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Politics Nicolás Posse and Guillermo Francos will discuss the restitution of the Income Tax with the governors on Friday - Infobae

Don Jorge

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Nicolás Posse and Guillermo Francos will discuss the restitution of the Income Tax with the governors on Friday - Infobae​



March 07, 2024

The return of the fourth category and possible modifications in this tax will be one of the issues that will be discussed during the meeting with the provincial leaders in Casa Rosada

By Federico Galligani

The Minister of Economy Luis Caputo, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, and the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, coordinated the invitation to the governors to begin the path towards the May Pact

With the invitations already officially issued, the national authorities were awaiting confirmation from the governors to the meeting organized for next Friday at the Casa Rosada in which both parties will begin conversations to try to reach a rapprochement before the signing of the May 25 Pact.

As President Javier Milei himself anticipated in his opening speech to the ordinary sessions of Congress, the idea of this call is, in addition to discussing the 10 State policies that this administration intends to agree on in the long term, also to reach a certain consensus with the provincial leaders to approve as many of the reforms as possible that were in the Omnibus Law and, in parallel, a fiscal package.

According to what different sources anticipated to Infobae , during the meeting at Balcarce 50 one of the topics that will be discussed will be the Income Tax, which was modified at the end of last year by the then Minister of Economy, Sergio . Massa .

In the midst of the presidential campaign, the leader of the Frente Renovador eliminated the fourth category of this tax, thus benefiting thousands of workers, but affecting the coffers of the provinces, since the funds collected through this mechanism are shared.

Guillermo Francos will begin the dialogue with the governors, ahead of the May 25 Duck (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian/Pool)

For this reason, after the change in management and the assumption of Milei, the governors began to demand that the situation of this tax be analyzed again and the ruling party itself sent a law to annul the changes made by Massa and return to the previous scheme.

However, with the fall of the Omnibus Law, the National Executive Branch also withdrew that initiative and the entire discussion returned to zero until next Friday, when the fiscal situation of the provinces will begin to be debated once again.

Although the current Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo , will not participate in the meeting, because he will be in the Dominican Republic for the annual assembly of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the regional leaders will be received by his Interior counterpart, Guillermo Francos , and by the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse .

As anticipated by this medium, some of the leaders of Together for Change who will go to the Casa Rosada even already had drafts with their proposals for a fiscal pact, most of which include the restitution of Profits.

Although nothing is defined yet, one of the measures that Posse and Francos could present to the governors is to modify again the floor from which this tax is paid, but establish a new system of scales so that the percentage charged is more gradual.

Caputo will not be able to participate in the meeting with the governors (REUTERS/Tomas Cuesta)

The objective of the national authorities is for taxpayers to contribute more money as their salaries move away from this non-taxable minimum, to alleviate the burden of those in the lowest categories.

The bill that the Government sent to Congress at the end of last January contemplated a floor of 1,250,000 pesos for singles and $1,590,062 for married people with two children, so some 800,000 people were going to return. to pay this tax.

Last Tuesday, the Minister of the Interior confirmed that the national government will finally present a proposal to restore profits, although the fine print of the initiative, according to Infobae , will emerge from the dialogue with the provincial leaders.

It is a request from the governors that we help them solve their fiscal problems. In that sense, we are going to propose the implementation of the income tax,” the national official assured the media present at the opening of Expoagro, which takes place in the Buenos Aires town of San Nicolás.