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Politics Nine Kirchner provinces joined together to demand more funds and food for social assistance - Infobae


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Nine Kirchner provinces joined together to demand more funds and food for social assistance - Infobae



February 29, 2024

The Ministers of Social Development of Buenos Aires, La Rioja and Formosa, among others, asked the head of Human Capital to “reverse the decision to freeze and defund social assistance programs.”

By Andres Klipphan

The ministers of Social Development from nine provinces opposed to the Government of Javier Milei met yesterday at the House of the Province of Buenos Aires, located in the Federal Capital, to analyze the latest measures taken by the La Libertada Avanza administration, such as the elimination of the Empower Work program and requiring “dialogue channels.” At the end of the conclave, the officials signed a document, through which they demanded to “ reverse the decision to freeze and defund social assistance programs .” They also expressed their “deep concern” about the “reduction of food assistance policy.” The meeting was called by the Minister of Development of the Buenos Aires Community, Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque .

In the document, the ministers requested in writing from Pettovello “ the reestablishment of dialogue channels ” that would allow the generation of policies “in accordance with the complex social situation that our country is going through.”

In addition to the host, the meeting included Diego Fernando Álvarez , Minister of Social Development of the province of La Pampa; Alfredo Menem, Minister of Development, Equality and Social Integration of La Rioja; Ángel Hugo Niccolai , Minister of Social Development, Human Promotion and Institutional Relations of Santiago del Estero; Lucas Castelli , Minister of Labor and Labor Development of the province of Neuquén; Gloria Giménez , Minister of the Community of the province of Formosa; Juan Pablo Muena , Minister of Human Development and Solidarity Articulation of Río Negro, Fernando Meza , Minister of Social Development, Women and Youth of the province of Misiones and Adriana Chapperon , Minister of Citizen Welfare and Justice of Tierra del Fuego.


The nine ministers of Social Development from nine opposition provinces demand from Sandra Pettovello "channels of dialogue" and to reverse the "definancing of social policies"
“Brutal adjustment for the most vulnerable”
“The Ministers of Social Development of Argentine provinces met in order to analyze the social situation that vulnerable sectors are going through and request the Minister of Human Capital of the Nation, Sandra Pettovello, to open channels of dialogue to coordinate assistance. food and require that he reverse the decision to freeze and defund social assistance programs , which contain thousands of families suffering the consequences of the social and economic crisis that Argentina is going through," begins the text that was submitted to Pettovello's portfolio. .

Although the meeting had been managed by Larroque several days ago in conjunction with the “definancing of social policies”, it coincided with the Milei Government's announcement to eliminate the Empower Work program and take management of the plans away from the social movements.

Also yesterday, from the Buenos Aires town of Quequén, Governor Axel Kicillof also pointed out the Government's social and economic policies.

Governor Axel Kicillof accused Javier Milei of wanting to “melt down the provinces” and pointed out that the resources that the Nation cut do not affect “the caste, nor the politics, but the people of Buenos Aires” (Aglaplata)

The former Minister of Economy of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner accused the president of wanting to “ melt down the provinces ” and pointed out that the resources that the Nation cut do not affect “ the caste, nor the politics, but the people of Buenos Aires .” He also pointed out that the national administration is carrying out a plan to “abandon” society and believed that the national State “is erased” from its responsibilities.

“Given the adjustment that the National Government, public officials are applying, we have the duty to articulate and generate responses to the demands that come from the most unprotected sectors. For this reason, we ask Minister Pettovello and the Secretary (of Children, Adolescents and Family) Pablo de la Torre , to open communication channels, convene a dialogue table and bring together the Federal Council for Social Development as soon as possible, to analyze the scope of national decisions in each jurisdiction and respond to the affected sectors,” stated the ministers of the nine provinces.

“A devaluation of 118%, a rise in inflation of 25.5% in the month of December and 20.6% in the month of January and more than 50% of Argentines in poverty, cannot go accompanied by a brutal adjustment in the most vulnerable sectors,” the officials said. Meanwhile, they criticized that Javier Milei “demoted” the Ministry of Social Development to a secretariat that depends on Human Capital, like the former Ministry of Labor.


"There are sectors that cannot wait and our role as public servants is to respond to the citizens of the Argentine provinces," said the Ministers of Social Development of nine provinces.
For the provincial officials who deliberated yesterday, the secretariat that depends on Pablo de la Torre “ is not giving results ” and considered that: “The first measures to cut labor inclusion programs (by Potenciar Trabajo), to strengthen the popular economy, “Urban integration projects, early childhood and food programs, without announcing overcoming policies, are generating more inequalities and consolidating the social vulnerability of the population .”

For the ministers: “Social Development is a crucial area that has worked actively with all governments since the crisis of 2001. Until President Javier Milei took office, no government went so far as to cut food aid so drastically. to the picnic areas and school cafeterias” and they expressed their opinion, based on their experience in the territory: “We are facing an unprecedented and serious situation for the most unprotected.”

Piqueteros and social movements complain about the lack of food in community kitchens EFE/ Juan Ignacio Roncoroni

In the document, the ministers request “a response as soon as possible” from the Minister of Human Capital and noted: “So far, the Government has only announced that, during the first half of the year, the adjustment will be very hard for the Argentines and Argentines. There are sectors that cannot wait and our role as public servants is to respond to the citizens of the Argentine provinces.”

At the end of the meeting, which lasted more than two hours, the officials interpreted that “the meeting was key to confronting the food emergency and the massive adjustment imposed by the national government” and that it had already led to “a crisis that is growing in the neighborhoods.” "people from different provinces" and that the meetings will continue to "take action measures" against "the savage adjustment of the Milei Government."

Among the claims by the ministers, also present in the debate was “the elimination of provincial funds that were allocated to food programs in each of the provinces” and that “by decision of the national government, the provinces stopped receiving amounts that were used for different assistance programs,” such as the Fiscal Strengthening Fund, which the president took from the province of Buenos Aires and for which Governor Axel Kicillof will demand, from the Supreme Court, its return.

On this issue, Kicillof warned: “This fund is also linked to programs such as school cafeterias and food modules in schools. This is health, education, security and food for the people of the Province. That's what Milei retired."


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