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National Strike on January 24 (Paro Nacional) - Are the Flights going to be Cancelled? Will I have issues flying into Buenos Aires

Digital Nomad

Well-known member
Hey folks,

My husband and I are scheduled to fly into EZE on January 24. I see that there is a national strike scheduled for the Paro Nacional on January 24. Is this a sure thing? Will I have issues? Should I change my flight to arrive a day or 2 before? It will be VERY expensive to do that but I don't want to fly in if there are issues. Thanks.
Ah, the mystical world of strikes in Argentina – it's like trying to predict a surprise party that even the organizers aren't sure about! Brace yourself for the rollercoaster, my friend, because these strike plans are like a soap opera plot twist – unpredictable until the last minute! If you've got the flexibility, why not dance around the strike drama by rebooking for a day or two before? It's like being fashionably early to a chaotic party – you avoid the mess! Or, if you're feeling a bit rebellious, roll the dice and go for a day or two after, but beware: you might end up with more delays and side effects than a questionable magic potion. The strike saga – it's a comedy of uncertainties!
Ah, the mystical world of strikes in Argentina – it's like trying to predict a surprise party that even the organizers aren't sure about! Brace yourself for the rollercoaster, my friend, because these strike plans are like a soap opera plot twist – unpredictable until the last minute! If you've got the flexibility, why not dance around the strike drama by rebooking for a day or two before? It's like being fashionably early to a chaotic party – you avoid the mess! Or, if you're feeling a bit rebellious, roll the dice and go for a day or two after, but beware: you might end up with more delays and side effects than a questionable magic potion. The strike saga – it's a comedy of uncertainties!
Ok thanks. I guess I will hope for the best. I thought I read somewhere they are suspending the labor reforms. Are they still going to do the strike if it's suspended?
Ah, the mystical world of strikes in Argentina – it's like trying to predict a surprise party that even the organizers aren't sure about! Brace yourself for the rollercoaster, my friend, because these strike plans are like a soap opera plot twist – unpredictable until the last minute! If you've got the flexibility, why not dance around the strike drama by rebooking for a day or two before? It's like being fashionably early to a chaotic party – you avoid the mess! Or, if you're feeling a bit rebellious, roll the dice and go for a day or two after, but beware: you might end up with more delays and side effects than a questionable magic potion. The strike saga – it's a comedy of uncertainties!
still writing like a ChapGPT bot!

I will cross my fingers.
hope you make it out; maybe we can ask the pot-bangers Avocado and CheVos to leave the airport alone, and not be violent

I thought I read somewhere they are suspending the labor reforms. Are they still going to do the strike if it's suspended?
i think no matter what actually passes, law-wise, the professional protestors "Piqueteras" will 'protest' as long as Milei is in charge; it's simply a tribal reaction...they have no idea what they actually want, other than a Peronist/Kirchnerist to be in charge.

i think just got for it, since there's no way anyone can predict if you'll have issues. plus, don't waste the money. hopefully nothing happens like last time. the Peronists are pretty stupid, so it would be surprising if they managed to organized anything significant tomorrow. especially since the government has made it clear if you protest, you don't get paid your gov't salary, and if you violate the law and block roads, your free sh*t/welfare is cut-off.

AND: https://www.expatsba.com/threads/in...neral-strike-scheduled-for-january-24th.1429/
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I think Milei's approach is smart so far with protesters threatening to arrest if they block the roads, etc. I saw where they said they might deduct the salary for the day of anyone going. I doubt they will do that but the threat probably will prevent some. Nothing I hate worse than protesters blocking the road. Protest peacefully if you want just don't block the roads.
Finally this judge rule for protestors allow them to protest.
