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Real Estate Sales New Tax Amnesty: Details and Expectations from the Sector - Reporte Inmobiliario



New Tax Amnesty: Details and Expectations from the Sector - Reporte Inmobiliario​



September 06, 2024

The analysis of the asset disclosure regime served as the starting point for the new networking space led by Real Estate Report.


The real estate sector and the construction industry, which are closely related, constantly face challenges and opportunities. While this is common across the global industry, it is even more pronounced in the unique context of our country. Understanding, delving into, debating, and exchanging knowledge and opinions is a suitable way to avoid or mitigate shocks and find mechanisms that lead to successful solutions that generate value.

With this spirit, Real Estate Report inaugurated a new meeting and exchange space for the entire real estate chain at the MARQ Museum of the Central Society of Architects in Buenos Aires on September 4.


The new capital amnesty was the central topic of this inaugural meeting of the Real Estate Report Club, which attracted high-level officials and executives from companies and institutions, filling the venue to capacity.

Cesar Litvin, a leading authority on tax and fiscal matters, opened the meeting. Dr. Litvin provided a detailed presentation on timelines, deadlines, rates, and conditions for each case.


Issel Kiperzmind, Vice President of the Urban Developers Chamber (CEDU), actively participated in the event, highlighting comparative figures from previous amnesties and identifying the expected profile of potential candidates for disclosure this time. "The stage of the economic cycle in which this is being implemented is extremely favorable for those allocating funds to projects, as everything indicates that we are slowly moving through the price recovery phase," was one of the many valuable insights shared by the president of the developer Dypsa.

Meanwhile, Gustavo Llambias, Vice President of the Housing Entrepreneurs Association (AEV), reflected on the attitudes that developers interested in enabling their projects for the amnesty should adopt, clarifying both the necessary actions to achieve this and some possible strategies to attract capital to their projects.

The closing cocktail provided an opportunity to continue discussing the amnesty topic within the framework of a friendly networking session among the attendees of this inaugural Real Estate Report Club meeting.