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Real Estate News Mortgage loans: There was a flurry of inquiries and demand is excited about “owning your own home” - La Nacion Propiedades



Mortgage loans: There was a flurry of inquiries and demand is excited about “owning your own home” - La Nacion Propiedades



May 18, 2024

Almost a month after the return of mortgage credit, there are already more than 64,500 inquiries in five banks that have their lines active to request a loan of this type.

By Maria Josefina Lanzi


Mortgage credit: there are already 13 banks that offer them

“In recent years of mortgage credit history in Argentina there have been few offers, which is why we understand that this new window has sparked a boom in inquiries,” Gastón Rossi, director of Banco Ciudad, revealed to LA NACION . In a week in which three new private banks joined the mortgage lending game , inquiries also grow and a new stage begins that will reconfigure the Argentine real estate market.

Among the banks that are already active with the possibility of
requesting credit, and that shared figures, the queries total 64,558 (which include emails, questions to the chatbot , forms that are completed to request data, calls and visits to the branch). The launch of these mortgage loans began on April 23 with Banco Hipotecario at the helm, and less than a month after the first announcement, there are already 13 banks that have joined the proposal (the Hipotecario, the Nación , Supervielle, Macro, Santader, Ciudad, Galicia, BBVA, Del Sol, ICBC, Bancor (Córdoba), Banco de Corrientes and Banco Provincia del Neuquén) and many recognize that the lines woke up the hornet's nest of demand.

Among these 13 entities, seven have active lines of credit (it is now possible to request a loan and begin the process of purchasing a property), while the rest announced their proposal, but it is not yet possible to make the application or the operation. Of the seven active entities, LA NACION was able to access the query numbers of five of them.


After almost five years in which there was almost no mortgage credit offer in Argentina, there are now 13 banks that announced lines of this type of loan

It is a joy and very good news for the real estate market that there is mortgage credit ,” reflected Martín Boquete, director of Toribio Achával. For his part, Rossi explains: “In the historical series, at the times of greatest mortgage lending boom in Buenos Aires (2016-2017) between 30 and 40% of total transactions had a mortgage associated with them. That is, when the mortgage loan begins to pull, the impact it has on transactions, real estate purchases , is very significant .”

José Rozados, director of Real Estate Report, shares Rossi's view and points out: “ The effect of credit on the real estate market can be observed very well by correlating deed data with the periods in which there was credit .” Clearly the figures are the highest and coincide with the last five years of the 90s and the last period of 2017/2018."


Real estate agents are convinced that property sales will be reactivated with the return of mortgage credit

How the queries come in each of the banks​

Banco Ciudad is one of the entities with active lines of credit and details that there have been more than 13,000 formal inquiries through the page form since it was launched on April 24. 95% of them have already been contacted and 40% (about 5,200) are already pre-qualified to request it (they have sufficient income to request it) and are looking for a property to proceed with the purchase. They have not yet carried out any purchase and sale operations with mortgage credit since, as Rossi explains: "It is difficult for any to be imminent due to the operational times that this process takes and because the line was announced in the last days of April."

Banco Supervielle also has the active loan line and reveals that it already has mortgage loan applications underway and that, although the boom was felt especially in the first week in which they launched the line, demand remains constant. It details that they have had more than 100,000 visits to the website in the first seven days of launch, and they have accumulated 6,000 queries between the chatbot , calls and interviews in the branches.

Banco de Córdoba accumulated 8,435 queries between May 6 and 13 , which included phone calls, the internal chatbot , WhatsApp emails and networks. In their case, there was already a credit offer, with which this month they granted 25 loans for $967 million, but these are credits granted before the last lines announced .


Belgrano is in the top 5 most sought after areas to buy and rent

The Mortgage Bank is also active and details that it has had more than 43,000 simulations on its website and more than 36,000 people who registered to receive information . It is logical that the numbers in your case are high, since you were the first financial institution to launch into the market and offer these loans.

Finally, the Banco de Corrientes accumulates 1,123 queries ; They include questions for loans for home acquisition and for the purchase of land.

For its part, the Nación is not yet active, but it has a simulator on its website, which has had more than 65,500 visits since the launch of the credit, on May 8, until May 12 , and accumulated 164,784 visits as well. to your website.

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