted by UVA, will the cap occur,” explains the president of the BNA.

The difference in the amounts will be carried over to the end of the loan, updated by UVA , and once the payment schedule is finalized, the resulting balance will be rescheduled. This can be paid with a personal loan or with a mortgage extension. Tillard announced that this option will have a premium of 1.5% per year. However, “only after 180 days of the loan being disbursed, applicants will be able to choose this option,” he concluded, thus giving debtors time to decide whether they want to take that alternative or not. Therefore, the loan goes from having a rate of 4.5% to 6% per year.


There are already 20 banks that have announced their mortgage credit lines: Banco Nación offers an anti-inflation option

Requirements and conditions to access the mortgage loan from Banco Nación​

  • The maximum amount is $105,000 UVAs (about US$90,000 -at the MEP rate- or approximately $90,000,000.
  • Financing is up to 75% of the sale value of the home to be purchased, which must not exceed a total of 140,000 UVAs (about US$120,000 - at the MEP value).
  • Payment method in UVAs.
  • The rate is 4.5% for bank customers.
  • The ratio of the quota to the applicant's income must not exceed 25%.
  • The term to request the loan is 5, 10, 15, 25 and up to 30 years.
  • The loan is intended for the purchase, replacement, construction, renovation and expansion of homes throughout the country, as well as for the acquisition of a second home.
  • The maximum age to apply for it is not to exceed 85 years at the time of completion of the payment schedule.
  • You can add income from the cohabiting family group or from non-cohabiting co-debtors.
