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Real Estate Sales Mortgage loans from Banco Nación: the key information from the Government to request loans - El Cronista


Mortgage loans from Banco Nación: the key information from the Government to request loans - El Cronista


June 14, 2024

On May 20, the country's most important official financial institution launched a new line for the acquisition, exchange, construction, renovation and expansion of homes. All the details about amounts, interest rates and requirements.


On May 20, Banco Nación launched its new line of mortgage loans , " +Homes with BNA" , aimed at the purchase, exchange, construction, renovation and expansion of homes throughout Argentina.

The program of the most important official financial entity in the country received thousands of applications in the first two weeks of validity, in news that was celebrated by the national government but that raises a question about the possibility of expanding the offer.

" Banco Nación granted loans in May for US$ 1,586 million, an absolute record and great news in pursuit of the reactivation of the economy that we are beginning to see. This figure represents 53% more than the previous month, and 639 % in relation to May of last year," reported spokesman Manuel Adorni on Tuesday, in his usual press conference.

"When these data are broken down, it can be seen that US$1.2 billion were allocated to finance working capital investments for SMEs and another US$300 million to personal loans for different uses. In addition, 16,200 applications were received for mortgage loans, a program that came into effect on May 20 and originally plans to deliver 40,000 loans in three years ," the presidential spokesman explained.

More than a dozen banks presented their own lines of mortgage credit in the last month, among which are Ciudad, Hipotecario, Galicia, ICBC, Santander, Supervielle and Macro.

Banco Nación 's proposal , unlike the rest, stands out for an additional benefit: those clients who receive salaries from the BNA can "cap" the fee by applying an adjustment to the loan through the salary variation coefficient for an additional cost of 1 .5% annually.


Banco Nación mortgage loans: amounts, interest rate and requirements

This is a mortgage loan program for the acquisition, renovation, construction and exchange of single and permanent homes throughout the country.

Jurisdictions that have tax treatment that do not make loans and the instruments necessary for mortgages more expensive will be prioritized , explained the head of the bank, Daniel Tillard.

Amounts, interest rates and requirements

  • The maximum amount to be financed will be 75% of the value of the home.
  • The maximum amount per credit will be equivalent to 105 thousand UVAS, approximately 90 thousand dollars at the MEP dollar rate.
  • The value of the home should not exceed the equivalent of 140 thousand UVAS , approximately 120 thousand dollars at the MEP dollar rate.
  • The capital will be adjusted by UVA variation and an interest rate of 4.5% APR will be added.
  • The ratio of share to income may not exceed 25%.
  • The term of the loans will be 5, 10, 15, 25 and up to 30 years .
  • Those who request the loan will be able to contract an option that will allow them to "cap" the fee . This limit will result from applying an adjustment through the salary variation coefficient, to avoid inflationary jumps.
  • This clause will be optional , will have a premium of 1.5% per month and may only be exercised 180 days after the credit is granted.

Banco Nación mortgage loans: who can access them?

  • Recipients: BNA clients in a dependency relationship , retirees and pensioners who receive salaries from the institution.
  • Age limit: 85 years at the time the installment schedule ends.
  • Income from other members of the cohabiting family group or non-cohabiting co-debtors may be added.

Mortgage loans from Banco Nación: where to apply for them

The application can be started via the BNA website . Then, you must check that you have received an email from the bank in the inbox of the email address you provided, in order to proceed with the registration and the sending of data.

Then, an account officer will contact you to continue the process and coordinate a meeting to present the corresponding documentation.

Mortgage loans from Banco Nación: what documentation must I present to apply for the UVA mortgage loan?

The following personal and work documentation must be presented:

  • National Identity Document (DNI) and photocopy thereof.

If you are an employee in a dependency relationship:

  • Last 3 pay stubs.
  • Latest ANSES summary or proof of compliance with employer obligations obtained through the AFIP page identified as "My contributions."
  • Certificate of employment registration (CUIL), assigned by ANSES.

If you are self-employed:

  • Proof of pension contributions from the last 6 months paid.
  • Certification of Net Income (net profit) issued by a public accountant with a signature certified by the Professional Council of Economic Sciences for the last 12 months.
  • Proof of Registration.

If you are a monotributista:

  • Original and photocopy of the last 6 Monotributo payments.
  • Proof of registration for the monotax.

Retirees and Pensioners:

  • Last 3 retirement and/or pension collection receipts.
