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Politics New bonus for retirees and pensioners: the Government made financial aid of $70,000 official - Infobae

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New bonus for retirees and pensioners: the Government made financial aid of $70,000 official - Infobae​



March 21, 2024

The measure was made official in Decree 268/2024 published in the Official Gazette. It will be collected in the month of April and is also intended for those who have salaries less than $134,445.30

The financial aid for retirees and pensioners will be delivered in the month of April (Photo: Bloomberg)

Through Decree 268/2024 published this Thursday in the Official Gazette , the Government of the Nation made official social security financial aid for retirees and pensioners. It will be collected in the month of April and the maximum amount will be $70,000.

According to what was published in the decree, which bears the signature of Nicolás Posse and Sandra Pettovello , the country is “going through a situation of unprecedented severity” in such a way that “profound imbalances are generated that negatively impact the entire population, especially socially and economically.”

Faced with this context and the impact of “an accelerated rise in the price index”, it was considered that older adults with lower incomes are those who are most affected. For this reason, the bonus will be allocated to said social group.

So far, the Executive has provided two pension financial aid for a maximum amount of $55,000, which were granted in January and February 2024. In addition, another financial aid was provided for $70,000 paid in the month of March, “thus addressing contingencies that the beneficiaries of the Argentine integrated pension system (SIPA) who are in the lowest income range go through,” indicates the official bulletin.

Given that the socioeconomic situation continues to impact older adults, the delivery of a new bonus was established. For this reason, in article 1 of decree 268/2024 it was established: “A pension financial aid is granted for a maximum amount of seventy thousand pesos ($70,000), which will be paid in the month of April 2024.”

Said financial aid will be intended “for those holders who, for the sum of the assets of all their current benefits, receive an amount less than or equal to pesos one hundred thirty-four thousand four hundred forty-five and thirty cents ($134,445.30) . Within this framework, “the beneficiaries of the Universal Pension for the Elderly, established by Article 13 of Law No. 27,260 and its amendments” will also be included.

According to what was published, the bonus will also include “beneficiaries of non-contributory pensions for old age, disability, mothers of seven (7) children or more and other non-contributory pensions and ex-gratia pensions whose payment is the responsibility of the National Administration of Social Security (ANSES)”.

In article 4, the decree clarifies that for those holders whose sum of all benefits reaches an amount greater than the amount of $134,445.30, “the pension financial aid will be equal to the sum necessary until reaching the limit of pesos two hundred four thousand four hundred forty-five and thirty cents ($204,445.30).”

Regarding those older adults who are beneficiaries of a pension, it was established that “whatever the number of co-participants, they must be considered as a single holder for the purposes of the right to the pension financial aid granted by this decree.” .

The bonus will be the fourth given to retirees so far in 2024

Finally, it was highlighted that in order to receive pension financial aid, the benefits must be current in the same month in which their settlement is made, and it will not be subject to any discount or computable for any other concept.

With this decree, the Government continued new financial aid for retirees. Last month, the Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo, regretted that Congress did not approve the Omnibus Law, which was intended to change the mobility formula. “It is harmful for retirees but for all Argentines. We cannot afford to let that formula continue to prevail. If we take it, this year the Treasury benefits by 2% of GDP. “Retirees would earn 2% of GDP less,” he said.

Last Tuesday, the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, ratified the government's decision to return to the issue in Congress by ensuring that "for now, the DNU formula is not an alternative because we believe that the debate is something that should take place between all sectors, which politics must provide.”

And he maintained that the formula that replaces the current one, established by the government of Alberto Fernández, will be a “retirement formula that will follow all those logics: that it does not harm the retiree, that it complies with the fiscal balance and that it is discussed by all the sectors.”