Northern zone: prices of apartments for sale continue to rise - La Nacion Propiedades

Zona norte: los precios de los departamentos en venta siguen subiendo
Así lo aseguraron los números de un informe, que también revelaron que la suba de precios va al mismo ritmo que la de CABA

February 13, 2025
This was confirmed by the numbers in a report, which also revealed that the price increase is going at the same pace as that of CABA.

Apartments in the northern zone rose less than in the City Ricardo Pristupluk
Property prices continue to rise and the northern region is no exception. This was confirmed by the latest Zonaprop report, which showed that the number of square metres of property listed rose by 0.6% in January, accumulating a year-on-year increase of 3.5%.
This percentage increase is the same as that recorded in CABA in January, which also had a 0.6% monthly growth. However, if we look at it year-on-year, the 3.5% increase in the northern zone represents half of the growth recorded in CABA, which had a 7% year-on-year increase in January.
According to the numbers, the square meter was located at US$2,246 in the northern zone this month, with an average listing price of US$111,423 for a one-bedroom apartment of 50 m², and a value of US$166,320 for a two-bedroom apartment of 70 m².

This dynamic of increases was already seen throughout 2024, when the m² accumulated a rise of 3.1% in the northern zone, while in CABA this percentage was 6.8%. In this way, the city registered the year with the highest increase in the square meter of publication in the last seven, since since 2017 - when UVA mortgage loans were booming in Argentina - there had not been increases of that level.
Diego Cazes, general manager of LJ Ramos, explains this difference in the dynamics of the areas by pointing out that Capital Federal is dragging very low values that never settled after the pandemic: “ The confinement made everyone want to go green and in CABA the price of properties began to fall, because there was no demand, while in the north zone the values rose.”
In any case , Santiago Mieres, director of the real estate agency of the same name, says that there is less and less room for negotiation in the northern zone (properties are sold at a price closer to the originally published one, without leaving much room for haggling) , so that, when it comes to finalizing the purchases, prices are indeed rising. In addition, he points out that many owners have withdrawn their units from the market, with the expectation of being able to sell them in a while, when prices rise due to the mortgage loan, so that, “with the lack of supply, prices should also rise.”
When analyzing the listing prices in each neighborhood, Vicente López remains on the podium, with the highest prices, with an average of US$3,282/m². La Lucila and Olivos follow behind, with a m² at US$3,280 and US$2,960, respectively. On the other hand, the most affordable neighborhoods in the northern area of AMBA are Parque San Miguel (US$751/m²), Barrio Infico (US$927/m²) and Grand Bourg (US$943/m²).

Vicente López is the most expensive neighborhood in the North zone with an average price of US$3282 per m2Zonaprop
Is it worth investing in renting?
In GBA North, the rent/price ratio remains stable and stands at 4.83% annually. Currently, 20.7 years of rent are needed to repay the initial investment, 21% less than a year ago.
As for the ranking of the neighbourhoods with the highest profitability, Boulogne Sur Mer leads the list by a wide margin, with 9.9%. It is followed by Belén de Escobar and San Miguel, with 7.9% and 7.6% gross return, respectively. On the other hand, Manuel Alberti is the neighbourhood with the lowest profitability advantage, with a return of 4%.

In GBA North, the rent/price ratio remains stable and stands at 4.83% annually