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Economy No barriers: a project seeks to free up technology imports, how will it impact? - El Cronista

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No barriers: a project seeks to free up technology imports, how will it impact? - El Cronista​



September 18, 2024

By Belen Ehuletche

The Executive Branch will seek to convert into law a project to reduce to zero the tax rate on IT and Telecommunications goods that enter or are exported to Mercosur

Through a bill to prevent the State from establishing prohibitions or restrictions on exports or imports for economic reasons, the Executive Branch seeks to remove barriers to the entry of IT and Telecommunications goods, such as computers or cell phones .

The initiative, signed by PRO deputies Daiana Fernández Molero and Alejandro Bongiovann , was introduced to the Chamber of Deputies just a week ago, so it has not yet been discussed in the Committee . There, legislators will have to debate the measure, which, if it goes ahead, will remove incentives for local production, concentrated in Tierra del Fuego .

In its first article, the project begins by replacing article 609 of Law No. 22,415 (Customs Code) to incorporate modifications, among them, that the National Executive Branch cannot establish prohibitions or restrictions on exports or imports for economic reasons.

In this sense, among the economic prohibitions , it describes: a) ensuring an adequate income for national work or combating unemployment; b) executing monetary, exchange or foreign trade policy; c) promoting, protecting or conserving national productive activities of goods or services, as well as said goods and services, natural or plant resources.

In addition, it adds reasons such as: d) to stabilize domestic prices at convenient levels or to maintain a supply volume adequate to the supply needs of the domestic market; e) to meet the needs of public finances; f) to protect intellectual, industrial or commercial property rights; g) to safeguard good faith in business, in order to prevent practices that could mislead consumers.


Direct impact​

In terms of economic impact, the opening of the technological market will discourage local production , which in the extreme south of the country generates 8,500 direct jobs and another 7,300 indirect jobs.

In the technological hub of Tierra del Fuego , 94% of cell phones, televisions, air conditioners, microwave ovens and automotive electronics used in Argentina are manufactured thanks to tax benefits .

Iphone for everyone​

The document, which aims to free up the market for technological goods so that "they are accessible to Argentines," proposes lowering to zero percent the rates applied to products entering from MERCOSUR until December 31, 2028 or "for as long as the MERCOSUR Common Market Council maintains authorization to apply rates other than those of the Common External Tariff (CET)."

"The applicable rate for the Extra-Zone Import Duty (DIE) to the tariff items of the Common Nomenclature of MERCOSUR (NCM) included in headings 8471, 8414.5, 8473.3, 8473.4, 8473.5, 8517, 8518, 8544.7 and 9001.1 of the nomenclature shall be set at ZERO PERCENT (0%)," states Article 2.

Furthermore, it authorizes the Executive to extend this tariff treatment to other tariff items of the Common Nomenclature of MERCOSUR (NCM) that are considered Information Technology and Telecommunications Goods under the terms of Decision No. 8/21 of the Common Market Council of MERCOSUR.

Finally, the project incorporates as the third paragraph of article 70 of the Internal Revenue Law that: "The tariff items of the Common Nomenclature of MERCOSUR (NCM) included in items 8414.5, 8473.3, 8473.4, 8473.5, 8517, 8518, 8544.7 and 9001.1 of the nomenclature are subject to a rate of 0% , regardless of their place of manufacture."