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Now Milei blames Massa for the Spike in Blue Dollar - Could it go to 4,000 pesos to $1 US Dollar?


Well-known member
Funny that Milei is still blaming Massa for everything. Now he is blaming him for the sudden spike in exchange rate. I am not financial guru but scary to hear that the peso can go 4,000 pesos to $1 US dollar. 😱😱😱

Funny that Milei is still blaming Massa for everything. Now he is blaming him for the sudden spike in exchange rate. I am not financial guru but scary to hear that the peso can go 4,000 pesos to $1 US dollar. 😱😱😱

Not sure how those puts work but scary that it's legal and would cause the value of the peso to plummet so much. Many locals I talk to won't stockpile pesos at any price. Seems like everyone only wants to save dollars here. I guess for good reason.
Well you used to blame Macri for everything so you an Milei are even? XD
Every good or bad thing is all politicized now. I doubt Massa is behind this. Bankers will always find a way to profit. No loyalty to country. If there is a way to legally make money it seems like bankers are going to take it.