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Real Estate News New problems for renting: there is more supply, but the costs and requirements to access a home have skyrocketed - Infobae



New problems for renting: there is more supply, but the costs and requirements to access a home have skyrocketed - Infobae



February 15, 2024

It is estimated that paying a new rent requires more than 50% of your income. What is advised and what a tenant should pay attention to before signing a contract

By José Luis Cieri


It is estimated that the Buenos Aires supply for rent is around 10,000 apartments and 400 PH (illustrative image Infobae)

Although the supply of properties for rent has grown at a rapid pace since the Rental Law was repealed through the Government's DNU and it is estimated that the supply in CABA is around 10,000 apartments and 400 PH, the problems for tenants have skyrocketed. when making a new rental contract due to the high costs that must be allocated.

In addition to the high amounts required to make a new agreement – you have to pay close to $1,300,000 to sign – it is also challenging to be able to pay rents of more than $350,000 per month, which in thousands of cases represent more than 50% of income. that employees receive in a time of high inflation.

Today in CABA a three-room apartment, the apartment that a family with one or two children requires, costs no less than $350,000 with peaks of up to $800,000 a month.

As the real estate supply expands, so do the requirements. Before the implementation of the DNU, the standards used to be more conventional: one month in advance, one month of deposit, proprietary guarantee or surety insurance, and proof of income. After the implementation of the DNU, the new parameters include 2 months of deposit and some real estate agencies that try to impose a commission of 6%, a figure higher than the legal limit established for the owner, which is 4.5 percent.


The supply grew but the prices are high for the pockets of employees (Illustrative image Infobae)

Graciela Taboada and her family temporarily rent a two-room apartment in Saavedra in a building with amenities. She pays $350,000 until March and she had to move her furniture and other belongings to a storage unit until she could get a property for a long-term contract.

“In my search that covered Palermo, Recoleta, Retiro or Barrio Norte, I witnessed an amazing variety on the part of real estate agencies: from payments in pesos to dollars. Exorbitant sums are requested for apartments in a state of disrepair that at another time you could have been paid to occupy. Some owners insist on payment exclusively in dollars in cash, rejecting the option of transferring the equivalent in pesos according to the free dollar rate or making a transfer to a dollar account. In terms of figures, during the course of the year I did not find any option below $600,000 or USD 600, even for 60 square meter apartments. Furthermore, in all cases, the issuance of an invoice is a ruled out possibility: all transactions are carried out in cash and entirely in the informal economy,” he detailed.

Among the abusive requests, some real estate agencies asked for a commission when in CABA the tenant should not pay it.

“I was also faced with a request to pay a disproportionate amount for the necessary Land Registry reports for the guarantee. Although these reports had an approximate value of $1,000, they demanded $40,000 from me,” Taboada added.

In some cases, the owners modified their conditions for tenants looking for housing in CABA. Now, they require surety insurance instead of the traditional Buenos Aires province guarantee, for example, if the interested party works in another district.

Pedro Suárez, who is looking for a new home after his rental contract in Liniers expired two months ago and resorted to an extension of the agreement that expires in March, faces the requirement to provide salary receipts that cover, at least, the equivalent to three rentals, a condition that he considers unattainable.

Furthermore, with anguish, Pedro pointed out that he was warned that the contract will not contain an end date, since it is an agreement between the parties. Faced with these conditions, he finds himself at a crossroads: accept everything or embark on a new odyssey in search of a home.

Conditions and advice

“The terms are one or two years maximum. The potential tenant (or family) must have a demonstrable net income of a minimum of three times the rental value plus expenses. And in general, with some exceptions in very select areas of countries or Puerto Madero, the values are in pesos,” said Alberto Loyarte , Real Estate expert and real estate broker.

An important aspect when deciding to rent is the guarantee. The usual thing in CABA is to request a CABA owner with demonstrable income, but in GBA guarantees from the province of Buenos Aires are being accepted, and in some specific cases of certain activities, two people who have the same activity with their income receipts can be accepted. salary.

Also if you have pay stubs or other demonstrable income, you can accept rental bond insurance, which covers rent and services until the property is vacated.

Another aspect to consider is the security deposit, which can be the number of months set by mutual agreement between the parties, or adjusted periodically or in foreign currency (even if the contract is in pesos).

Loyarte added: “The main object of the consultations by owners is about the index to apply for the adjustment and its frequency. In general, quarterly and semiannual adjustments are proposed and the most used indices are the CPI or the Lease Contract Index (ICL).

Another aspect that must be taken into account is that just as “the freedom of the will of the parties” was taken into account when concluding the contract, if the evolution of the rental relationship begins to be detrimental to any of the parties, it will also Due to this “same freedom of the will of the parties” contracts can be modified at any time and even several times throughout the contract.

“These modifications must always be in writing,” Loyarte clarified.

The Argentine Tenants Union reported that, in the current context and with deregulated agreements, the most appropriate thing for tenants is to have private guarantees or surety insurance, such as having a salary receipt. Ricardo Botana , president of the entity, highlights that extensions continue to be predominant, and the complaints received focus on increases that exceed 200% year-on-year in several cases.

In this context, tenants are recommended to be attentive and obtain adequate advice before signing, since some contracts may include monthly or bimonthly increases that financially affect those who must pay for their home.

“Both guarantees and insurance and the requirement of physical guarantors are accepted. However, it is crucial to read the contract carefully before signing,” Botana concluded.
