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New Argentine Currency Launched to Offset Milei’s Shock Therapy


Active member
Who in their right mind would accept these Chachos? I know several provinces tried this in the early 2000's and eventually people were able to cash them in but does anyone really think that anyone will get made whole on their Chachos?

Who in their right mind would accept these Chachos? I know several provinces tried this in the early 2000's and eventually people were able to cash them in but does anyone really think that anyone will get made whole on their Chachos?

I'm curious where they even got the money to print these and how much it costs to print? You'd think the cost to print them probably would take quite a bit of money. I don't see Milei giving them money to exchange these in the future. Is there any probability that the provinces will be able to pay these back in the future? Especially with interest?
I'm curious where they even got the money to print these and how much it costs to print? You'd think the cost to print them probably would take quite a bit of money. I don't see Milei giving them money to exchange these in the future. Is there any probability that the provinces will be able to pay these back in the future? Especially with interest?
I read that public employees in that province are paid with that currency, and in fact, the province would require some businesses, like gas stations, to accept it as a payment method. Honestly, I don’t think this new implementation will work. Argentina already has experience with Lecops and Patacones, remember those?
