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Real Estate Sales New construction prices in Villa Urquiza rise - Reporte Inmobiliario



New construction prices in Villa Urquiza rise - Reporte Inmobiliario



August 30, 2024


After 4 consecutive years of declines, this year the prices of apartments under construction rose. 20th annual survey of the area.
For the twentieth consecutive year, Reporte Inmobiliario surveyed the Villa Urquiza area bordered by Roosevelt, Alvarez Thomas, Congreso and Triunvirato Avenues. On this occasion, 19 developments were detected, a number very similar to that of last year.
Of the 19 developments located within the analyzed radius, the vast majority are projects that have less than 5% progress (12 of the total).


The average value of the developments that are formally offered for sale has risen in the last 12 months after 4 years of consecutive declines. The percentage by which the values have increased is 10.85% on average. The current values have recovered to around what was requested in 2018, after having fallen by 7% in total.
The current average value reaches US$3,083/m2. The values per m2 fluctuate within a minimum range of US$2,868/m2 and a maximum of US$3,261/m2.


In this case, the number of developments that are not in the formal sales process (14 in total) is striking. This could be due to the fact that the latest changes in construction costs are generating doubts among developers as to what value to sell or not.
Covered parking spaces are requested between US$ 28,000 and US$ 30,000.


The one used in the area​

In the survey area, which covers 16 blocks, there are 199 used apartments for sale.
The average value of used units with 1 to 4 rooms is US$ 2,512/m2, 18.5% below the average for brand new units.

